I'm sick of older people acting like their generation was perfect

To be clear, I'm not praising this generation, nor am I discrediting the actual good things of the previous generations. I think this generation, in ways, is quite pathetic. However, I'm becoming increasingly irritated at the amount of older people bragging about their generation rocked so much and using any and every thing to deride the present generation. The worst part is that a lot of those people even appear to make stuff up to bash the present generation. For example, I hear people say stuff like "I miss the 60's/70's/80's/90's because back then the world was peaceful and everyone was caring and helped each other, but now the world is in turmoil nobody cares about anyone but themselves". Oh really? Remember the Rwanda Genocide, the Vietnam war, the war in Afghanistan, Pol Pot, the Congo war, Columbine Massacre, the Srebrenica Massacre, the Bhopal disaster, and the Oklahoma City and Atlanta bombings, not to mention Kitty Genovese? And the last time I checked, Reddit users flooded a cancer-stricken child with pizzas and even Anonymous helped bust child porn.

Now, I am not trying to defend this generation. If you want to say this generation sucks, go right ahead. However, I am getting sick and tired of many of the people from older generations bragging about how their time was so perfect and like heaven while ignoring any of the bad things that happened, and then exacerbating every and any bad thing about this one.

Is it normal to be irritated by this?

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Comments ( 11 )
  • DumBelle

    Meaning you were a child in the 90's. Which I was too, but I do not doubt the older generation is "correct" in certain cases, they have plenty of great points.

    This generation will pull out a cell phone and record someone dying/being beaten (before even considering to help) for the sake of posting the video on Vine, Facebook and Youtube -- this is not to ignore how crappy some of the 60-90's generation would be too, given they had cell phones, like today. This generation does try harder to find viral and sensational material, while indulging in it themselves, simultaneously.

    Being so involved with living on the internet, and needing constant distraction, does have detrimental effects; people ARE less caring, present, involved with family, interaction with other people becoming more of a challenge, (social anxiety ensues) and now, texting becomes more "dangerous" than drinking and driving. They are not "less caring" strictly because of the internet, but being so involved with petty stimulation/distraction, they do fail to understand how serious something can be (even if it happens right in front of them) You could blame a lot, but the only obvious difference, the internet/cell phones.

    This generation would act like they are suffering, without internet access and feel incredibly discontent. Yes, people can deliver sick kids pizza and birthday cards (it becomes viral) and everyone jumps on board, that exposure could be good -- but do not disregard how vapid those same people can be -- in the same breath, you hash-tag something incredibly important, but believe that is all you can or should do. #Kony2012 #BringOurGirlsHome #HostageReporter #There are a million hash-tagged issues, but no one would actually leave the comfort of home and DO much. Michael Brown had so much exposure and it became hash tag central, in light of his death, but the "villain" cop has thousands more dollars in donations, than [deceased] Michael's family. By at least 200k.

    It is evident that people will forget an issue, quicker now, than they would "then" and do less, because "more" appears to be re-tweeting an issue, as opposed to being proactive. Of course there is tragedy for every single decade, that's obvious, but it is how people react to them now, that is important. If you genuinely believe people do "more", not less, for others today... Then you're plugged in, all the same.

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    • Those points are really great, and some of them are undeniable. However, this post wasn't about defending this generation, but about how people from past generations act like their generation was so perfect. Nobody's going to deny that technology has causes a lot of social problems unique to this generation onwards.

      Also, I wasn't saying that it was wrong to say people might be "less caring", but that how people said stuff like "Everyone cared back in the days and now nobody cares". I'd like them to see the international response to the 1994 Rwanda Genocide where up to 1,000,000 died in a span of a couple of months.

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      • Eric118

        Also you haven even been through those times, the 70s and 80s, so you have no right to talk about them based on the shits you read. Its upto people who lived during that period and are alive in the current period to deside which period is better. You know absolutely nothing!!!

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  • shuggy-chan

    but but the 90's

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    • ...were the time when we were watching Nickelodeon cartoons and jamming to grunge and pop while millions died from genocide and wars overseas.

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    • RoseIsabella

      ... were a great time!

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  • I'm tired of it too, man. I'm 19 and I don't fit the description they are giving us, at all. I'm not selfish, irresponsible, inconsiderate or anything else I've heard some of the elderly call the younger people of today's generation. I have strong morals and values and most of my beliefs (not religious though, stopped believing in fairy tales when I was a child) are quite old fashioned. I believe in respect and the value of marriage and family, I believe in helping people and animals and I am not one of those self obsessed morons posting selfies and other useless content on social media sites. I don't even have facebook or twitter. I have a blackberry and use blackberry messenger to communicate for free with my family, friends, and boyfriend. I also like having access to the internet because I've learned so much by reading articles, mostly medical, online. I don't go out drinking every weekend, I live a normal life with my boyfriend. When he gets home we'll eat dinner, bath and watch some series before we go to bed. Not all young people are inconsiderate assholes, and not all older people can say they had the best generation ever. Hitler was from generations ago.

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  • Swan_Theif9854

    What they mean to say is, back when gays stayed in the closet, women didn't question their roles in society, and no one questioned the bible. Ahh closed minds.

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  • Negima93

    I'm young myself. I'm in my twenties. I can't stand how elderly people bitch about how we're rude, inconsiderate, lazy, and selfish. A lot of elderly people are some of the most rude people I've ever met. I think you should treat people with respect if you want to get respect

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  • 100% normal. It does get annoying sometimes. Perhaps tell them next time: "Oh, you hate this generation so much? Who on earth raised this generation anyway?"

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  • ThisIsImpossible

    I wish it were 1958 right now. Just cus they claim drugs were so much better and easier to get and I finally could afford to ride my bike cross country wherever whenever, and I'd be getting old right when everyone turned gay in the 80's. Fuck that would be awesome. Well everything but the 80's lol.

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