I'm sexist against my own gender.

In my opinion women cannot do as much as men, that is why there are two different genders. Women are trying to hard to be equal, then are getting angry when treated as much. Me are beginning the treat women as they ask, just like men. This means chivalrous, caring men are few and far between, but disrespectful, cheating, shit bags are more common. I do believe women should have small jobs, and take care of the family (why WE carry the kids) and men should work hard jobs, or even multiple jobs, to support their families. At the same time, men have started stepping down, so women have had to start stepping up. They won't do what is needed for their families which means women are actually needing to do more. (This isn't saying this is the way things SHOULD be, but it is my opinion on the way I think they should be. Everyone thinks differently.) Keep in mind I was NOT raised to believe this. I was raised by a single mother and she worked her ass off for me and my sister, and I thank her for that everyday. My dad was a meth addict who was never there. Just wanted to know if anyone else thought this way.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • Energy

    I think women should be equal in society. And they mostly are. Those like you, who want to stay home and take care of the house, can. But those who don't want, should be able to work their ass off in the real world.

    It should be to each her own. If you want to be a stay at home mom then be so, just don't force others too.

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  • ProseAthlete

    Not really normal, no. You're kind of an ass for judging what other people should do with their lives regardless of gender.

    Oddly enough, I've never had any trouble meeting good, honest, caring men who treat women neither as goddesses nor as whores but as people. Maybe it's because I've never assumed they were "disrespectful, cheating shit bags" whose role in life was to be my provider as I loafed around the house polishing my nails and eating bon-bons.

    Men haven't "stepped down" from anything. Maybe you just don't meet good men because you see people as their sex first and as fellow human beings second. Respect all people and their paths in life, and you'll gain respect in kind. Assume that women should stay at home and gestate while men work to support your lazy ass, and you'll probably find the ones who adhere to all the uglier male stereotypes, too -- philandering, emotional coldness, and disrespect for women.

    How can you hope for anything but disrespect from men when you hold your own gender in such contempt? I don't respect you; why should they?

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    • vampydear

      Alright, usually I don't do this, but your opinion was literally so off from what I was talking about up there I have to do this. To begin with, I never said polishing my nails and eating bon bons, dear. I have three kids, and because they are not in school as of right now, and I cannot work, get the words, CANNOT, I take care of them, and obviously you are not a parent, or at least not a parent of multiples, but let me tell you, there is no fucking polishing my nails or even eating half the time for that matter. THAT being said, men have stepped down a lot, maybe you are dating/ and or you are some high class kinda guy, but I have not met a single decent guy in my entire life. I have dealt with more narcissistic assholes whose true goal in life is to fuck as many girls as he can than i have met nice polite gentlemen. And I am not JUDGING anyone for what they do or do not do, again, as I stated, everyone has their own opinion and I will NEVER down someone for choosing to do whatever they want to do. This entire post was to ask and see if anyone felt the same way, NOT to tell women to go to the kitchen. Thank you for your time.

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      • ProseAthlete

        And where in your original post did you mention that you had kids? You didn't, ergo I didn't realize you had them and couldn't work instead of choosing not to work. (For what it's worth, I'm self-employed and work at home as a writer, so that may be an avenue you can try if you're interested.)

        Your original comment still sounds as though you're blaming women for a perceived lack of good men, and I don't understand how you get to that conclusion. I'm sorry you say you haven't met a decent guy in your whole life. That hasn't been my experience at all; on the contrary, there isn't a single one of them I can look back on and regret dating or hold in contempt. I'm married now and have been off the market for a while, but my husband is the prototype of a great man.

        Where are you meeting men, and what are you looking for in them that you're finding such shitheads?

        As for my snotty tone, well, when you title your original article "IIN to be sexist against your own gender?" and talk about how women are responsible for crappy treatment from men, then yeah, I'm going to be a little judgmental! What you're describing doesn't have anything to do with men or women overall; it's something going on within your life that isn't universal. Most people, male or female, are pretty good to each other, and if you aren't seeing that, you are looking for the wrong kind of men. :/

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        • vampydear

          And I do believe the way girls have been acting has caused them to be treated bad. (my generation again.) MOST of the girls run around half dressed doing the absolute best they can to get the worst kind of attention they can, and so they are treated as how they act, and in my opinion guys have really started to act the same way. too. But this is really just from what I'm around with people my age.

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        • vampydear

          Mkay, after reading that, I probably SHOULD have explained a bit better.
          For starters, I think it is more of my generation that is the problem, also where I live. I'm only 20 and to be completely honest, I am right in the middle of the 'swag, yolo' kids. The last thing I heard a guy say about his girlfriend is 'I should cheat on her, at least until she cheats on me then I can leave her.'
          Kids my age (I am not truly sure how old you are) have this whole different perspective on life, a really bad perspective. (Not ALL of them, but all that I have met.) And they treat girls as a game, but girls do the same with guys.
          Although that has always been an issue between some girls and some guys, it's becoming more often.
          On the sexist part, I do think that girls have pushed the issue of feminism too far. I do think that if a man and woman are married she shouldn't ever feel the NEED to have to go and work (rephrasing from she SHOULDN'T work.) This is excluding single parents or women who chose to do it on their own.
          And yeah, I guess I've kinda always gone after shitty guys.. But my opinion is based off of all of the guys I know. (grandparents, parents, step parents, partners, cousins, friends, uncles..) But I HAVE started to think about it, and the men that are not from where I am from are usually a hell of a lot better. Not to categorize Texas, but we really do have some shit bags here.
          I really wasn't trying to be rude with you earlier, I just got extremely offended and I am not completely sure why, so I do apologize.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I don't think men have stepped down at all, I think you may just be involving yourself with the wrong crowds. :/ I think we should kill this idea of chivalry as some special thing that women get because they're women. How about we're all chivalrous, to everyone, regardless of gender, age, or attractiveness because it's the nice thing to do?

    We do as genders have different strengths and weaknesses, but we do as individuals as well. In some families based on personality alone the man could very easily be the one better suited for the caretaker role, people are such myriad creatures they sort of naturally resist being easily lumped into a category. The more self aware one is, the harder it becomes to fit those categories.

    All that the equality movement sought to gain in the beginning was equal treatment in the eyes of the law. Right to hold a job, right to own property, right to use a credit card, right to say no. There are still women in many countries that don't have these things. :/

    Socially? We're all kinds of factioned and fucked up, and nobody even knows what equality is anymore. Feminists are fighting their own ideaologies thanks to the vocal extremists bickering over trivialities. Many Men's Right's activists are disenfranchised with the feminist movement because of these extremists. There aren't enough egalitarian thinkers letting their voices be heard and we are divided.

    The funny thing is men have become the more restricted social group now. While women are becoming freer to express themselves in more different ways without judgement, men who try to cross that gender barrier are still met with persecution. Can we stop has gender roles and just be people guise?

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    • sheven

      Can I just say that feminism stands for the equality of all sexes, and feminists are fighting for men who wish to break gender stereotypes just as much as women who wish to step out of their gender roles. It's just that because females are expected to be more passive and docile and dependant on their partners for everything, and being the housewife or the cook in the household and women who aren't do not have the same opportunities as men (e.g. the wage gap - which is a real thing I will fight you on this, a study of people with the exact same resumees and the only difference being gender revealed that women were offered much less money and had lower chances of acceptance, there is also sexual harrasement - much more common in men - in the workcase which is a boss asking sexual favours of women or risking getting fired).

      There is a heavy stigma around feminists being 'too radicalized' or whatever and wanting women to have more benefits than men but these people are as much of a feminist as the bastards who make rape jokes and jokes about women being inferior.

      Never mistake these people for feminists. That's like calling out a religion composed of millins of people for the actions of a hundred who have warped the religion to something it does not stand for.

      Even now, I know of friends who have parents who strongly believe in gender roles. For example, believing that men have to be strongest people in a family and still, the sons are the ones most likely to inherit assets from parents. Recently, I've visited some of my own relatives (the first time in a couple years) and I was blatantly reminded of the very 'traditional' ideeologies these people hold about genders and how women and men should act and dress.

      Still, even now, women aren't being recognised as much as men in the world, and are often objectified and sexualised in the media (Around on in three women making an appearance in a movie is sexualised and there are much more male than female speaking characters too).

      Yes, men are restricted as a gender in some ways, but the amount of shit women still have to go through in this day and age is a shitty and needless obstacl that feminists are fighting for.

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  • dappled

    Well, it's a hugely complicated issue and it'll never be summed up properly by me in a paragraph but I think there are many areas in which women exceed men's abilities just as there as some things men are better at. I understand the drive to make us equal but I don't agree we should all be the same. We should have equal rights, but not be equal as in identical.

    One thing that often gets missed is the idea of both genders playing to their own strengths for mutual benefit. We're not at war with each other, nor should we be.

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  • iheartu2013

    And why can't there be a female president? The only reason I could think of is that people from some third world countries would not respect a female president. There are some differences in men and women, but that does not mean that a woman can't do as much a man. For some things a woman has to work a little harder, and for other things a man has to work harder than a woman.

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    • User-name

      I'm from America and even I doubt I'd be able to respect a female president. I could barely deal with Obama since I knew every other criticism thrown his way would be argued with the old "You only hate him because he's black!" card.

      I simply have a tough time respecting women in leadership roles unless they've impacted me in some personal way. A women president is no different, if one happens in my lifetime I'd have no choice but to adapt.

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  • Shrunk

    I feel similar. Men and women are different scientifically, so not everything can be "equal", as a women I have no problem admitting men tend to be physically stronger and more logical - there is all kinds of evidence on that. Women tending to be gentle and emotional-thinkers - it's complementary to men's so they can live together in balance...

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    • sheven

      I agree that men and women are different in some ways, and it doesn't mean that they are incompetent in what they do. Yes, women tend to be more 'gentle and emotional thinkers' (probably due to environmental factors and an upbringing with an emphasis on being compassionate and kinder) and men tend to be more physically stronger, but I'm pretty sure with logical reasoning, both sexes are equal in evaluating risks and consequences of actions etc. it's just that males are more likely to act with less regard to emotions.

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  • sheven

    Honey, if what you want in life is a husband who will work whilst you stay at home caring for kids, that's fine. But don't take away the opportunity for a strong career from women who want's to support her family herself and don't shoot down the men who want to stay with their kids instead of being in the workplace.

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  • Aewe101

    I am to, like for example i would never in my life want a female president and I'm a female. I just feel like there's just some things in life that men are better at and it annoys the hell out of me when girls are like, Omg "I can do anything a man can do" when honestly half the time they can't.

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  • -Solitude-

    Don't put me in charge of kids. It's not gonna end well. I would like to have a kid, but s/he would need a father who could help me when s/he started showing these things called "emotions".
    My point is, I believe we should look at each other as individuals. There are men who are "feminine", and women who are "masculine". And they aren't necessarily homosexual. Personally, I think of myself as androgynous, leaning towards feminine.

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  • nozzy

    I am sexist against men, but no one would ever be able to guess it if I never said it. I'm a young woman and i've been around men, and to be honest, i'm not too impressed. men are annoying and vain and cowardly, at least the ones in my town are. women are stepping up, and i shrug and say let em. for thousands of years men have been top dog, ladies turn :P

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