I'm white but i hate white people
I'm white, But I hate being white,and I hate other white people.
Is it normal?
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I'm white, But I hate being white,and I hate other white people.
Is it normal?
I hate being white too! And i love every black people! It's very confusing hahah.
you shouldn't hate white people.. just the arrogant bastards that think they're better than everyone else because they "founded" this country rather than extinguished almost an entire race of people.. which is almost every white person i have met, but siriusly- hating all of us is just as bad as any racist. so don't hate based on race (that's why so many ppl think their superior or some shit, idk..), hate the RACISTS! because they all, without a doubt, suck. siriusly.
As soon as some says some thing about being white , why do black people need to be involve there's other races. If the person doesn't like their own race they don't like their own race. You complaining about gives them a perfectly good reason not like their own race. (In this case white people) * this isn't meant to racist it's an point so chill*
I have no idea what you would be. White people have achieved great strides in the fields of science and literature...
I can see this viewpoint as an increasing problem. The liberal media has been active in a slanderous war against white culture and traditional values. In communist philosophy that advocates a class war, everyone must be equal regardless (spread the wealth, with the exception of politicians and international bankers). Under the guise of "humanitarianism" and "equality" they mean to reduce the wealthy and educated to the lowest common denominator. I'm sure most of white self-hatred stems directly from this leftist propaganda of slander and "guilt", (should the europeans be asking for reparations from the descendants of the moors?). So, NO, it is not normal. Turn off the TV, ditch the PC jargon, and make some ties with your people.
Class war is rich against poor, educated against non educated. What u speak of is a race war. And it is normal for a white to hate whites, because if you are ashamed of the behavior of ur race, and u posses intellect and a conscience, then ya, he/she should be proud of her/his disdain. Totally normal and not propaganda. You imply this person is incapable of their own free thought based on what they see/ hear, experience. That it is merely based on the media that this Person has drawn this conclusion. Imma call bullshit on that one.
This isnt uncommon. There are alot of whites that hate being white, and alot of black that hate being black. It probably stems from some experience you've had maybe with your family. I know some white people still feel guilty about what their ancestors did to blacks. Find out the reason why, and then just do great things in your white skin, and youll probably feel better...By the way...what race would u prefer to be?
You probably don't hate white people. But I do think that its normal to not be able to stand your own race sometimes. Everyone feels like that occasionally.
Well, it's not like you can choose what race you are.
I think it's normal...
Maybe you should live in a country where everyone is black/dark like africa or something or marry a person with dark skin. Maybe you want to be around people that aren't white more. I can't think of a reason why someone would hate being white, but then again some anorexics think they are fat so I suppose anything's possible.
It's called having self-hatred, you're rascist towards yourself. this is no joke, it's serious and you need some help.
I haven't a clue what 'race' I am. Last thing on my mind really. Glad I wasn't raised in the USA where everyone seems to be brought up to define themselves that way!
Additionally, I look at it like this, be glad u r white and ur mind is clear and open. We need more whites in this world that will stick up for and love black and brown folks. Be glad ur one of those whites. And use ur whiteness for the greater good. My black friends won't say the shit to these white racist fucks that I will or can, so use that shit to ur advantage and to the advantage of ur black/brown friends.
Totally normal. White people are arrogant, assholes that think they are above everyone else. I hate white people too and I'm white. I just read a post office review from this ass hole in Alaska talking about the csr and their broken English. I told that white fuck to get the hell outta Alaska if he can't deal with diversity. Alaska, especially Anchorage, is internationally diverse. It is an amazing place. I currently live in hillbilly hell and I wanna knock these white fucks out on a daily. Even poor whites think they are above the most highly educated, Economically stable, well dressed brown person. Not sure why whites are still in power in this country, but it's time to put em in their place if they can't get the right mindset. They didn't get to choose, upon birth, to be white. No one gets to choose what Race to be born, so they need to get off their high horse !
Haha dark girls are hotter, and they age better, and they don't comment stupid comebacks .
I'm from Miami and moved to Michigan and its such a culture change. The people here are all white. The are arrogant, rude, and just so awkward. I'm sorry but hands down Hispanics and blacks are the kind of people i love to hang out with.
The only thing I hate about it is that brown girls are hotter and few of them date white men :(
God made all races of people. We should not hate any race of people.
And if you really do hate yourself for being white, please get some professional help. It really sounds like you've got a problem with depression. All people are prejudice to a certain extent and if you deny this you are not being honest with yourself. People that keep hate going in this country profit from it.
Just live your lives and strive to be happy.
Racism is so wrong even against ones own race. Can't you see that Fuckface?
It's normal to hate your own race sometimes bit not like ligit hating to race. I really wanna be white but I'm really light skin soI look mixed.
Being racist toward your own race. What a fucking bad start in life. You will never be happy this way, hatred is such a destructive and draining emotion.
And that's ridiculous. Grow some balls and live with it. You are born white and you will die white!