I'm trying to stay awake at night

The medicine is making me sleep at night, literally, and I'm tired of it, it's too normal, the doctor doesn't care what's healthy and therefore different, he only cares what's normal. My body clock is different, I'm nocturnal, and I should be up at night, all night, every night, and should sleep in the day. The workers don't listen, they don't want a nocturnal man, it's not healthy that I sleep at night, I don't feel right.
I don't want my sleep pattern to be normal, I want a freaky, night-owl mentality, to the point that it upsets normal people, I want it to be healthy, not normal.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Hi Hans, how are you today?

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    • Hansberger

      Yes, I'm good. But what a social matrix way to talk stupid, if I said come stai the Italians would say it back, they don't say molto bene, so why like the Italians should I answer your question?

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      • RoseIsabella

        I dunno, I don't speak Italian.

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        • Hansberger

          But I speak a sort of normal southern accent myself, associated with koalas who get stuck in a hole in a tree and you have to injure the koala to get it out!

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