I nap, like alot
Just as the title says, now before any assumptions are made, I work full time TWO jobs
Basically, to me, sleep is GOLD. Its precious, its my fuel for the next morning, it determines whether i have a bad hair day for work (given if i have the time to shower, of course if ive had a good sleep), it determines how good my day will be.
So I have been doing this. Right after work, i will park in a safe location (say, an elderly community close to my work), roll back my seat, and NAP, usually for an hour, two at most. I wake up refreshed.
Id rather do this than drive almost half asleep by the wheel (its dangerous to do so)
I know other people who are sleep deprived. Im beginning to feel "spoiled" for getting my sleep and naps right. is it normal to feel spoiled/entitled?
I decline going out socially because Id rather snooze comfy in my pajamas curl up and netflix. ahh the works:)
When I come home I keep my interactions/physical activities light because Im already being drawn to my bed:)
I prioritize my sleep and my naps more than anything. I wonder if its normal to deprive oneself of sleep constantly? Is it normal to give in to my body's need for sleep?