I need someone's help with my buggy computer
I don't think I have any serious issue's with my computer but I am not super computer savvy! I try to learn a little bit and am interested in learning more but don't know any easy sources that down to earth explain things . It would be cool to be a bit of a whiz with things . I have a slow computer sometimes and also the webpages go black ( the entire screen of them ) I have to exit all the windows and re open the browser to fix this but it only helps for a random amount of time and does it again all day and night off and on . I also have a lot of the media players or what not stop working such as you tube or face book videos and what not .. it will show and exclamation mark and just stop working which I will then have to do the same . I feel maybe some thing or things I downloaded or saved may have caused this but not sure? my anti virus is just Norton free anti virus . I am wondering ... should I be formatting the computer to do this? if so what's the easiest and fastest way to do so .. I want to save my photos and documents on my computer , I don't have thousands but I want to save whatever items are there quickly ( I suppose I can only do this with a flash drive .. cant find mine) or maybe I can email them all? not sure how this works but what is your recommendation on solving my computer , re vamping it back to new even though its just some Toshiba laptop nothing crazy ... then when its all new again , what critical programs do you suggest me having , any good ones I am overlooking or would be nice to have . thanks and sorry if all this sounds like a joke . I am a simple guy when it comes to computers and phones and such but I try to learn all the new stuff out there even though everyone my age seems to be hackers and phone experts LOL