I need some good advice?
Hey guys I really want to do a stand up comedy act for my college talent show but I'm really really nervous about it. Can anyone give me some solid advice?
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Hey guys I really want to do a stand up comedy act for my college talent show but I'm really really nervous about it. Can anyone give me some solid advice?
Use your nervousness as part of your act. Take your nervous tics, and slurred and scrambled words, and awkwardness, and looks of fear, and magnify them, exaggerating how ridiculous they are. Get people to laugh at you for being you and they'll think your a good actor/entertainer/comic. It shouldn't matter if your routine is real or contrived as long as it makes them laugh, so do what you're good at. Good luck!
Absolutely memorize some canned material from your favorite comedians and start your stand up there my favorite comedians are Mitch hedburg and anthony jeselnik. It will help you fight the stage fright and u can focus on your delivery, then you can write your own material and slip it in your canned material so your not bombing every chance you get and end up discouraged. I'll give you two good jokes from Mitch, I had an ant farm once, them fellas didn't grow sh*t. I'd be a terrible mechanic like if someone said to me, hey man my car won't start, I'd be like, well maybe there is a killer after you! I actually have many stand up jokes memorized to make girls laugh whom I've met for the first time just for fun
trust your self! have a very big trust in your self that you can do it! good luck!
Imagine everyone in the underwear. It's corny but that all I got for you.
Picture your audience naked....all males and females have extremely large cartoonist bushes