I need a male figure to replace jesus!

Is it normal that once you have stopped believing in Jesus, you feel like you need a male figure to guide you spiritually? I used to be religious when I was young, untill the age of like 16 when I was still praying every night, and the truth is it actually made me feel better, but that was long time ago. Now I'm more of an agnostic but I wonder if there is anything I can do to imagine a male/fatherly figure to keep me constant reminder that someone cares about me a lot. By the way my parents are divorced and I haven't seen my dad in 8 years. But I don't think that's related. It's really about a replacement of Jesus that I'm looking for. Any religions that are promising?

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Comments ( 18 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Jean Luc Picard.

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  • dckent

    It would be nice if I had sumthing I could say to you that would make all the pain and emptiness go away. Truly it IS heartbreaking to hear that you want to replace Jesus, but that's up to you. Choose what you like, you're allowed. I just hope that in your search for a Jesus replacement, that you just find JESUS instead! That you'll find Him and realize how silly you've been! I hope that you will discover just how much he really does love you and no matter what, He will still accept you and love you, even if you've gone for 70 years!!! I also hope that it doesn't take that long, and that you'll make that solid choice for him before it's too late... before that day you pass from this life. At the end of the day, when you lay your head down at night, remember this one thing, you might not wake up the next day so do you really want to go out alone? Is it worth the risk to lay down before you think about your life and where you might go when your heart stops? Consider this, do you want to live on forever, or risk losing everything AND yourself (soul) forever.

    We all need to consider that. I personally pray that I don't ever want to replace Jesus Christ for anything, especially David Hasselhoff!!! (Yeeuuchhk!!)

    Christianity is not for perfect people, Jesus came for sick ppl, broken and hopeless ppl. He is the great physician of our hearts, and He can and will mend yours. He's your friend, even if you don't think so. Think about it...

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    • dckent

      P.S. I'll be praying for you bud. Just try and listen to your heart, and don't be afraid to cry, because that's what's really going on, you are choosing to ignore the pain in your heart. Forget what these other clowns say, they are still trying to work things out in their brain, they haven't even made it into their own heart yet, or maybe they don't have one yet... but you do. I know that just by the question you have posed. It is possible to know and love someone who died thousands of years ago, it's call the SPIRIT.

      Go and find your TRU self, and pursue GOD"S wisdom, not man's. :) HINT: Try opening the bible again, and read it with an open mind and heart, you may be suprised at what He will say to you!!!

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  • lc1988

    Mine is al harris

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  • JustDave

    You can believe in Dave.

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  • DuckieElf

    What made you stop believing in Him? It breaks my heart that you want to find a replacement of the Almighty God that created everything in existence. Jesus is the one and only that will always be there for you all your life. His love for you is everlasting. Maybe it doesn't feel like He's really there and things haven't gone the way you think it should, but He is with you always, whether you choose to believe it or not. And when you've lost all faith in Him, just remember that everything that's happened--good and bad--is because God let it happen. He has control of all things, so if you've believed in Him once before, He will never let go if you--you're forever in God's Will.

    I'm sorry if this is all religious or whatever, but its all true. Don't try looking for another religion or a replacement, because none of them will ever satisfy. Instead, try to learn more about God and understand how he works and talks to us--chances are, He's talked to you before but you didn't know it. He works in remarkable ways!

    I'll be praying for you. :)

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    • suckonthis9

      You have made an assertion that this supposedly almighty deity created everything in existence, then aver that is all true.
      Can you please provide irrefutable non-biased, third-party evidence for this?
      If this supposedly almighty deity created everything in existence, then this deity also created space. How is it possible that anything could exist (including this deity), without space?
      By the way, this deity is named variously Jehovah / Yahweh / Allah, in different languages. Why are you afraid to call this deity by a proper name?
      For your information, the creatures that have often been misinterpreted as various deities, demons, angels and a wide assortment of other creatures of folklore, would like you to know that they do not interfere in naturally occuring events. Furthermore, they also regard repetitive ceremonial behaviour as an insult to them as well as an insult to oneself. They recommend quiet contemplation at an appropriate time and place.
      Jesus of Nazareth was a person who lived in the Roman Province of Judaea about two thousand years ago. Jesus of Nazareth has been deceased for a very, very long time. Therefor, it is impossible for him
      (please note the lower case 'h') to be there for anyone. You actually know very little about him, and continue to perpetuate stories that were made up by other people about him that are patently false. A good, more modern analogy of what personality type he really was, is one like Charles Manson. Jesus of Nazareth was brutally executed for spreading dangerous ideas around.
      It is impossible to be in love with someone you do not know.

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    • BSEVS

      Please. Stop spewing this garbage on here.

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    • sishu

      Dude are you serious? There is nothing I hate more than people who think they know the truth just cuz they read a book written 2000 year ago and revised by other people...I stopped believing in him when I realized that many religions exist with different views; I stopped believing in him when I started watching Twilight and other bullshit fictional movies about people having super powers; and I stopped believing in him when I realized that I make my own future, and the money that I make I give to people I like, apreciate and love.

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  • RoseIsabella

    When you say you need a male figure to replace Jesus it implies that you actually do need Jesus. Also your parents' divorce probably plays a much larger role in this need for a male figure than you would care to admit.

    Either way I nominate Chuck Norris!

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  • Avant-Garde

    The Dalai Lama.

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  • la_la_la_la


    I read a load of psychic magazines, & I highly recommend said idea – you're never bored, they “know” the worst side of you & don't mind, & when anything goes wrong (emotionally) “______ will sort you out” (because your family/friends have been driven round the bend & back).

    You can even make up a spell/song to “call” him/her to you – just put some English phrases through a Latin converter. It's all the same thing at the end of the day.

    Just make sure you know it's just you making it up. NEVER mention him/her in public.

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  • la_la_la_la


    Make one up. Or use a copyrighted character. Mine are mostly musicians with magic powers added on. I don't pray to them, but thinking about them helps me relax, & cheers me up. If anything they do a better job of it.

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  • Unimportant

    I'm right here, baby. Believe in me.

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  • NotStrangeBird

    Elvis---The one true King.

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  • dom180

    I'll do it, if the job's vacant. How does it pay?

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  • dirtybirdy

    Hasselhoffianity. I'm hooked on a feeling that its the right choice for you.

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    • sishu

      I'm not sure. I used to watch Baywatch as a kid but I don't imagine having a topless photo of him above my computer desk everyday. I am quite fond of the looks of Jesus and infact I grow my hair like him. But maybe a spiritual figure, a hippie guru or something would give me a hint. I would be looking for something that has many followers, and at least half male followers so I can socialize about it too.

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