I need help, who do i believe?

My friend (we'll call her Cara) has been in a relationship with a guy for two years (Jason), I've been friends with them both since forever but when they argue, Cara comes back the next day with little cuts on her arm and tells me she tried to kill herself because he'd beaten her up. The first time this happened I believed her and when to confront Jason; he told me they didn't even have a very big argument and she was being a drama queen.
Cara has a history of overdoing it when it comes to arguing with her boyfriends but I've known Jason since I was in kindergarten and he can't even kill a fly without being sad. I've also known Cara for years and she's never lied to me and I can always tell when she is because she's not very good at it. I've seen her ex around college campus more lately and my friend has been talking to him more lately as well and she went for a drink with him when he asked her but she denies talking to him around the time of the incident. She might have gotten better at lying or she really means it but I just don't know what to think!

I need to help her before it gets really serious!

Who do I believe?

Jason 22
Cara 1
The ex boyfriend did it. 13
None of the above, it was someone else! 8
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Comments ( 7 )
  • wigsplitz

    The butler did it. It's always the butler.

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    • Avant-Garde

      It was Miss Scarlet in the Library with the kitchen knife.

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  • floodimoo123

    Are there bruises or marks on Cara besides her cuts? If not, she's lying and you should believe Jason.

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  • sissycakes

    why don't you learn how to spy, and see what is going on for yourself?

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  • Avant-Garde

    This reminds me of the boy who cried wolf.

    Reading this, I'm going to have to go with jason. Maybe, she's having a breakdown? If she's cutting herself and talking about suicide, take extra precautions and tell someone about it. Relationship wise, I think the two should call it quits and avoid each other.

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  • myownopinions

    Wait, did Cara get the cuts from cutting herself or from being 'beaten' up. From what you've described, you should probably believe Jason. Cara might just be going over the deep end.

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    • everlily76

      she said he twisted her arm and the cuts are from her attempting to kill herself

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