I'm tired of the way black people act; is it normal?
Okay here is the deal. I belieived the teachers, and the sitcoms on tv, and the movies, that blacks were no different from whites and everyone was equal.
But thn I graduated High School and met blacks on my own. Guess what? I can see know that in many ways they act much worse than whites.
If someone listens to music with no headphones in the library--they are black 95% of the time.
Half of the bums I meet are black.
They commit half of all muggings and murders--they are only 12% of hte U.S. population.
They move into and destroy whole cities it took whites centuries to build (Detroit anyone?).
They blame all their problems and failures on whites.
And most of all I hate how liberals stand up for them and agaisnt whties no matter what (affirmative action anyone?). IS IT NORMAL?