I'm tired of the way black people act; is it normal?

Okay here is the deal. I belieived the teachers, and the sitcoms on tv, and the movies, that blacks were no different from whites and everyone was equal.

But thn I graduated High School and met blacks on my own. Guess what? I can see know that in many ways they act much worse than whites.

If someone listens to music with no headphones in the library--they are black 95% of the time.

Half of the bums I meet are black.

They commit half of all muggings and murders--they are only 12% of hte U.S. population.

They move into and destroy whole cities it took whites centuries to build (Detroit anyone?).

They blame all their problems and failures on whites.

And most of all I hate how liberals stand up for them and agaisnt whties no matter what (affirmative action anyone?). IS IT NORMAL?

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 3404 votes (2290 yes)
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Comments ( 137 )
  • I'm black and it's true, a lot of them just don't have parents who tell them how to behave themselves. Many of them are also missing fathers to serve as positive role models. Even if you grow up with a natural sense of goodness, if you go to a public school with bad children, there's a chance you'll be corrupted too.

    So, it's the parents' fault. Just don't condemn a whole group of people because most of the ones you meet are a certain way. You'll likely find educated, proper blacks in majority-white places because their parents are moderately successful people.

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    • crazydaveog

      this guy is right on point!! there is no superior race.just cultures that need to catch up to the the ones who have had the luxury to become more culturally advanced. Its so taboo to even mention any races short comings these days, for fear of being branded racist.It is a shame that so many black people have to be judged because of the actions of the few.Everyone under 20 thinks im a racist but im a realist. There ARE a disproportionate amount of black people who wont conform to the bqasic standards of society. Until we stop turning a blind eye to it, (as the new generation is doing.)all the yelling and screaming for equal rights mean nothing. black people themselves should stop tolerating it!! Or nothings really going to change.Thanks for your objective view on this subject,you have my most sincere respect.

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    • noexcuses

      Quit making excuses. It's 2015. Ya'll know ya'll should quit having a bunch of kids you can't afford to raise. Or refuse to raise. You're all out of excuses.

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    • JsphHodgon

      blame who ever you want but after 17 years parents ar no longer at fault. ITS YOUR CHOICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    • Treees

      This guy is the only one who gets it.

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    • jcuffee

      So called black people are not equal to any other race on the earth, we are suppose to be above all races. But because we disobeyed The Most High we were led into captivity and our identity was stolen from us. We were destroyed a as a people through slavery. We have to turn back to the Most High and follow his laws, statutes and commandments and stopping trying to integrate with other nations, who are our enemies and will never think think we are equal to them. One day, we will return to our land in Yahrusalem and know our identity. Keep your head up so called black people who are actually Israelites.

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      • Treees

        Well insted of sending money to starving kids in Africa let's start a fund to send all u fuckers home. The worth thing that ever happened was bringing you people here. Fuck off

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        • Jill123

          You are so right. They are nothing but loud and ignorant garbage. Not all of them, but too many. Just ask them to turn down their music and they will make it louder. They don't give a crap about disturbing others. Especially when I was taking care of my sick Aunt who was going through chemotherapy. They did not care and thought I was racist just because I asked them to please keep their music down. If that is not ignorant, I don't know what is. They are a cancer that destroys everything. Like the clean and quiet neighborhoods. No wonder so many whites move out. They depress me. I can't wait to move away from here. This is no way to live. I know they love to be loud and throw trash everywhere but whites like to be clean and quiet. Blacks hate clean and quiet. It's the way they're raised too. When you're raised by garbage you will act like garbage.

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          • Dominic213

            Complete Agree!! I live in an upscale luxury apartment complex rent is around 1250-1400 a month I moved there for one reason ...to get away from ghetto people , thinking and assuming the rent that high I would have nice quite older friendly neighbors . And for 1 year I lived there and no problems. My apartment complex had no black people only white some middle class Europeans and some well mannered Hispanics (I'm half Hispanic/mixed ) not one single noise complaint no thefts no NOTHIN! Then a group of 3 black people moved in a couple units down from me. within not even one week , already hear em all day waking up and down the walkways playing music loud with their cellphones taking loud as possible , they also act like wild apes when they see an attractive women, they start yelling " hey girl what's good , damn girl u got a fattass " while they stair and make vulgar comments as the women walks away uncomfortable , at that point not one womene walked around my area by the pool to wear there bikinis because the simply didn't wanab hassle with them, About 8 months into the the second years someone how 3 of those black ppl living at the apartment somewhere turned into 7 ppl living there ? And there where all black and just as loud! At this point I wanted to move , there loud play music loud they make it very obviously that their horny when they see a women the act like apes and wonder why??? Anyways so we got 7 blacks in. 2 bedroom apt illegally , I'm no snitch tho and they haven't directly offended me yet.... So one day I say around 11pm at night I get a knock on my door,,,open up it to see one of those black guys at my door to ask me " hey dog I'm your next door Nieghbor any way I can get a 5$ man I play football and just need to eat my fam hasn't sent me money " I responded with , " I'm sorry but I do not have 5$ to give u , and I do not know u and I appreciate if you do not come back here knocking on my door at 11pm" he's like " my bad dog sorry " as he's attempting to look around my body to see what's inside . Week goes by... This time at I say around 1030 at night I hear knock on my door and I go to my door and open it guess who it is? Same black kid , before he even opens his mouth I tell him " look idk who u r this is the second time you come here and really late you look suspicious and you always knocking late hours , u come here again Imma call the cops " so he just kind of says my bad I'm sorry and leaves again, ok this story is getting long I'll try and get to the point speed this up, he came again , for a 3rd time , and I came to the door with my 45 . And held it to my hip as I opened the door so he could see it and I told him this is the 3rd your here after I told u not to I see you as a threat u come here again I'll kill you . So next day I go to the front office to tell my manager what Happen, long story short the same guy I complianed about also had complaints from other residence of him knocking at doors 1-2am and also stoked people's laundry and bicycles and 2 of his other roommates got aressted for breaking into some other apartment comp. down the road , and 2 kicked out cuz the place was over packed only 5 to a apt , conclusion of the story is we had zero problems NONE at all until 3 black niggers moved in everything changed when they moved in I have about 5 more of those story's one of em I was at a gas station left my girl in car and I was paying gas and my girl told me that " black guy behind is in car tried knocking on the window to try to talk to me and I told him to go away and he left when u started walking back " meaning he knew I was with her and decided to be a dirty nigger and try and talk to my girl lmao I walked up to him and asked him " u harassing my girl" he said no with a stupid grin but when he grinded a kinda turned away like he was a cool guy too i guess pretend to look at his gas/dollar ratio (he was pumping has At this point) at that point is when I hit him with a right full power hips turned into it and everything he flew back suprised I was in a rage at this point he basicaly ran off and threatens to come back with a gun and his homies like a fucken pussy, any ways I HAVE NO idea why niggers are loud ignorant , violent , act like virgins, and Call "hustlin" stealing in my experience every nieghnorhood every school , it's always the bLack people ALWAYS STARTING SHIT and I got zero tolerance for it

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            • puertaplata

              Funny how it's always the 3rd time in a story...then I continue reading, waiting for the racial word to come out...& it does. Then, might as well finish being the tough guy that you are, & finish it with a big, tough fight! Awesome story! Should write for Hollywood.

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            • blackgirl

              you the one who started something, " If you don't leave i'm gonna kill you." Minus well go try to kill a black dude. Nigga he will fuck you up, don't forget all the slave owners had were whips and guns but what did we have? common sense. that's right bitch.

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        • Ragnar333


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      • RCC

        The way I've heard it is that blacks are from Ham (son of Noah), whites are from Japheth (Noah son), and asians are from Shem (Noah son). So Noah cursed Ham (father of blacks also the tribe of Canaan) for observing him naked. Blacks because of this curse to this day suffer the affect and make both Shem and Japheth sick to their stomachs as an affliction.

        Here is Genesis 9:22 (though again I've just heard this and don't claim to be a theologian. '"Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside. 23But Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were turned away, so that they did not see their father's nakedness. 24When Noah awoke from his wine, he knew what his youngest son had done to him.…So he said, "Cursed be Canaan; A servant of servants He shall be to his brothers."He also said, "Blessed be the LORD, The God of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant. 27"May God enlarge Japheth, And let him dwell in the tents of Shem; And let Canaan be his servant."'

        So we see why Blacks are the lowest of the races. And why they have been slaves to both the Asians (Shem) and Europeans (Japheth). And interesting because the Lord Jesus did come for the east Asians (Shem), but the Europeans accepted their lord as their own (so that is why I suppose whites are in Shem's tent). Also enlarge Japeth probably meant his lands, when he would migrate and settle the rest of the world by seafaring and planes.

        That said I don't hate blacks but I find their lawless ways irreconcilable with those who want order, truth, production, and quietness. Really we shouldn't be mixing it up. Segregation is a good idea, we should separate on different continents. We could then trade with our blessed brothers Shem.

        Actually I do feel sorry for blacks as the cursed brothers they have been. But that sorrow can only go so far without worrying if they are going to slit our throats for a bag of groceries or i-phone.

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        • RCC

          Actually though a curse is just speaking bad of someone. I've been cursed in my own family and well it wasn't fun. And the truth is that God can overcome any man's curse (yes even Noah's) with a blessing. One only has to accept his Son as messiah (teacher) and follow the father's commandments. So yes there are good blacks that found the spirit of God and are now equals if not better than whites. But it also explains why 95% of them are evil. And yes whites and asians can also be evil if they are of evil spirit.

          So the stab in my heart is saying what I did above even though I believe most of it is true, because I do not want to curse (speak badly) of blacks either. I just want them to straighten up and accept God, and stop lying they are the chosen people and they invented planes and electricity. We do want a brotherhood with them, but not a brotherhood with evil and cursed.

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          • Ripley22

            Better then whites? That's hilarious.

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      • noexcuses


        If I were you I'd start from the top. Read it all. Keep an open mind. Then come back and let's discuss slavery. K? Thx..

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      • crazydaveog

        WE ALL HAVE TO CONFORM. Crying is weak,violence is met with violence.Respect is earned.No one is superior! Stop preaching the ideas that so many have fought so hard to crush.Police your own and rise above,even if your starting from a harder place than some. Teach your children how to rise above.Not how to be angry victims.Then I will not have to question if your a good one or a bad one.

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      • Ragnar333

        More delusional thinking from a person indoctrinated by a cult created by an ethnic group so ashamed of themselves and their culture they have to try to steal other peoples culture and heritage to make themselves something they aren't.

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  • Purples

    I'm not White, nor Black, or even a Mexican. With that said, I don't know why Blacks automatically think it's "JUST WHITES" that are racist towards them. Mexicans don't like them (And at least they work) Asians (All Kinds), Middle Easterners, Europeans, etc, etc. Blacks are not liked universally. So they have to ask themselves why? And stop thinking it's just Whites and going back to slavery and civil rights. That was then, this is now.

    So after so many years of a terrible history, you decide to pride yourself on such things as:

    Famous musicians that have made a careers out of rhyming words about smoking weed, drinking malt liquor, and fornicating

    Portray yourself poorly on tv shows such as 106 & Park, Flavor of Love, Love & Hip-Hop, etc.

    Whitney Houston (Overdosed & drowned in 2 inches of bathtub water)
    Bill Cosby (Now A Rapist)
    Plus Countless others

    I've met plenty of educated blacks, married raising children & productive members of society. Yet those same black men are always trying to "get ass" outside of their marriages.

    These are just few examples off the top of my head. There is something fundamentally wrong with blacks and they have no one to blame but themselves. Stop looking for external sources for your failures and short comings. Take responsibility for yourselves and then you may get the respect YOU THINK you already deserve. It's earned not given.

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  • norm

    What happens when you cite real personal experiences and things that can be factually and statistically proven?

    The polictical correctness police will label you "racist" in an attempt to SHUT YOU UP.

    There are some realities you are just supposed to ignore. Put on your rose-colored glasses, or accept the blame for them since you are white.

    WHITE LIBERAL GUILT remains a powerful force in America. We can only hope future generations will rise above it.

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    • thisnomad

      Tale America back. Forget that political correctness crap. Majority always rules. Anything less is communism.

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      • myownway

        I absolutely completely agree with you! Thought I was the only one who exactly feels this way. My God I'm sick of our current political correctness.

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  • Short&2thepoint

    I don't dislike black people, but it really does bother me that they get so offended over everything you say. If I say something discriminant, i'm sorry, but you are different from me, if only in color. No offense intended. But is it really our fault that our great-great-great grandparents were assholes?

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  • gripp13

    This whole post is insane. Anyone with half a brain knows that most blacks are worthless. They are hated world wide by every other race on the planet. Why people act like this is not true on the "outside" while knowing the truth on the "inside" is beyond me !

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    • LSNP

      Not necessarily. I am a young black guy, a Christian, and I have not ever smoked, drank, had sex, or used drugs. I wear (normal) jeans and a shirt on a regular basis, I play cello, and I was the first cellist in our local youth orchestra, which placed 3rd nationally in 2001. I have won many competitions locally, and I have composed for orchestra and had my compositions played. I have played cello for the air force, a Raytheon gala for the past 5 years, the mayor of our city, and many local and national church locations. I am also a member of a national honor society, and I am going into computer engineering and flight. I don't listen to rap, rock or any music besides classical, soundtracks, and christian/gospel music. My grandfather pastors a church of about 300 in Canada, and my dad is a visiting minister. I myself am a black belt in karate, have trained archery with a coach who sent students to the Olympics, and I mostly enjoy fishing and hunting, and the wilderness, although my main hobby is pen spinning. I am aware that some might think that I probably invented this for the sake of the argument, just because of how un-stereotypical it MAY have sounded, but this is actually my lifestyle. That was my little bit of boasting, whether you believe me or not is none of my business :)

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      • MrFaulty

        12.3% of America is black that 12.3% is accountable for more than 50% of all homicides in America. I respect that you are an educated well behaved African American and you are the kind of black person I would respect. Keep on keeping on sir and maybe one day you can help break the trend.

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      • mobydick1

        You are just doing something that comes naturally to black people they learned it from slavery. It is called mimicking, black people learned from their slave owners. They mimicked the slave owners to learn how to do things in a different society. It still comes very natural to some black people but sadly not many.

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    • jasmine160288

      You are so ignorant. Don't judge every black person by the ones you have already been around. There are so many successful and loved black people in this world. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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      • JsphHodgon

        Just like the Muslims. the good ones outta speak up to the bad ones

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    • blackgirl

      Bitch. Do more research, the only reason we are hated is because we were kept captive by whites and we turned out misbehaved. whites messed us up

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      • MrFaulty

        I've read your comments and all the others belonging to the complaining blacks on here and honestly your all idiots. Search up the facts, but I'll make it even easier I'll bring them too you 12.3% of the american population is black 63% is white however black people are accountable for 52.5% OF ALL HOMICIDES IN AMERICA AND THAT'S FACT. HOW IS 12.3% OF AMERICA WHICH IS BLACK IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE THAN HALF OF ITS HOMICIDES. 90% of black people are degenerates I have a few black friends and the rest I've ever met wear pants down to their ankles and are obsessed with being a thug... please stfu you're making yourself sound like an uneducated degenerate... Feel free to search it up yourself. If you still disagree with me You're just proving your own ignorance... Facts are facts

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        • mobydick1

          It's the curse i tell ya the curse! Noah did it not white people.

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    • puertaplata

      That's NOT TRUE!!! Blacks are revered, adored, worshiped, admired, so-forth-and-so-on!!! Why? Well, I suppose if you don't know the answer to this question, you may live under a rock!!
      The reason we are admired and envied is because of our bodies. Think about it, really. We are envied and admired because we are usually very lean without having to work-out. And we are very agile, very much in tune with our bodies. And we DO have waaay bigger cocks than every other race on this planet!!! Women say it. Dr.'s say it. Homosexuals that have been in prison have said it also.
      There's this fascination with the black man. Quite frankly, I believe it to be an obsession that caused a lot of the strife between us. Your women love us! And why is it that in porn movies, a Latina can be with a white man or Asian man and it's nothing. But if she's with a black man? It's rapidly called, interracial!! Or a white women & Asian or Latin male? Not called interracial!! Only if it's with a huge cocked black man!!

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      • mobydick1

        Porn is all about exotic fantasy. I guess a big old black buck is an exotic element in this porn. A big old black buck, black as the ace of spades with a big old shiny cock makes you feel kinda dirty, don't it?

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    • heyimblack

      Hey! I don't know who you are.You say that most blacks are worthless, but what about Oprah. I'm pretty sure that she isn't worthless. You're worthless for saying things like that. Racism is not cute, and will not be accepted. Black people have been degraded to long to be treated and talked about like this. I admit some African-Americans do act like that, and that's very annoying but did they kill you? No so stop acting as if they did. African Americans as a race is judged by everything that people have said about us and we don't appreciate it but God made us for a reason, and it we definitely was created with intelligence, and knowledge, and in all honestly we know more than you think we do. And If we were worthless then why were we used in slavery? why didn't the white people pick cotton by themselves?? because the BLACKS that you are talking about knew how to do everything without help and we got the job done, houses were clean money was made... For the record I am a BLACK person and no one hates me and I am not worthless.

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      • LilX

        "But did they kill you?" Not yet. Lol
        Honestly I know all blacks aren't the same but they have got to stop with their non sense with this racism shit. What happened ,happened. Why do they keep living in the past? There are many other people who have been through way worst and you don't see them acting out and destroying their future. Such as the Jews I actually think they have been through the worst out of all. Mexicans have been through some shit. Asians get treated like shit as well. You don't see none of them whinnying, they're succeeding (most of them). Especially the Jews. Most are wealthy and healthy. Why? Because they aren't dwelling in the past just trying to perfect their futures.
        By the way the whites used you guys during slavery because they didn't want to get their hands dirty so they used whatever wasn't worth anything to them to do it instead. In this day in age you guys aren't worthless but you guys could show a little respect to the surroundings of yours and your families new homeland.

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        • mobydick1

          RCC is right blacks were cursed into slavery by Noah because of his son. They are still slaves today. Slaves to their skin color, slaves to their deep down inferiority complex that drives them insane. God separated the races with continents, oceans and languages. Blacks and whites were not meant to be living side by side it is an abomination. Seperate the races and end all the problems.

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          • Ripley22

            Wish they would all move to Africa. Would our country be great or what? All the bullshit they cause here is unacceptable. FCK them and their ebonix.

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        • blackgirl

          bitch yall dont show respect either, Donald trump, is a piece of shit. Listen here ever heard of Beyonce, or Michelle Obama? Rich. Oprah? Rich. Should I go on, and alot of jews are white

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          • mobydick1

            Oprah is a big old lesbian!

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      • mobydick1

        I hate you and never even met you!

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      • ricoadoro

        Working animals are not worthless.

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    • myownway

      Agree completely!

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  • Aquasomethingyouknowwhatever

    Here's an idea! Let's give chimps the vote! And let them bang human women. But don't make fun of the cute little babies for being dumb. That's "racist". Human women can be so disgusting. Bang gorillas, horses, donkeys. WTF did Abraham Lincoln do to this world?

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  • rh1r2i3s

    Its normal if you get tired of communities, towns, and even cities ruined by crime rates that rise and home values that fall. People who drive like animals, cut in line, and go around with their pants falling down; most don't even realize what it symbolizes. Some of the most disgusting and rude behavior I have seen! Its not even safe at some festivals any longer. Look what happens to towns close to cities hit by hurricanes.

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  • Rick_Bawls

    It is perfectly normal and you will probably eventually come to realize that blacks are the most racist ethnic group in America, despite what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton might tell you.

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  • LoveMyCottonShirt

    Who ISNT tired of the constant thuggery and worthlessness?

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  • Donotletsocietybreakyou

    I completely understand where you're coming from but not all black people act that way. I acknowledge the fact that the media portrays us as rude ,embarrassing and stupid but your going off of your previous experiences with African Americans . Please don't stereotype the whole race because not all act that way and many African Americans are successful . I HATE when people do that because it is disrespectful no matter how many encounters or experiences you have with blacks . I've gone to school I'm getting my education , I don't listen to trashy music , I can talk softly with inside voices , and I most definitely can be successful in life . What you need to ask yourself is did every single black person on earth act ignorant or this stupid oh wait you can't ask yourself because you haven't met all of us . You've met wannabe thugs that don't want their education . Take a look at how white people are towards us I've have bad experiences with white people do I think all of them are like that of course not matter fact I don't think most people are like that . Please don't judge an entire race based on society or based on a ignorant African American being a clown because all of us don't act like that I can promise that .'

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  • NotSoSure12

    ​A cultural mindset undercurrent rarely reflects the true individual. In those terms, there's no question in my mind that blacks and whites are fundamentally different, but underneath it all, we each have an individual consciousness.
    In my own experience, I've encountered far more white pieces of trash than I have blacks. And I've known and worked with several good black people. The point is, try to avoid passing judgement on anyone, negative OR positive at any cost and if you find yourself in a situation where you have no choice, then judge them on individual merit alone.

    Forget all this other bullshit. Stereotypes and pre-conceived notions and all this other shit leads to nothing but misery and destruction. Fucking worry about bettering and changing yourself.

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  • AHumanBeing

    Wow I just can't believe this. So there's no such thing as crimes and other unsavory acts or behaviors committed by any other group, only black people. White people are perfect and just don't act that way, but bring in the blacks and everything goes to the crapper.

    You people are ignorant. This superiority complex races try to maintain over one another is disgusting. Everyone has the ability to be whatever they want, despite their race. Are there idiot, thug, criminal, loud, annoying, rude, disrespectful blacks? Absolutely. Are there loud, annoying, rude, disrespectful, thug, criminal whites, asians, or hispanics? Absolutely. People are a product of their natural mental dispositions, and their environments-- not their skin. There will be trouble makers in any type of group of people.

    We are all capable of ignorance and racism, blacks included, and whites included. Whites get mad at blacks for complaining about the reality of their status in life, such as fewer opportunities and having to work twice as hard just to be taken seriously, and that white people cause problems for them--NEWSFLASH-- They do! Because to be politically correct they have to smile and act like they accept blacks, but in reality they're slinking on forums writings posts like these and thinking thoughts like "they're worthless." Passing them over for jobs, and arresting them because they happen to just be looking suspicious. All these posts are doing is proving that they have a right to think and feel that way.

    Reading posts like this and listening you all of the posters on their high horses talking about nigger this and nigger that, and black people only bring quality down is truly sickening. It makes me sick to be a part of the same species of you, and it makes me sick that I will have to teach my children to watch out for people like you.

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    • Donotletsocietybreakyou

      Thank you someone spoke up not all African Americans act out stop stereotyping

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  • DesertRat

    What is normal? Normal is identified as common social behavior that does not bring down society. A Society's main function is advancement and to maintain morality, justice, law, and order. It is a machine that functions by humanity. A species born with no natural instincts except to mate and racism, which are basically tribal instincts. More often than not women choose to feed their infants unnatural milk instead of breast feeding. We are born with no rule book, or set of instructions. A baby doesn't push out with an owner's manual. Okay, to the subject...there's a lot of animosity in the world especially in South Africa and North America between races of black and white peoples. It all comes down to crime and the gangsta persona. Though there are gangsters in all populations of the world Americans associate the term with the Black male. All humans are racist. They may not have hatred in their hearts, but they all have some kind of kin bond to their own race. It is natural for humans to segregate into "modern tribes". If you don't believe me, then go to any convention center and look around. You'll see Asians grouped, Whites grouped, Blacks grouped etc. Anyway, If a race of people purposely dumb down their children for the sake of being cool, tough, or a thug...your race will ultimately fail and come to ruin. Young Black men need to stay with the mothers of their children and teach their sons how to be a respectful and dignified man. Teach him about success, honor, and decency. If you catch their pants hanging below their waist then you beat their ass. Take away the tv and xBox game systems as all it does is put ideas and desires into their young minds. This is where a father role comes in to teach them that if they want something in life that they have to get a job and work hard to see the value in something that they have earned instead of stealing it. To sum it up, you've got to squash the gangsta, criminal thinking, behavior, and all that goes with it. It's not the color of a man's skin that makes him dignified. It is what he has become. His worth. It is what he can bring to the table of society. Racism between other groups is minor taunting, which can be expected between "modern tribes". Why? Because they pose no threat or instill fear within the society. Racism between Whites and Asians is minor. There might be some old feelings, but that's about it. The Black thug or gangsta has put fear in society, which they themselves think is respect. Society sees it as a growing problem and if it doesn't change, then society may make grave decisions. It's hard to make society view a villain as a good guy. It takes decades of forgetting. And that goes both ways. During the times of slavery the whole world had slaves and they weren't always Black. Slavery was the solution for over populated jails. If you owed a debt or were indebted to someone for a crime, then the judicial system made a slave out of you. If was not frowned upon. It actually made economic sense. Where is your freedom in prison? Where are your rights and dignity there? Anyway, the more the rest of the world sees these negative behaviors and activities, then the more that society will assume that Blacks are incapable of successfully being a part of it. No, it is not normal for society.

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  • allanray

    Dame right
    they need to learn some freaking manners
    especially about how to behave themselves like human beings
    this isn't africa no more

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  • Avant-Garde

    If the original slaves and abolitionists could see what has happened to modern Black-America, I'm sure that they would be horrified. They would turn over in their graves.

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  • Aquasomethingyouknowwhatever

    I'm not a racist either, I don't hate anything because off color. I just recognize a different species when I see it.

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  • Poptartinvasion

    I'm not even sure what to say about this, I'm dumbfounded. Although, there's nothing wrong with voicing your thoughts, and you're just asking a question. I don't think it's normal, because everyone has their own definition of normal. I also don't think it's normal, because you have not met every black person in the world. I think it's just people, I honestly do. I think people act the way they do, because that's all they know. Whether, you're black, white, asian, Spanish.; people kill, people hurt, people steal, people do a lot of things. These things are not all done by black people. It's not fair to look at someone, and have that person define the whole race because you don't know the whole race. You have not met every single black person. There are a lot of black people who are successful and doing well, just like there are a lot of white people, and other races who are successful and doing well. I've read a lot of these comments, hoping that someone would have a meaningful knowledgeable answer to your question. I was sadly disappointed, I do hope you change your thoughts about black people; and understand it's not just black people who do bad things, it's just people. There's so many bad things in the world, that has happened, and it's not just one race that has caused it.

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    • mobydick1

      But black people are the biggest offenders don't you agree? 10% of the population 90% of the problem they say.

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  • rh1r2i3s

    Hey all you bartenders, waiters and waitresses, its that time of year again. You better start saving your tips early, because Essence Festival is coming. Better stay clear of the Interstate too!

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  • regane

    I agree 100% with op.

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  • howaminotmyself

    Detroit was destroyed by black people? The Bush administration had far more to do with its downfall than Obama. Ironically, black people made the country what it is today. Slave labor anyone?

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    • darren3

      Detroits problems started long before Bush and I'm not sure if race had anything to do with it.

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  • star23

    Not normal at all!! That's racist!! And just to let u know thanks to " black" people this country is what it is rite now!! And I'm not black but I know how to respect others...!! Think bout ur questions before u post them!!! Everyone is unique that's wat make people so special!!

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    • noexcuses

      You're in denial. Wake up. It's not racist to acknowledge facts. Statistics. And yes, your personal experience IS a valid view point. But so is mine. And theirs. All of ours. Look up some numbers and then come back with your bleeding heart.

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    • hbomb21

      ""that's what make people so special?" No white person would write "that's what make". It's a 2nd grade level grammatical error that is limited to AA speech/writing. Of course you are black ...

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  • Do not vent, rant or use hate speech
    IIN is not a place to just rant and rave. It's a forum where people come to exchange ideas and get advice. If you see a post that isn't a real question, but is just a senseless rant, please let us know about it.

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    • Steeley_Phil

      I am sharing ideas. If the ideas are so controversial that no man can vent them in public then it is even more important to share them.

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      • "Steeley_Phil" you are just a trouble maker and a rabble rouser. Its not like your "hate think" is something SO new that you just had to lay it on us. I have read the screeds of bigots and racists before and quite a few have expressed the same toxic sentiments in a much more eloquent and interesting manner; albeit "stinkin' thinkin'" just the same... You are boring, typical, and without a muse.

        While there are LOADS of people in the world, you have targeted "blacks" as being THE WORST or just SO loathsome and disdainful that you just had to get on your soap box and tell us about your seething negativity towards them.

        And, you? Are you a Nobel Prize Winner who came up with a cure for cancer? Generally, people who have problems with whole races of people are fucked up in their minds and have no normal social skills...like Hitler. Just a small creature who seeks power through antilocution. If you couldn't vent this way, you might become a serial killer to get your power, I suppose. Thank goodness for an Internet dumping ground like IIN.

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        • Sickofit.com

          Can anyone think of one city that turned majority black that didn't turn to crap... Or any mall, chuck e cheese, school..... How about even a Walmart?? Not one that I'd ever seen. Why is it wring to have a problem with that? What's the excuse for it? Every predominantly white place I've ever been to is nice. I have to drive 45 minutes out of my way so my kids and I can enjoy a day at chuck e cheese without getting tickets or tokens stolen or being asked five hundred times for free tokens. I worked in a doctors office for nearly fifteen years that never had any problems until we added a new physician who's patient population was nearly all black. You should have to act equal to be treated as such. Maybe if black people would start condemning people based on morals and actions instead of defending each other and making excuses for bad behavior just because someone is black, things would get better. Every time you turn on news shows debating on a black criminal, you can tell who's on the criminal's side. Its always the black panelist. Most whites want nothing to do with "white trash". We don't want to be associated with indecent people. White people judge based on the actions.... Blacks act like, as long as your black whatever you do is justified. It makes them look less intelligent. I think it's completely normal. I think a lot of people are fed up with it.

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        • Monkeyshine.223

          You are out of line, not acknowledging an issue is an act of willful ignorance the user used no slander against black people but only made observations of an issue that has long plagued our country race, cultural difference, social structure when we as people fail to confront our problems to speak freely and gain perspective beyond that which is in our scope we fail to grow, understand, evolve beyond barriers that divide us and in that division we all fall. Look at the world see what it truly is without those blinders that someone put on you. We the people of these united states stand creates equal in the eyes of our god. We are all instilled with a fear and hatred for those we deem different or do not understand and there are brave few that will speak out into the darkness and say the things that need said ask the questions that need asked. You catch more flies with honey friend.

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  • thebuddah

    You're a racists. You only see those kind of people because you're looking for them. Maybe if you saw them as equals you'll see more blacks that you'd have more stuff in common with. Stop being ignorant seriously I hope you don't have kids because we really don't need anymore ignorance!

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    • caddy

      you are ignorant my friend. In my experience, blacks feel they are "entitled", well they are not! I'm white and have worked my ass off to be where I am, I expected and asked for nothing! don't give e that crap that because I'm white I had a hand up, BULLSHIT! I worked for it and continue to do so, stop your bitching and go to work, I owe you nothing and never will!!!

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      • Darkbman123

        Thank you they sit on there ass and expect a check from whitey every day and the other day a black lady attempted to break the rules at my supermarket and i said mam you arent allowed to do that and she calls racism like wtf everything is racist to them cause they have nothing else going for them in life

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    • Lee_Lee

      You are wrong! I grew up advocating for black people and having a huge heart for them, only looking for the good in them. I even quit my high school cheerleading team which was my life to stand up against one girl for the black girls on the team. Yet, I got stabbed in the back and was forced to see the reality and truth of it all.

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      • soldouthippie

        Yea,, ya know I am sick and tired of getting stabbed in the back by Blacks, too. I helped this one Black woman at my job multiple times by going out of my way to give her a ride home.. I thought she was getting a car soon, but she never has. Well finally I had to tell her that she would have to find someone else to give her a lift home. She has been a bitch to me ever since. Her and one of the other Black workers at my job constantly talk about how bad White people are. You know if a White person said anything negative about Black people in front of one of them, there would be a big uproar.. The problem is and the problem has been for a long time that Whites feel that they have to prove that they are not one of the "bad Whiteys".. Im sick of it.. Yea most of the crime is done by Blacks , the scary thing is that in a couple of generations Whites will be a real minority allover the world.. Do you think that we will get any special treatment.. not that we would want any ,,only just to be treated fairly.. Blacks hate Whites so much, that I fear for the future of the White race in this country.. Just look at South Africa.. Now that there is no longer Apartheid.. the Whites are being killed in large numbers, their land taken and driven from their homes. Funny thing is you want read it on the front page.. but if a Black gang attacks a white kid its buried in the back page.

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    • hbomb21

      nobody who uses terms like "You're a racists" should utter a word about ignorance. Whites are sick of black violence, disrespectful public behavior in stores, restaurants, government offices, et. al. They are sick of seeing their children bypassed in college admissions in favor of black applicants nowhere near their intelligence and achievement levels. Meticulous longitudinal studies show an irrefutable 15 point average difference in mean IQs between AAs and whites (and an even greater disparity between AAs and East Asian Americans).

      Ignorance ?? Look whose talking !

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  • Beckzy

    I have to agree, and disagree. There are plenty of horrible blacks in the world who think they own it, but, again there are plenty of whites who think the same. There are whites who want to be black to have power, when really power is something you earn from yourself not your colour.
    I admit i get pissed with blacks but sometimes I get pissed at whites trying to BE black.

    Ive met some great black people before, who are funny, kind and intelligant and wouldn't change them for the world.

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  • LcoolJ

    out of 33 people who voted 21 believe it is perfectly normal to think that

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  • justsomgirl

    Are you looking for someone to tell you you are justified in your racism? Cause you're not.

    And before you tell yourself that it's okay to feel that way....why don't you really look at some of the horrific acts white people have committed. They are numerous and many of them have caused the death of millions of people. But it's easy to overlook them to prove that you're right to hate black people right?

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    • Monkeyshine.223

      Population control somebody has to do it resources aren't limitless.

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    • noexcuses

      It's ok to feel whatever way you do. Personal experience should be all a person is accountable for when making judgment. If you're harassed more often than not by blacks. Then you're justified in loathing blacks. Stop your bullshit. People aren't wrong because they don't see things the way you do. You're part of the problem. #noexcuses

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    • ricoadoro

      I love how brave blacks always rob and rape old elderly and week people yes real brave heroic grandfather but rapists they are rite ?

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  • thebuddah

    And whites don't build shit they pay mexicans to do it so shit the he'll up

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    • Darkbman123

      Its funny then why do blacks make fun of whites for being hard working and succesful i go to a school where the dominate population is black and they always assume that i will do my homework and they always want to copy off me so stfu

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    • soldouthippie

      yea.. you may be right about Mexicans picking crops and cleaning houses, but that is about it.. The Polish, Germans, English, Italians , Irish , Chinese , Africans and Swedes and ...but wait.. its America!!.. people from every nation came here to live and make American their home..and Mexicans and South American immigrants are some of the recent immigrants to this country,, That is what makes the country great.. the people who care about it , not the ones who want to tear it down.

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  • negroh8

    we should have shot martin luther coon and others before they got all uppity. re-enslave the darkies to save america. slavery is the only thing that will pull us out of this recession

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    • noexcuses

      Actually, MLK Jr. would be appalled with the majority of blacks today. He was not a lazy man. He was not ignorant. He was not racist. And slavery was and always has been a bad idea.


      That being said I tried looking through the 'we're all the same inside' lenses all my life. But as an adult white male that pays taxes and doesn't make a bunch off babies I can't afford it becomes VERY clear the mentality the blacks for the most part, seem to raise their kids with. It's disgusting. This is 2015. If Dr. Dre can become a BILLIONAIRE the rest of them have NO EXCUSES.

      I'm sick of it. But more slaves is a horrible idea. I don't want black people to disappear. Or be slaves. Or be treated unfairly. But I DO want them to start taking better care of themselves. Jeezus it's like that WANT hard times. smh

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      • soldouthippie

        when I was a kid living in Brooklyn I was harassed by a couple of black kids and then finally beat up.. They terrorized the entire class. but the teacher was afraid of them and did nothing.. That was during the 60s and black kids were being bussed into our school. My parents tried to make changes in the school but the liberals wanted bussing.. so my parents moved us out to Jersey. I miss NYC .. too bad..I don't miss the fear I had every day in school, though

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  • TheChickenFlu

    Well did you know that white people commit suicide more than any other race in the world. If you look at the white history they have not endured any hardship that blacks, Jews, Asians or a lot of other races have. My point in this is black people are more capable of handling stress than you white folk can. This means they can get more shit done in a day than white people. It's just our black community is so fucked up. The man in a black family hardly sticks around therefore leaving his kids fatherless. That makes the kids resposible for taking care of their families by any way they can. White people are born into a rich society and their fathers actually stay cause there is no money problem. This problem the blacks are facing isn't do cause of their personalities it's caused cause of the way they were brought up. Now only if dumb shits like you actually went to college and studied you would learn how to use sociological imagination. That means you would have thought twice about posting this hurtful post.

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    • Purples

      Do not have children out of wedlock.

      Do not fornicate if you are not willing to stick around and raise your children.

      How hard is that?

      In your own words you are saying the black man is not responsible for his own actions and sets an example for the next generation & so on & so on

      How is that the white man's fault? Or any anyone else's for that matter, but the black man's??

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    • Lee_Lee

      You are so wrong, white people were slaves too. Learn your history.

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      • AHumanBeing

        "White" people not extracted from their homes en masse to be slaves-- it was a punishment enacted in response to a crime they committed or debt they defaulted on. They did not go around just enslaving people for profit like they did with Africans, who were barbaric subhumans in their eyes-- and that was world wide, which is why the world still looks down on Africans and those of African descent. Because of the slave trade and ignorant assumptions made back then which have transcended generations.

        Learn your history.

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      • noexcuses


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    • IsaacClark21

      Wait your saying black people deal with more stress and they can't even stick around to raise their kids? That makes perfect sense, why deal with the stress of raising kids when you could just leave and not stress about it fuckin dumbass.

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    • rh1r2i3s

      Well, white people did fight in the revolutionary war, the civil war,some died to end slavery, world war one and two, Korea, Vietnam, and others. How many white veterans spent years in concentration camps being tortured. Oh, and they have to deal with the stress of seeing neighborhoods that they lived in for years ruined, and homes that they spent years paying on and fixing up go down in value as crime rates go up.

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      • noexcuses


        Read from top to bottom. Every civilization since the dawn of time has had slaves. Black Americans won't hear it though. Doesn't fit it in with their 'poor me' narrative.

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        • CaptainMorgan420

          AMEN! Like I said in my post below, they don't WANT to read the stats. They would rather scream racism.
          STATISTIC fact. More white people are killed each year by cops than blacks. STATISTIC. Go look it up. All this "black lives matter" shit pisses me off to no end.
          ALL LIVES MATTER. ALL. Period.
          Stop playing the victims. Stop committing violent crimes. Get off welfare. Keep your baby daddies around to raise their kids. Stop using reverse racism, and yes somehow that is okay.
          What the fuck ever. I am SO over it.
          YOU can make your life better. ONLY YOU. No matter what color you are

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    • Sustainability

      The reason why it may seem to you that whites are more stressful is because most of them are working taking care of grown black families so they can multiply their kids and receive more public assistance. Plus many black people don't have time to commit suicide because they are murdered by another black person. This actually confuses me because they don't scream that black lives matter when they are killing each other. They only scream that When a Law enforcement officer kills them. Not all white grow up in a rich society. I am a black man who grew up in the same society as many of the white people. I managed to serve time in the military, and obtain two BA's. I did this without my natural parents. You are just using excuses for why you didn't turn out Well. I learned about CW Mills and his theory on sociological imagination. I didn't agree with him then and I don't now. We as adults have to take responsibility for our actions. Aristotle, in his virtue ethics, says ignorance is not a good enough reason for a person not to be help responsible for his/her action, it is not an excuse and should be treated as a voluntary act.

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    • thisnomad

      What? Is your WHOLE generation full of useless garbage for shit that you call thinking. Dude, my dog thinks. WTF? Do you like Tupac as well, is he a serious artist that sang about relevant social issues? Do you think anyone 300 years from now will even know what that fucking Thug was saying? Will they care? Now compare him to Plato... Now fuck off punk, for I black slap your ass!

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      • rh1r2i3s

        Good point. I remeber years ago at a business meeting, and some ex drug attic was making negative comments about Santana because I was going to see them in concert. That was twenty years ago.I told him someday Santana would be in the rock hall of fame, and we will see how many people still talk about Chakakan. LOL
        Actually, she is good compared to the absolute disgusting hip hop rap thug garbage now.

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  • White Power

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    • Neanderthal power.

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  • YE

    I cannot comment here.... oh, wait, I clicked the SUBMIT COMMENT button already?

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  • Youfinnadiebaby

    so you're one of the despite fuckers

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  • mm6969

    I took my wife to downtown Atlanta. She is from the Philippines. All the in your face beggers are black. A white homeless man was collecting cans from the trash. This world would greatly improve if uncivilized, violent, low IQ, perpetual victim black people would disappear from the planet

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  • Andyes

    💯 Agree

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  • Whitewithnokids

    I have been an Electrician for 15 years; involved in most aspects of the construction world. The work and conditions are difficult, but we complete each day and project with pride. I feel blessed when I pass my earnings on to my family.
    Here is my point: I have travelled the U.S. for work. I have met one (1) AA on a job site in 15 years. Does this fact worry anybody else?

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  • upbeat01

    The unleveling of the playing field went into turbo drive with Lyndon Johnson and his Great Society. He turned Civil Service into a huge welfare system. Then came affirmative action which became an institutionalized form of racism against whites and males barring them from jobs. Before the riots of 1968 a looter could be shot on sight. Johnson suspended that and also allowed cities to be burned. That was a turning point. Violent crime went through the roof in the 1970s. Affirmative action forced businesses to hire incompetents. Businesses failed. Same went for the Post Office and regional transit systems which are failing. DC's Metro System is now in shambles and desparate. Blacks make up 97 percent of their employees. Some make close to 100K for manning a kiosk and give the stink eye before leaving if a white customer needs information. Service took a major dive and unions and EEO protect the incompetents. Preferential treatment bred arrogance. The "Fair Housing" laws forced communities to house those who could not afford into their communities. Crime escalated and property values plummeted. The ACLU championed anything anti white and anti religion. Thus once thriving cities and communities are now destroyed.

    The 1960s activists and racial hate groups bred a group of whites to hate themselves. They have grown up and embraced expensive cars and houses but still preach the anti-white message. Equality was not the goal...superiority was.

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  • cinderfloof

    Oh lord. You all are sickening. You're entitled to your opinion but your opinion is racist and ignorant. I am black. I have met white people who spit on me, white people who cut my hair off and told me to make it straight because it was ugly, white people who repeatedly I wasn't enough because of my skin color, white people who beat the shit out of my father and left him to bleed because he was a dirty nigger with a white woman. I visited my white grandmother and she put me outside in the winter time because her white boyfriend didn't like to look at me while he was eating. Even so, I do not hate white people. I am not so ignorant that I believe that this percentage represents a whole. I don't get mistreated by some and say "I hate this entire group of people". The definition of racism is, "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races". You saw some, painted them ALL, and decided that they ALL possessed negative characteristics and qualities that inherently make them lesser than thou.

    Now, a good way to reword this post and reprogram your thoughts is to say "I'm tired of the way some Black people act." That's not racist. I am too! Im tired of the way some people from all races act. To answer your question though, this thought process is not abnormal. Lots of people are also racist. Normality does not make something correct, however.

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  • Ripley22

    Anyone that blames the way black people turn out based on upbringings, is a complete moron. I was brought up in a broken family. I wasn't swayed by idiots that caused trouble and turned in to thugs. Its a choice you make. If you choose to follow a particular group then that shits on you. Its your own damn fault whatever your color. Anyone person that still leans on the shit that happened a hundred years ago needs to let go. That shits on you and your contributing to the clash of races. So go out and get a job, do what's right (not wrong), and let go of the F'n past already. I'm sick of all you ignorant mother fkr's that are causing problems in our once great country. Get off the f'n welfare and contribute to society instead of ruining our society. All your ridiculous urban language is for the birds. Your different because you choose to be. You are entitled to nothing but the grief you cause. If its so bad here move to Africa. There you will blend in perfectly. They won't take your bs there either. They will just cut your hands off for being the dirty thieves you are. Oh no, another black person was shot. We should riot and steal shit that isn't ours. That really shows everyone that you are truly worthless and ignorant. Keep up the great work your on a roll.

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  • arjelio

    If you're tired of the way black people act, try to imagine how they've been feeling about the way white people act for a few hundred years now.

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  • Sustainability

    Although I am a black male, I totally agree. I was adopted to a white couple that rasised me on a farm from the age of 4 to graduation. I attended all white primary and secondary schools. it wasn't until I chose college when I came face to face with other black people. I was so happy to finally meet people of my skin color. Needless to say, it was a horrifying experience. I spent the first part of the semester being names like Uncle Tom, White boy wannabee and Mr. Disgrace. When other blacks learned that those remarks were not enough to get me to leave, the potato sacked me, took me to an abandoned area tied me up and set me on fire.
    All that many of you said, I have seen these very acts by them. I noticed one black person comment that it was because they did not have parents to guide them. That is baloney. Many of them know right from wrong and they know how to behave. Many just do not care or respect others.

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  • Gint77

    Born and raised Chicago kid, my "friends" are all black, the inside scoop is this..were all fucked...it's a destroyed culture of blame and misgivings by the far left. Honestly.

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  • john288

    Im a white guy and have had black friends who were not what you guys are describing.however i do argree that in some blacks in certain areas ive met are very loud and rude.but depends on the individual really

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  • wrinkledscrotum

    Growing up, my family and I didn't like colored people. We ended up hiring a house keeper for my grandparents because they couldn't do anything for themselves. He was 62 years old at the time and did a great job. My younger sister married him and we couldn't be prouder. They've been married 5 years now (Valentine's Day was their anniversary.) She just graduated college and her career as an RN is really starting! Even though they are different colors and 40 years apart, they are happy.

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  • wrinkledscrotum

    Colored people annoy me too. If i were you though, I would try to use proper grammar and punctuation the next time I posted something. I don't want you to look bad when you are trying to help with the cause.

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  • NotSoSure12

    Other people's behavior isn't something that we have any control over. So why worry about it? Maintain perspective on what's really important in your lives, make appropriate attitude adjustments and move on. It's really that simple. Be humble, be flexible, be understanding, be kind and choose your battles wisely.

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  • Steve2.0


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  • rjharris

    Behaviorial issues are not unique to Black people. White people have a much larger problem with behavior than Black people. Theirs simply encompasses a much larger global scale. It is it a behaviorial issue to drop two atomic bombs on a nation? To endorse the African Slave Trade and to enslave persons because of the color of their skin? To forcefully strip them of their identities and impose an Anglo-Saxon one upon them? To lynch and hang them by the neck from trees or burn them alive? To perpetuate the notion that White people are superior and Black people are inferior?

    What nation in the world has had to create a law (The Civil Rights Act of 1964) to make White people behave themselves? Most Whites I know are extremely arrogant. Whites, in general, do not have to worry about the things Black people worry about on a daily basis so their stress levels and blood pressure levels will not be as high. White America is killing us in a most sinister way. Personally, I am sick and tired of the White man being let off of the hook.

    Whenever, you take away the identity of a people, they obviously do not know who they are. That Black people have had their African identities taken away, a void has been left. Whites - and unfortunately many Blacks - seek to fill that void with Whiteness and Whites expect us to be like them in almost every aspect. If we are not like them, we are viewed as "unsafe Negroes."

    We (Black people) are dead to who we really are. And, Whites wittingly and unwittingly have kept us dead and expect us to be Black Anglo-Saxons or someone they feel "safe" around.

    This condition in Black people was created by a "stubborn" and "unmovable" White supremacist system in America. It has locked out an entire people and it has the audacity to ask, "What is wrong with Black people?" My God!

    It has even gave us their religion to control us and make us fearful of their White God, their White angels and their White Jesus. (Sadly, many of us do).

    This is pure evil masquerading as good.

    Many of our Black youths are gone. It will take a miracle to regain them. They are dead and empty inside as to who they are and where they come from. They have more of a love and appreciation for what is Anglo-Saxon than what is African. This, they will pass on to their children and so on and so on.

    This is all by by design. This is how this White supremacist system erodes us away and kills us as a people. We are not really Black. (The expression "Black" is window dressing and appeasement and a clever attempt to detach Africa away from us.). We are "Africans" or persons of "African descent" who are citizens in America.

    "What became of the Black People of Sumer?" the traveler asked the old man, "for ancient records show that the people of Sumer where Black. What happened to them?" "Ah," the old man sighed. "They lost their history, so they died."

    - A Sumer Legend

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    • graydogg

      Rjharris You are a very brainwashed idiot. White people were not the only one trading slaves. Africans traded slaves themselves. Muslim still have slaves today but you stupid fucking liberals say nothing about that. As far as dropping a bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - we would have had to have sacrificed over a million lives to end the war that Japan started with us. Only an ignorant bastard like you would say they had a problem with that. as far as civil rights Go - try going to Zimbabwe or South Africa and see how white people are treated in some places. They don't give a shit to pass any laws to protect the minorities in those countries. You are you've got to be one of the stupidest fucking liberals I ever met. You are in no way intelligent

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  • JoeKoolNews

    If by black people you mean African Americans then you are correct. There is a difference between Afro-Americans and European-Americans in there culture. As a matter of fact they are different in their behavior of just about any other culture on the globe.

    Black people from other parts of the world do not act like African Americans. From Africa to Jamaica black skinned people are much more pleasant to be around than African Americans. The reason for this is regrettable. African Americans after the abolition of slavery have been exploited by the progressive movement and been continuously discouraged from integrating into modern society. They are constantly reminded by our education system that their ancestors were once slaves and told that they don't have a chance to successful in white dominated America culture.

    Most African Americans don't see the United States as their country and don't seem to embrace the founding principles that the United States is based on. This is the difference between Afro-Americans and black immigrants. Black immigrants do embrace American culture and values as they have come here to achieve a better life than is possible in their native country. Its also true that African Americans are not liked in countries that have dark skinned populations. Dominican Republic being one where they don't like Afro-American tourists because they act thuggish, loud, and vulgar.

    This all has to do with culture. African American culture is morally bankrupt leading to the decimation of the black family decades of lost youth. Thug life is celebrated and encouraged in the entertainment media. I am sorry to say that African American culture is lost and there is very little we can do to help. The liberal progressive movement has effectively conquered African American culture through poverty pimps like Sharpton, and Jackson and others.

    To conclude an answer to if this behavior is normal. The answer is no as no other culture on earth behaves this way even if their ancestors were also slave or a repressed ethnicity in history. They have found a way to adapt and overcome. I do hope African Americans can someday do the same.

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  • DumbRedNecks

    I can't believe how stupid the person is that asked the question " I'm tired of the way black people act is it normal? After reading how dumb there post was I realized that their brain was squeezed out of their small pale hairy axx. Fact more crimes are committed by WHITES not blacks. Whites smell like horses and cows, get heavy dandruff and lice. Whites like to die going out with a bang like sky diving, tight rope walking, mountain climbing, hicking, sledding, snowboarding, swimming with sharks and the list of foolishness goes on and on. Just because many black people act ignorant as hell doesn't make whites exempt from the list. I see white trash begging for cash more than blacks. Actually there are more homeless whites living in the woods and begging on the street than any other race in the world. But for some unknown reason these white crackers that likw hip hop, r&b rap, tan their skin, get curly perms, think they're superior to all other races yet they try so hard to imitate us is that normal?

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    • noexcuses

      Don't know what world you're living in but you're part of the problem there. Try looking up some statistics and facts. Or wait.....those things don't fit in with your 'it's not my fault' narrative.

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  • Ivancura123

    So true

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  • Avant-Garde

    I'm part African and it is true. I think that this can be blamed on rap/hip-hop, which created thug culture. Absolutely ridiculous and shameful. This seems to be exclusive to Black America. Africans in other countries don't seem to pull this bullshit. Other countries don't seem to be rampant in thug culture. PC and the Liberals aren't helping the situation. In order to better humanity, thug culture needs to be crushed! This shouldn't have been allowed to go on for as long as it has.

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    • soldouthippie

      I totally agree. But another part of it is that blacks in this country have become used to thinking of themselves as victims. I wish Martin Luther King had lived a long life.. He was a great man and a healer for this country.

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    • noexcuses

      Are you part African? Or a black white mix person born in the US.

      Totally different things.

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  • Aquasomethingyouknowwhatever

    Also people bang goats sometimes too that doesn't mean goats are our species. I'm sure a woman has banged a chimp before, still not a human no matter how many chicks are into bestiality. And chimps would give coloreds a run for their money on intelligence tests. How many coloreds know sign language? Lots of chimps do.

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  • Aquasomethingyouknowwhatever

    Normal. You aren't racist. Coloreds are a different species. If you hated Locusts people wouldn't call you racist. But because it's a primate species that's allowed to vote, they label you. You're speciesist at worst, just don't be ignorant and use the term black people. They aren't people. They are a different form of ape than we. Read about what makes a species. When allowed to act naturally they form separate groups and don't mate. Until UN natural laws forced us to accept them we did just that. Sorry all you sub humans but the truth hurts sometimes.

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  • rickyagnew

    interestingly enough,66% have answered that yes it's normal.but a poster above was correct when he said that you can post facts and go into crime stats and mention past experiences and you'll be called a racist.as eh said,you're expected to ignore or at least not speak publically about such reports or facts.it's the racist people who desire to shut you up.it's the racist people who claim that all those crime stats and so on are all skewed or totally bogus.it's racist morons who will swear to you with a straight face that cities that are predominantly minority are NOT higher on crime than white communities./blacks and mexicans hate studies and facts and stats when they're associated with crime and race./they're intimidated/when they read how cities that are dominated by their own races (compared to white areas) are much higher in violent crime and crimes like vandalism and burglary,they feel intimidated and they get defensive./there are many cities that are dominantly white and I sugget you move to one of them if ou want to get away from the behavior of the black and Hispanic culture.one example of the ways in which white and black differ,is white people still view day time as a time to live normally as in hanging out.the night time is viewed as the time one sleeps/blacks and Hispanics on the other hand don't view the two as separate.this is the reason when you complain face to face to a Hispanic about their circus music being loud at 2am,you're going to be thought of as the bad guy./look at what's out and about after midnight in the stores..walmarts for example..it looks like a 3rd world country ..notice how many whites you see compared to other after midnight in any 24/7 store.the white culture has the view that night is for sleeping..blacks and Hispanics preger to hang out all night than all day.move to a city that predominantly white.there will always be white flighters and cities that are all white and trust me..they have ways in which to refuse minorities as residents in ways that appear to be legal and they'll never get caught./the city I live in the police commonly ticket drivers if music can be heard outside their car anywhere in traffic.people using fowl language in public places are cited commonly as well.certain laws if their strictly adhered to will discourage minorities totally.many cities use this as a tactic knowing blacks and Hispanics won't want to live there.adherence to noise laws,profanity ,curfews,loitering,cruising'etc..many cities in Missouri have cruising laws.to be just driving around the area and not really going anywhere in particular (just cruising)is against the law in many missiourian cities.and a long with the strict noise laws and curfew laws and strict laws against loitering guess what?blacks and Hispanics wouldn't like living in those cities.and not many do. as I said..stats and studies have been done but blacks and Hispanics will always try to shut you up when you even begin to voice them.

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    • AHumanBeing

      First of all, let's not even get into the general unreliability of all statistics and instead just focus on these.

      Statistics about crime will always be skewed against blacks and minorities because those are who cops stop, arrest, and book more often than the white majority. A white person doing something wrong is far more likely to be overlooked than a black person, and if they are caught they are more likely to be let off with a warning, and if they are not let off with a warning, they lawyer up because they are generally more affluent than minorities who cannot afford legal support.

      Give me a break with your naivete.

      Try checking out any episode of ABC's "WWYD" where they simulate a crime in progress, and take a note of people's reactions with blacks versus whites. If you want blacks to stop blaming white people for racism and causing them problems, start by not being racist and causing them problems.

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      • JC1

        I like the tv show "What Would You Do?"

        However, the show is completely biased. It mainly shows how white, straight?, male?, people react to situations regarding race, sexual orientation, and gender. It's never the other way around.
        You NEVER see them go to the black ghetto, get a few young black male actors "Polar Bear Hunting" a white kid to see if any blacks intervene and stop it. Its always "see how the white people are intolerant of others that aren't like them"
        That's my problem with the show. Never the other way around. God forbid. The show would be shut down. You know I'm right.

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  • penguin1

    There are "good" and "bad" people in every race, creed, color, gender, ect., ect. Why not focus on something more positive? Helping to clean up these "ruined cities" you speak of maybe. Or trying to promote understanding between the different races?

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    • noexcuses

      Stop with that bullshit. When you're skinny white son is knocked out by a big black bully at school and has his $200 sneakers YOU bought stolen maybe your tune will change. smh

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  • DannyKanes

    True, IIN needs to be careful posting these types of posts, someone could get sued.

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    • Are you kidding? This is the internet.

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