I.n.n to believe in god and evolution at the same time?
In my many travels on this site I've discovered that religion, or at least religious people have been very unfashionable lately, to the point where it seems the war on terror between east and west has turned from a war of western Christianity vs Middle Eastern Islam too a war of worldwide Islam vs Western Atheism, but more to the point,
I'm a Christian(There i said it) but i'm also of that rare breed that doesn't believe in god as a kindly bearded man in the clouds but rather as a benign all powerful entity that's at the helm of the universe (Including the progress of evolution in all living species) who is eternally in conflict with his opposite number (Aka Satan) for dominion over the hearts and minds of all of us here on earth. I've discovered that being a Christian and believing the Earth is billions of years old doesn't sit too well with other believers,
the way i see it is, if God is half as powerful as the bible would portray him, surely waiting a few billion years for anything to happen is nothing to him? And here's a note to other Christians when confronted by a rude Atheist: When Jesus was dying on the cross and the crowd was jeering at him, he said to his father:"Please do not judge the, for they do not know what they are doing" Dont judge guys.
So what do you think? Am i way of my rocker or making perfect sense?