I'm wondering if women have had to deal with loneliness and isolation

I'm wondering how many women have had to deal with the severe depths of isolation that I've seen in most men I converse online with; in the words of another "we've all been there", so the question is if women in general have also "been there": in the extremes of loneliness with no foreseeable way out; with no one to even really so much as listen to you and actually care.

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79% Normal
Based on 19 votes (15 yes)
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Comments ( 51 )
  • RoseIsabella

    For some people it's lonelier to be stuck with the wrong people than to be entirely alone.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    It depends on what people want, for some meaningless sex is satisfactory, for others it leaves them feeling like used objects which can create more problems.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yeah, I would much rather be alone than allow another person to objectify me, and use my body.

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  • Being humped then waking up with no one next to you sounds worse to me than being alone. Feels gross just thinking about it. To some that might be enough but for a lot of people especially those more likely to feel lonely it's just...depressing. It doesn't fulfill the social need or validate you in any way.

    After a while you'd rather just stay up talking than have sex and you probably aren't going to get any good conversation from a bar squeeze.

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  • kikilizzo

    I didnt have a friend until I was 19 years old and that was my boyfriend at the time. Had no one else. Never even had someone I spoke to at school.

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  • insanebotv21

    I had an iq of 139 in highschool btw. haven't checked it since but it's not important to the discussion so I don't feel the need to bring it up every time I disagree with someone.

    You really are just interpreting a difference of opinion as a lack of understanding. most of the people who disagree with you understand full well that you consider meaningless sex an avenue of human interaction, they probably don't even disagree with that. They merely disagree that it has psychological and emotional value. It's in the term "Meaningless". Their thesis is right in the first reply and every countering response has carried that thesis forward.

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  • insanebotv21

    They are. You may not think the fundamentals are up for debate, but they are. Isolation is isolation. Having sex does not magically mean you are any less isolated, in the same way a friendly greeting from a shopkeeper doesn't alleviate isolation. Sorry if I don't consider a dude who's just horny actual company. Honestly you might actually have a point if a girl could reliably convince a dude to come to her house and cuddle or something without worrying she's going to be raped, but that isn't the case. The kind of people who come to hookups are not at all trustworthy.

    You can also use far less words to say what you're saying; it's not their "average intelligence" it's your overly lengthy wording and insistence that X thing is true. You used an entire 202 words to say something to the effect of "I am smarter than average so I don't expect you to understand everything I say.". Which by the way is saying that the reader who doesn't agree is just dumber than you. It is a very thinly veiled insult whether you intend it to be one or not.

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  • Loneliness isn't voluntary that's what separates it from self-imposed isolation.

    The loneliness tends to be directly amplified by hook-up culture; it creates a feeling that no one is interested in anything more than your body and doesn't solve the core issue it just helps eliminate sexual frustration. For someone like me who needs emotional ties to actually enjoy sex a hook-up is no better than masturbation.
    As the OP I can straight up tell you that most men I know don't want to be treated the way hookup culture treats people. It's not that a hookup doesn't count as company(or even that they have don't access to them) it's that they want something more a warm body. The warm body may keep you company for a night but it's never going to be as fulfilling as a long term relationship, or even just simple friendship.

    One of the key components of loneliness is the feeling that no one you talk to actually cares about you; that you can't trust anyone with your own feelings or cares in the world. Not even so much as a friendly neighbor. No one to rely on no one who can help you with even simple things much less trust with your weakest moments. For all the glamorization they do of sex in the media hooking up still leaves you alone the next day. They might not even live in the same town you may never see them again much less can you count on a stranger for anything not even to just not steal your wallet on the way out.

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  • taebby22

    Female here... yes I'm an adult now and have experienced loneliness most of my life. I had a lot of friends in grade-school but when I found a note they had been passing around that said "I don't really like (my name), do you? I just pretend to like her" my trust was pretty much shattered. I genuinely loved my childhood friends but it turned out they really didn't care about me.
    Even in high school, college, and years after, dating never happened. I partially think it's because I look extremely young so men don't approach me.
    I dated a guy who I met on a dating app, and one day he was like "I don't like you anymore" and dumped me but it was fine because he was abusive.
    Next guy I dated did the same thing - one day he decided he just didn't like me anymore and left.
    Same reason from 2 very different men who never knew each other... Obviously it was me.
    So pretty much any time I get close to someone, they decide one day to cut off all contact with me without giving me a real reason, even though I don't do anything that would cause it. People just don't like me for some reason, but I'm too old now to care. I've come to accept and appreciate the single lonely life, and appreciate keeping people at a distance. I've become highly self-sufficient and don't need to rely on anyone.

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    • Honestly... Hope you find someone worth keeping. Either you're lying about not/don't know what you're doing wrong or the people you were around are trashy. I guess that's at least one area where boys have an advantage; most other boys will tell you to your face if they don't like you instead of pretending to like you.

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  • Holzman_67

    Too many to name. If you want to hear some of them, listen to late night talkback radio

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I've felt that way and I know many other women have. You probably have this mindset because no woman has opened up to you about it.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    Women find it easier to obtain meaningless sex and that’s about it.

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    • iEatZombies_

      Which can also lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Meaningless sex is meaningless, and a waste of time and energy as far as I'm concerned. I have no need, or desire for intimacy outside of a loving, committed, longterm, monogamous relationship. Meaningless sex is pointless, it's just people getting high off of each other, and their bodies' dopamine, so no thanks!

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  • wigz

    There's no shortage of men looking for sex from other men, so men should really be on top of that and capitalizing on it if they're lonely.

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  • wigz

    "Spending time with someone does not mean you are any less isolated than someone with no company at all? Okay."

    Actually, yes. Having someone present, but not "with" you is incredibly isolating. There's volumes written on this in psychology research. I have vast personal experience in the matter. I can say, without a doubt, that just having a body present "with you" can be way worse than being completely alone.

    Here's a rather basic scenario...you go with a friend to meet up with their other friends. The other friends start to tease you, make fun of you, and your original friend stays quiet and doesn't defend you. In that scenario, do you really feel less alone than if you weren't there with your "friend"? No, you feel MORE alone because you were there with someone who should've stood up for you but just sat silent.

    Let's say your father comes home drunk and starts screaming at you, calling you names, maybe starts hitting you,, and your mother just sits there watching and doesn't intervene. Doesn't that feel worse than if she wasn't there at all?

    This feeling doesn't require extra others to be present. Say you're in a relationship. If your s/o doesn't care to remember important dates, can't be relied on, takes more than they give...are they really "with" you? If they forget your birthday, is that fine because they'll still have sex with you later? Lol, no. You seriously expect someone to take great comfort in the fact that they could be completely taken for granted and forgotten on their special day, just because they could still probably have sex technically, with someone who obviously doesn't care about them much? It's actually more isolating because it really points out the fact that you're just being used and trampled on.

    What if you're in a relationship with someone and you're the only one who makes conversations? The only one who makes any effort? Oh, but you could still technically have sex...haha, seriously? That's throwing pearls before swine! Yet you're making it seem like a benefit.

    Also, what "women" are you even talking about? ALL women? Or are you talking about attractive women roughly 18-29, I mean, I'm not seeing how even your self-professed superior logic applies to 1. Unattractive women of any age 2. Older women. You seem to be referring to "women" as not all women, but attractive women in a certain age group.

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  • nsc-131

    men on average are extremly more likely to be lonely then women. I remember one time there was this subreddit called "foreveralonewomen" and they had to go private for a while because too many men were messaging the posters on the sub lol.

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  • insanebotv21


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  • insanebotv21

    the only inappropriate thing is the insistence with which you require others to take your world view in order to discuss with you then insist they can't handle the conversation. It's an extreme level of denial about your own arrogance to which the only valid reply is flippancy as absolutely nothing else seems to get through. I don't see how having two holes to fill is any different from one. If you were to connect the dots between everything I said, the men who CAN hook up don't want to have to deal with hook-up culture. They already have access to the woman's sexual status, just hit someone up on grindr lol. Women get the cars the kids the money and alimony in a divorce but the price they pay for this is that almost no one will actually see then as a human being. Men may be invisible but at least they're treated for what they are instead of a pair of tits and ass. Why would women want to be seen this way? Your hypothesis is a rigid binary system where there are 2 independent bits.

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  • insanebotv21

    trick question the answer is both would like to have it revoked in exchange for more common and frequent meaningful human interaction

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  • insanebotv21

    Not gonna lie I know a lot of gay guys who while able to get screwed fairly easily find it very very hard to get actual dates. And no, the guys who fuck them don't stick around it's almost like an unwritten rule: if you sleep with them on the first "date" they aren't going to stick around for the second.

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  • insanebotv21

    it's also debatable as to whether or not women actually have a harder time hooking up than men

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  • insanebotv21

    Therein lies the disagreement. It's not idiocy you're dealing with it's a disagreement with the fundamentals of the terms.

    Hate to break it to you but not everyone is open enough with their views on sex to even look for hookups in the first place, which is a source of part of the disagreement. It's kind of dishonest of you to blame them for not wanting to be viewed as a sex object or engage in one-night stands for the potential of something more just because being held after being used as a human flashlight feels better than being left alone to you. Not everyone is ok with that and to say that THAT is the method by which women are liberated from isolation and loneliness is actually more insulting than you implying that it's because everyone else is just "not as smart as you"

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  • insanebotv21

    You're being told that bad company is worse than no company at all. They're saying that the kind of access women get by using their bodies in this manner is company that only cares about your body and not the person it represents. To do so is to be treated like an object, a means of mere gratification. This is amplified by the fact that a lot of women NEED emotional ties to a person to actually be attracted to them.

    They aren't saying that women experience more isolation than men, they're saying that meaningless sex does not make most people feel less isolated. In some cases, being treated like an object in this manner will actually make them feel worse than if they had not slept with them at all. To be clear, this is not saying that they experience more isolation as a result of meeting and fucking.

    Their statement is that hookups don't resolve feelings of isolation.

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  • iEatZombies_

    Puffing yourself up in pride will be your downfall.

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  • iEatZombies_

    That's not equivalent at all. One meal a day will keep you alive. Meaningless sex is not equivalent to a meal, it's equivalent to a bowl of styrofoam. You'll still eat it if you're desperate enough and don't know better, but it will kill you more painfully than if you hadn't eaten at all.

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  • That actually sounds like a good plan. I probably wouldn't have become isolated to the point of psychological harm had I kept better contact with my friends when high school ended. Not that I'm against male bonding. I would cuddle with pretty much any clean shaven person I trust by this point which is still unfortunately a pool of zero. Hopefully I can start dating soon and maybe keep a few of them as friends even if they aren't marriage material. Feel like shit after finals week. Not sure I can add much more so TY I guess.

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  • As to why cleanshaven, I find body hair absolutely disgusting and I shave everything as a result.

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  • You might actually have inadvertently a good point even ignoring the gender dynamics...Mindset could be the cause of a lot of these issues. Maybe I should just become a girl and see for myself if it's any different.

    I created this post because I was willing to be proven wrong. I still believe men are more likely to be lonely but at least knowing that there are women out there who are as lonely as I am let me know I'm not alone.

    I will at least agree that men are less able to get access even if I don't really agree that hookups are an acceptable way to enter a relationship.

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  • Prettyelvisfan

    Of course

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  • Eh to be fair I was initially under the same assumption as you, that women experience loneliness differently or have less odds of it happening. But apparently they don't really differ in their experience of loneliness. I think I have answered the questions even if indirectly though? But I'll try to answer them directly.

    Odds are they both experience the same amount of loneliness in different ways. Assuming a personality type that isn't compatible with the "meet and fuck" mentality being held for a little while is just giving yourself a false sense of comfort/companionship that will eventually fade and return to normal after a while. Instead of filling the void in a meaningful way you're left with a different kind of damage; one that makes it feel even harder to actually get meaningful relationships. You basically just end up feeling used if you aren't the right kind of person. The only way this ends long term is if he stays around, but starting a relationship that way bothers a lot of people (because a lot of men will just fuck and leave, leading to emotional damage)

    Honestly, after so long being alone I'd probably just break down and cry during a one-night stand. As much as I wish I could speak for most men as to whether or not they'd like to be able to get hook-ups easier, the isolation has warped my psyche away from a masculine one into one that craves comfort over lust. I'd rather just be held and I don't trust a hook-up to not force themselves on me instead of just holding me.

    2.b)The fundamental idea behind the post was that women have more access to human interaction but what I'm getting from reading these comments is that they merely have the illusion of more access from an outside perspective. Men might be treated like shit with their emotional wellbeing viewed as expendable even to themselves but women seem to have a significantly harder time finding trust.

    Something said by a girl I once knew nearly a decade ago came to mind: "boys will never have to walk to their car with their keys in their fist for fear of being raped". So in a way, I think the second option is closer to the truth. I think a lot of women would prefer it to be harder to hook up if it meant being more certain the person they're talking with wants something more.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I don't think it's wise for people to compare each other's loneliness, pain and or grief to one another.

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    • without comparison it's kind of hard to understand each other's grief; without this post I probably would have been mistaken for a lot longer purely because of how hard it is for lonely people to be able to convey loneliness. if it were easier they wouldn't be alone after all; they would have at least one person listening to them.

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    • bigbudchonger

      Why not Rose?

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      • bluecheez

        because it’s not a competition

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  • Things might be different for me for some reason I don't even have the downvote button available to me.

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  • It's not hidden and I didn't downvote it I'm not really sure what they found wrong with it enough to downvote it twice. Sure it's subjective but this question itself is subjective. You're going to get differing opinions here because people have different experiences in life.

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  • insanebotv21

    He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man

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  • RoseIsabella

    This is true.

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  • Tinybird

    Are you kidding??? That's my whole life. Every day I cry because of loneliness. I know I will never experience love. This makes me feel despair and hopelessness. And I have never had a boyfriend or kissed also. At 25. And no it's not cause no one finds me attractive, it's the reverse. What I find attractive, is not available for me to date.

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    • I've been there before and I'm still kind of there. You have to change your outlook and hope for the better or it's just going to keep hurting more and more. Finding people even as friends is hard, people just aren't receptive to being talked to nowadays. 25 isn't too old at least. About my age actually. Not sure I could keep it together without my sister and parents.

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      • Tinybird

        I'm talking more about romantic loneliness.... The thing is what I'm attracted to I can never be with.

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        • h... Might actually be able to relate? I'm not exactly normal when it comes to desire but rn I don't even have a friend. What exactly are you attracted to?

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          • Tinybird

            rather not say tbh...

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            • My imagination is infinitely worse than whatever you're presumably not ready to say I'm going to assume it involves a bicycle a carrot and a bag of bells. And it's probably gay too.

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