I need help with this?

I am going crazy lately. For the past year I have been having this anxiety with people where I would just feel really awkward for just no reason.even around close family I'm actually so embarrassed about it. I always have to run a conversation through my head ten times a before I have it to try and see how it won't be awkward but it always is I actually walk different routes to avoid running into people so I don't have awkward conversations with them. I feel trapped and dead inside because of this. I don't know what to do because it's embarrassing to talk about. I'm comfortable with close friends however. ..but that's it. I cannot continue like this. I have got an amazing job lined up this summer and tips are very important but all im thinking about is how awkward I'm gonna be with the customers I feel like such a burden. Please help

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Comments ( 7 )
  • Crow

    Go get therapy, man.

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  • Freyr

    maybe you are shy around some people. I can somewhat relate. Like a particular boss whom I report to. Not the most pleasant lady and she somehow does not like me very much. Not sure why. Anyway knowing this makes me awkward and I will try to avoid her. However I have come to realise that I somehow intimidate her, even though I tend to be real polite towards her.
    I know it is easier said than done but just relax. Practice looking people in the eye and speak confidently. Remember we all have insecurities like you. Smile and project you.
    Stop worrying about what to say. If you believe in God, repeat this phrase from the bible" God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, Power and a sound mind. Meditation is powerful.

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  • flamer180

    Face your fears. Try to gain confidence. You can do it.

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  • m061u5

    Sounds like aspies, schizotypal or schizo-affective. Or you describe me without some important features to tell. For me, i activally pursue situations where my avoidant traits are exasberated...as this makes it easier for me each time....but would be disasterous for austic sectrum folk.

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    • Sounds more like social anxiety. I've been diagnosed with aspergers and schizo and never even think about what other people might be thinking.

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      • m061u5

        I thought autism, schizo were social anxiety disorders. Heh.

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        • No, although some people with those diagnoses also have social anxiety. I don't have the social anxiety problems though, probably because I don't care what others are thinking.
          For me autism effects my ability to get non verbal communication and I have sensory problems.
          I take meds for the schiz symptoms now and they are mostly gone but when I was experiencing them I was having a hard time thinking clearly and had some unusual experiences. Some would say they are hallucinations but personaly I think some people are more aware of alternate realities.

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