I might not be wrong about many things

Is it normal to just want people to recognise the achievements in what you believe?
Why do I constantly have to defend my position and constantly have to prove anything and constantly have to stand up for what I believe in? It's exhausting, it's painful, why are people challenging the good beliefs (beliefs in the good) but not the neutral beliefs?
Whenever it's about excellence people say you're not that thing, they're very negative with good beliefs.
I'm not wrong about many things, I have 100% accuracy.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • Tommythecaty

    They don’t challenge the neutral because it does not challenge them.

    Yoda moment.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Drum roll, smash (on the cymbal).
      That's a good Star Wars fan comeback. And then the intelligent Yoda can get in not all sorts of trouble.

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