I'm writing a book

Just wondering if there are any book enthusiasts or other writers here :p I'm planning on writing my first book soon, it's either going to revolve around dragons or wolves

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Comments ( 12 )
  • GreenEyedDuelist

    Best of luck to you, OP. I hope it's a huge success. :)

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    • Thanks!

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  • User-name

    I'm a writer too OP! So are a few buds of mine, I'm beyond attatched to my characters.

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  • mundaneman

    I'm an aspiring writer too and I love stories with dragons and magical/mystical creatures! Good luck!

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  • joshmatt

    Dragons or wolves ? Hmm, sounds like the game is a foot... and it needs a pedicure

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  • JustADreamer

    I'm writing a book too! It's about a dystopian society and a person who doesn't know if she's human or not.

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  • fugazi

    My comic series is about a man who always has bad luck and gets hurt and stuff until he goes crazy. It's called crazy mick.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Best advice I ever got about writing, from two successful novelists was; write what you know.

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    • StrippedRapedAndStrangled

      I don't believe AIDS will be curing homosexuals anytime soon.

      The OP is DarkOil

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      • Who is DarkOil? If there a user I've never seen em around

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    The book is about dragons who know the truth about 9/11 and a whistle-blower admits to the whole world that they know the truth and tells them the truth but they don't believe it because it's a dragon saying it and they didn't even know dragons existed until now. So now all of the dragons are mad at this guy and all of the humans are skeptical and like the equivalent of Dragon CIA goes after him to silence him as he retrieves the last piece of the puzzle to settling this global conspiracy once and for all.

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    • That sounds like a great plot! I'll be sure to consider it if I go with the dragon idea ;)

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