I'm sick of this "freedom of speech" excuse
To be clear, it is true that at least in the USA, people are free to say whatever they want without legal consequences. However, I am sick of people using "freedom of speech" as if it frees them from other people from turning the tables on them or that it gives them complete immunity from any consequences. For example, I see in comment sections about someone saying a bunch of inflammatory things and people start defending them by saying "It's freedom of speech, stop bashing him". Of course he is free to say that, and it is legal, but that doesn't mean that people aren't free to give him the finger and call him a *********. I'm also perfectly free to say "Your vocal chords deserve to be severed".
tl;dr: Freedom of speech is okay, but I am sick of people using it as if it gives them immunity from any (non-legal) consequences.