I might kill my dog

I am 11 weeks pregnant with my second. So maybe the hormones are just amplifying my irritation. But my dachshund is driving me fucking insane. So much so that I fear I might kill her. I have mental breakdowns several times a day because of her.
Her constant barking, shitting and pissing on the floor despite knowing to use her puppy pad/outside , her attacking my cat. I lock her in her kennel when she does something she's not supposed to, and she will sit there and dig and whine and bark. I have had horrible thoughts of drowning her, or throwing her over my balcony. I've tried obedience classes, spray bottles, everything. I am at my wits end. And my boyfriend refuses to rehome her. Even though I'm the only one home and taking care of her/dealing with this.

Is this just my hormones?
Or is my dog seriously going to drive me up a wall?

It's just pregnancy hormones 20
Just deal with it 9
No, this isn't normal 23
Rehome her! 77
Keep training 6
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Comments ( 16 )
  • mysistersshadow

    Give the dog away its not its fault that its behaving like a dog and I doubt it had any choice in becoming your pet.

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  • Ellenna

    It's your dog, rehome her yourself.

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  • RoseIsabella

    No offense, but dachshunds aren't exactly the smartest, most obedient dogs around. You should have known about the breed before you got her. Some of the dog breeds my family has had that were truly fucking brilliant are: collies, shelties and poodles. Yeah, you probably couldn't pay me to own a dachshund.

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    • dytrog

      I have ad 3 dachshunds 1 was really smart and loyal the other 2 not so much. But they were loving dogs. If you want a smart lap dog go poodle. If you want the smartest dog go border collie. Or in your case no dog.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Actually, I'm a Shetland sheepdog person myself! I have yet to meet a dachshund that didn't piss all over the house. I dunno, maybe they have bladder issues. I've had dog's all my life, but dachshunds have never appealed to me.

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        • dytrog

          I have never had trouble teaching them to use a dog door.

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  • Ponywriter

    I feel sorry for your unborn baby

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  • Birdprince

    make a hot dog out of it.

    jk just rehome her when your boyfriend is away and tell him she ran away

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  • Dogkiller

    Don't listen to all these fucked up in the head animal lovers. It's nothing but a worthless piece of shit dog. That's the best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to get rid of it.These people are truly mentally sick who treat dogs like a human. They don't understand the difference. Don't be sucked into their sick way of thinking. Soon they will be marrying dogs.

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    • xneonkittyx

      I dont treat my dog like a human at all. But I would never kill one unless it was attacking me, someone else or a different pet. You have serious issues. Animals are living things like you. Instead of sitting behind a electronic device go to a therapist and get help.

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  • xneonkittyx

    Who cares what your boyfriend thinks of you might kill her!!!! Wtf!!!! Rehome her ASAP!!!!!!

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  • cfree

    It's simple, you didn't want a dog but got saddled with looking after one anyway and your husband won't listen to you on this issue, so you're naturally frustrated. Pregnancy hormones are magnifying those feelings. It's fairly normal to have really quite dramatic sounding thoughts like, "I want to throw my dog/child under a bus!", and it usually is nothing more than psychological venting. It helps to be compassionate in these times, think how your dog must feel to be behaving this way! Dogs *need* walks, play, attention and affection. Without these requirements being met training will be ineffective, especially if you're resorting to locking your little girl in a cage for the crime of being desperately bored and frustrated; should you be locked in a cage for your frustration? Even so, if you are genuinely feeling like you're going to hurt her then you will need to have a very serious conversation with your husband, and if push comes to shove and he won't listen, then re-home the dog without his consent since this is better than murdering her! When it comes to re-homing you should check what the going rate for your dog breed is and sell her for that, don't give her away for free because she's much more likely to go to a bad home and be abused or even tortured to death for fun (people like that don't tend to pay much for animals). You should also try to make sure that her new owner is experienced with retraining dogs that have bad habits, talk to them about any other dogs they've re-trained and how they achieved it, and if something is not right then don't sell her to that person!

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  • -insertcleverusername-

    Talk to your bf about it

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  • sofee59

    I treat animals like kids so if your child is like five and say poops on the floor can you throw them off the balcony too.

    It could be do to your dog's age dogs become old too, you don't give me enough info on your dog to give you a more accurate opinion.

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  • NormaLeeSane

    If this is how you handle a sentient being that messes on the floor, then I worry for your unborn child later on during the potty-training period. Dachshunds are not the easiest to potty-train, but even some children are known to wet the bed for years. It seems that maybe you need to see a therapist and get a grip on your emotions - preferably before the child arrives.

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  • DublinGirl

    Whether, or not, you're 'hormonal', if the dog's behaviour is as problematic as you say it is and you're the one having to deal with it, then the issue is a simple one, espcially bearing in mind your willingness to rehome the dog and your boyfriend's apparent intention to do nothing about it.

    Say to your boyfriend, 'I've had enough, it's either the dog, or me, your choice - and if you don't make the decision then I'll make it for the both of us.'

    If he takes note and resolves the issue in the only way he can by finding a new home for the dog, job done. If he doesn't, then he clearly thinks more about a daschund than he does about you (and presumably his unborn child).

    If that's the case, then you need to get rid of your useless excuse of a boyfriend which I assume will also result in him taking the dog he appears to love so much with him.

    I'd say that was a win/win situation for both you and your cat!

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