I need someone's help with my buggy computer

I don't think I have any serious issue's with my computer but I am not super computer savvy! I try to learn a little bit and am interested in learning more but don't know any easy sources that down to earth explain things . It would be cool to be a bit of a whiz with things . I have a slow computer sometimes and also the webpages go black ( the entire screen of them ) I have to exit all the windows and re open the browser to fix this but it only helps for a random amount of time and does it again all day and night off and on . I also have a lot of the media players or what not stop working such as you tube or face book videos and what not .. it will show and exclamation mark and just stop working which I will then have to do the same . I feel maybe some thing or things I downloaded or saved may have caused this but not sure? my anti virus is just Norton free anti virus . I am wondering ... should I be formatting the computer to do this? if so what's the easiest and fastest way to do so .. I want to save my photos and documents on my computer , I don't have thousands but I want to save whatever items are there quickly ( I suppose I can only do this with a flash drive .. cant find mine) or maybe I can email them all? not sure how this works but what is your recommendation on solving my computer , re vamping it back to new even though its just some Toshiba laptop nothing crazy ... then when its all new again , what critical programs do you suggest me having , any good ones I am overlooking or would be nice to have . thanks and sorry if all this sounds like a joke . I am a simple guy when it comes to computers and phones and such but I try to learn all the new stuff out there even though everyone my age seems to be hackers and phone experts LOL

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Comments ( 19 )
  • shuggy-chan


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    • Aries

      LOL shuggy you fucker NO!

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  • TrustMeImLying

    Sounds like your problem is browser specific. Slowness is often unrelated. Your internet browser is the first thing I would focus on. I hope to dear god you aren't using internet explorer. Lol. If you are. Don't tell me. Just secretly download google chrome :p If you already are using chrome (or firefox), then uninstall it and install it again. (backup any important bookmarks. Also your surfing history will vanish in case that's a concern) Either one of your browser plugins has malfunctioned or it has malware.

    Let me know if this doesnt work and we can move to the next step

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    • Aries

      I just went on isitnormal right now from chrome and the site looks completely different . It looks really old and weird as hell ... it was difficult to maneuver to be honest ? why the hell would chrome change the entire site on me xD

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      • TrustMeImLying

        Really? That is not normal. I have used IIN on different computers/browsers and it was all the same

        Look at the website address. Make sure it is www.isitnormal.com and not m.isitnormal.Com

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    • Aries

      unfortunately I was being serious when I said I am a simple guy when it comes to technology . I want to start learning more though all around and specifically computers . I have chrome but I wasn't using it because it was a change to me .. do I need to uninstall explorer or something LOL? my computer browser fucks up a lot and does weird stuff but my laptop feels slow also because it gets slow sometimes or freezes up and doesn't let me do things . I don't have much on here or use it for much which is why it is confusing . I suppose I can start using chrome but I feel like when I tried that videos and stuff didn't work the same from youtube or what not

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      • TrustMeImLying

        Haha. You're fine, dude. My younger brother is not tech savvy either. I was only teasing. And I am allowed to tease and insult... it is my non-negotiable price for helping :p

        No, don't uninstall internet explorer. The videos didn't work the same on chrome or didn't work at all? If they didn't work at all then that may just mean you need to install adobe flash player. I'm not trying to force you to switch to chrome but this is a simple way to check if there's a problem with just internet explorer, or all your browsers.

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  • JD777

    Hard to say on part of that - I'd have to poke around some to look for issues. See if you can get a computer savvy friend to sit down with you. One good place to start is to clean up Internet files (delete cookies and temporary files you don't need) and clean your registry. Also, go into control panel and run hard drive clean-up. Then power down then back up. As far as backing up files, using USB drives is fast and cheap. I also have an external hard drive that has enough speed and capacity to backup my whole PC pretty quickly.

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    • Aries

      thank you , by cleaning up the hard drive .. will my photo's and files be safe?

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      • JD777

        It may not make them any safer. But it may make them load faster and reduce the chances of a the drive causing problems. You'll still want to back them up to an external drive of some sort. I keep two full back-ups. One I keep handy at my home and the other in a bank safe deposit box in case the one backup is burned in a fire, stolen, damaged, or whatever.

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  • theseeker

    Yeah, be careful what you download. I had a bad experience with my first laptop, and experienced a lot of blue screens and crashes. It could be a virus slowing down your computer. Make sure your antivirus is active. Scan your computer from your antivirus because that can detect viruses and remove them sometimes.

    Also, try closing all applications running on your computer, then open "task manager." If your cpu usage is running at an unusually high percentage with nothing open, there's probably a virus running. I wouldn't recommend doing anything from task manager though if you're not experienced for the fact you don't want to end an important process on your computer.

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  • alekia

    Seriously, do not reformat. I'll give you some programs that will help you out. First one is CCleaner. It cleans up junk crap. When you run it, have it go through the Cleaner option, and then run the Registry option. Just that alone will make a noticeable difference. You can find CCleaner on Piriform's site. It's the first result if you Google it.

    Also, Spybot Search & Destroy. GET THAT. It will find malware and other crap that can bog your system down. Just Google Spybot - it'll be the first result or near the top, at Safer-Networking.

    These are both free. I work in IT. I am paid (actually, overpaid) to help doctors with their computers all day. Good luck!

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  • stopandthink

    Is it a laptop or desktop? Has it always been slow, or has it's performance gradually decreased?
    I recommend doing a back up of all your files (use an external hard drive of the right capacity), then formatting the computer (basically a factory reset).
    Also, if you're on Windows 7, I'd recommend switching back to XP as it's less demanding on your hardware.
    Above all, once it's cleaned, you don't want any worm or trojan viruses, or ads; get Avast, which I think is partially free, AND GET BETAFISH AD BLOCKER. You won't believe the amount of viruses distributed through popups and ads, and this blocks them all. It blocks from 5-16 files and pop ups on most of my webpages.

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    • Aries

      laptop and it screws up a lot more than it is slow . It's no lightning speed but fairly good . I just feel like its not functioning at full capacity and also and main issue is it screws up a lot like I mentioned so something must be wrong .

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  • Redcoats

    Do the disc cleanup first, don't worry you won't lose any pics or anything. Then I'd recommend a de-frag and then a restart, both of these things could take ages so best left overnight.

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    • Aries

      I will research how to complete these tasks and set a date to have them done , maybe over the weekend :D thanks

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  • Aries

    so cleaning up the hard drive will delete these things? also I want to be clear .. is formatting the same thing as what you are mentioning or two different tasks all together ( such a Noob sorry )

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    • JD777

      I don't suggest formatting your hard drive. That process can result in the loss of all your files!!!

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      • Aries

        oh no :O

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