I need stress to get anything done, iin

I have a serious problem with procrastination. I think I'm addicted to whatever chemicals are released when I feel fear or stress. I hold off on doing anything until it's almost too late.

My work is project and deadline based.

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83% Normal
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Comments ( 5 )
  • fatchubbs

    i feel a great relief when I just make it and yeah

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  • JonathanOo

    I Wish I was the opposite and got things done regardless..

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  • littledicky

    "Is it normal" isn't the right question. First, I don't know what "normal" is or means, do you? By normal, do you mean what most people do? Or, what most people think? Or what "experts" say? Who cares? If it works for you, it works for you. I'm a writer, and it works for me. I get my best focus and greatest inspiration when the deadline pressure is on. Does it take a toll physically or psychologically? No. Under pressure I'm totally relaxed. I may work 48 hours straight. But when it's done, it's really good. and I'm free to enjoy the rest of my life. little dicky

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm a procrastinator myself and I'm chronically late. I honestly wish I could do the opposite of what I've been doing as far as this issue is concerned. I hate it, and yet I have no drive or motivation until it's close to the wire.

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    • The_Loitering_Creep

      Hi Rosie. I have procrastination tendencies, and what works for me is to get a bit of fear going early in the game. Fear is a double edged sword. A small amount is effective. Too much, and you loose your tenacity. My first warning is when I notice that I feel too comfortable in my chair.

      I realize my triggers for healthy motivation are unrelated to creepiness, but if non-creeps can benefit from my ideas, I am glad to help.

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