I nearly died of hemhorroids

I almost fucking died from these things, they are incredibly dangerous. I was taking a shit, and one of my hemorrhoids exploded and I lost nearly two pints of blood! I began to bleed profusely out of my ass, but luckily, I called the ambulance just in the nick of time.

There was literally blood spurting out of my asshole, and I had to get a blood transfusion because I lost so much blood from the things. I was literally on the brink of death. Yes, you can die from hemorrhoids, and it is a horrible way to go.

Sometimes, you can literally bleed out the ass to the point of death. Like what almost happened to me. Sometimes, they burst and can kill you in minutes.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • CozmoWank

    The following isn't a troll or meant to be funny.

    Yesterday (Sunday) I was eating at a Chinese buffet. I went in the men's room to wash my hands. I looked over my shoulder into a stall that had it's door open. Someone left a seriously bloody turd in the toilet. It was pretty gruesome looking. All I could think of is if it happened to me, I would be on the phone calling an ambulance. I felt sorry for whoever left it. Don't know if it was hems or whatever but, fuuuuck. Must have been terrifying for the guy.

    I have no doubt you could bleed to death from a problem like that.

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  • LloydAsher

    Hmm might also have a blood disorder as well because there are no major arteries near the anus. Bleeding from the anus would actually cease around 2 pints of blood if not sooner. The major concern now is infection for you.

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  • charli.m

    Sounds like there was a comorbid illness.

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    I need to take care of mine. Theres always blood in the toilet. I just really dont want a doctor molesting me to check them.

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  • That's no good bud.

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