I'm sticking to my values

People are going to be humiliated for the rest of their lives, driven crazy, because when they get angry at me constantly it's not my problem, it's theirs.

I'm sticking to my values, I stand for morality and doing the right things.

I stand for normality, and fuck any weirdo who doesn't like it, I carry the normal, the regular like a badge of honour, my existence should be a compliment.

The reason I'm not leaving my house is because I don't have enough money, where will I go? I'm trying to cut my housemate out of my life.

People are always ruining my life and they ruined my life for exactly 38 years (I'm 38).

You hate, you get angry, shut the fuck up, just shut up, old men hate me a lot, and I don't obey them and don't have to, you can't ignore this stuff, if it happens to you you have to talk about it.

My housemate has a problem with me, he's angry, he's a beast, he's a monster, and every day I want as hard as I can for him to die.

You can't handle me, I hate him, I hate everyone, I hate what everyone has become after the day I was born, I can't make this stuff disappear, and I hope I never seize opportunities again!

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Comments ( 12 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Hey Hansberger, how are you holding up, man?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Cool, and everything is painful difficulty, lack of money means I can't move anywhere.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Can you get a part time job?

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        • normal-rebellious

          Of course I can, and will in time.

          There's no way the doctors are going to humiliate me without myself politely asking for pills, the biggest stench of stupid marketing when if this was should land the doctors will pay you if you're not satisfied with the medicine or the prescription and then the optimists will all line up to be reproved by the pessimists into a dose of reality, and the manufacturers won't let you buy corn, rice, or wheat without signing some painstaking forms to get such grains in two weeks, to make an agreement with the merchants, and the spice merchants will discreetly supply you with chili or curry with a warning that it may cause a weak stomach, that's what things should be.

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          • RoseIsabella

            The spice must flow.


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            • normal-rebellious

              That's good.

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    You're not normal. Posting something like this isn't inherently normal, but it's not necessarily a bad thing either.
    However, if it is affecting your happiness and ability to get along with others, you may have some sort of issue you are not realizing or acknowledging. You could have some psych issues.
    Again, not meant to be insulting, but normalcy tends to be attached to a person's individual happiness and typically don't have to come online to tell strangers they are normal and everyone else is the problem.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeah, alright, I'm happy, and you can count your lucky stars I'm not in Kentucky annoying people. However not a bad thing, but if people are done with me I'll be coming home with confrontation.

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  • Saturnian

    So you are the problem. Get help.

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    • normal-rebellious

      The problem is my housemate, I'm not the problem.

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      • Saturnian

        If it was serious, you would do something about it instead of writing here and also not wishing death on someone.
        Control what you can, that is yourself.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Oh yes, I can control myself.

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