I never shave my armpits and im a girl
they're not that bad but I always have hair under my arms. is that alright?
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they're not that bad but I always have hair under my arms. is that alright?
I only shave when I wear a sleeveless formal. Hair just looks weird with a frilly dress you know?
Underarm hair has a very similar purpose to pubic hair. It protects your skin from irritation in a high-friction area and provides a barrier against bacteria and fungus growing in the warm, moist environment that is your armpit. You know how a lot of bare pits start turning yellow? Yeah, that's a fungal infection. Pretty gross, right? And don't even get me started on ingrown hairs. Ouch.
My point is, why spend your time and energy worrying about being hairless when you could be doing something more productive? It's a silly double-standard that society imposes upon us. Don't worry about what others think. You just do what you feel comfortable doing.
geekchic42, its great that you for the main part don't shave your arm pit hair or pubic hair. You say that you shave only when wearing a sleeveless formal dress. My wife has never shaved ever either arm or pubic hair, we went to a wedding and she was not ashamed to wear a formal evening dress for that occasion. No person bothered about the fact that she had hairy arm pits, its not as if she was going around with her arms up in the air, I only noticed once when she did lift them up a little to sort a head hair that had got into her eye, so even if you go to something formal, just make sure that you don't lift up your arms, that way no one will bother you.
I would first like to point out the fact that nearly everybody who made comments displaying intense "disgust" and ignorance on this topic, don't seem to be able to spell or write right. Careful who you listen to - that's all I'm saying.
Anyway, if you choose not to shave your pits, you aren't alone. And there ARE men out there who DON'T CARE. I have been with two guys in the past who couldn't give a rat's arse what's under my pits. I don't shave because I think it's incredibly unsafe to take a shower and shave your pits, opening up those pores and creating small cuts on sensitive skin, then applying deodorant with all kinds of chemicals and whatever else onto that skin. I refuse to poison myself because it's "the thing to do nowadays" or because some guy finds it more pleasant. And I just find it bothersome - nuff said.
I completely agree with you, strangeaslife, when I was younger I would make sure that the girl I was dating was natural, this was in the 70's a era when most women WERE natural. The girl I married had the same views as you, she has sensitive skin and has never shaved, waxed, cut or trimmed any hairs ever.
It is not disgusting to be a natural women, and for that matter, man. As a man I am the same, although much hairier than my wife, except 'down there' and under her arms, where we are both very bushy, she has black long straight hair, I have long brown but curly hair. You are correct about chemicals in deodorant, my wife does use a little for freshening up her hairy underarms, that is to make sure that there is no nasty smell comes from that part of her. She showers every day of the week, so nobody can say that she is dirty just because she has hairy arm pits.
I used to shave everyday but when I became a mother I only have time to shave like once a week maybe. My hunny loves me for who I am tho and does not really care weather or not I shave.
The only reason women shave is because it's considered unattractive by the general public for a woman to appear unshaven, if you care about what people think about you then it's probably not the best idea as it isn't "normal" but to be honest you shouldn't give a fuck.
Of course it's normal and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. To be sure, I used to always shave, ever since being a teenager but I had the fortune of dating a guy who liked armpit hair, believe it or not. Not only that but he liked the more potent odor they produced if unshaven.
I was self-conscious about it at first but I've gotten used to it and realized i actually prefer it that way. Been a couple of years since we dated but I still don't shave.
The crazy part is how it got to be that it was a bad thing in the first place!!i love it! A natural woman down there too! If it wasn't supposed to be there it would have changed long ago just like the rest of our natural evolutionary developments. The smell is amazing too! I wish women would get on board.
MissL this seems to be a theme among quite a few women who say they used to shave, and are now "liberated" from waxing and have binned their blades and other shaving creams. Many say they actually feel much fresher to be natural and hairy, if their boyfriends complain, and most don't, they can take a running jump. Personally, I think that women like my wife, who are unshaven are very sexy and natural, the question being it certainly is all right, to the girl that asked the question, just stay the way you are.
I persuaded my girlfriend to let her armpit hair grow, but it wasn't easy. I sure do like it though! It's grown out a lot and it's very soft. Sometimes I like to fall asleep with my face there. It's up to you, but whatever you do, however you are, you'll find people who love you for it -- and others who dislike you for it.
To yarguarg, congratulations in managing to persuade your girlfriend to let her armpit hair grow naturally, next, try and ask her not to shave, wax, cut or trim her pubic hair ever again, that way you will be going steady and perhaps marry a natural woman, all the best.
LOTS OF SHALLOW PEOPLE GOING ON HERE^ (dont shave, just in spite of these dorks).
I love nice hairy armpits!! Let em grow!! Who started this shaving thing anyway. It's hard to find a woman with a nice bush these days.
Who started the shaving thing anyway? Ans, it was started way back in the 1920's by some cosmetic firm, more women were starting to wear sleeveless dresses and this firm promoted razor blades for women to shave their arm pit hair, that must be the worst invention of all time.
There is nothing wrong with a little armpit hair. Look back at the hippies, never shaved and they were getting action all the time. The whole shaved thing is invented by the media to sell nair and all that crap.
Topic reminds me of a hobo girl I had a crush on when I was 18.... those were the days.
Do whatever you feel comfy with, but the very fact that youre asking such a question here is cause youre not so OK with it. With woman its generally considered a form of grooming for hygiene and good looks.With men its different,although the hygiene law still goes for them too, but not the "good look" law.
I dont shave i instead use the epilator cause most importantly the epilator removes the roots and shaving makes hair grow out too fast and not to mention it also leaves a "black area" under your arm(not talking about the natural dark skin some people have under their arms).Im just trying to say that you should use different methods of grooming maybe(shave,epilator,wax,laser for permenent eradication)...
Good luck and be happy with whatever you decide on!
Honestly that last woman I had *relations* with had kinda hairy pits, and to tell you the 100%% honest truth? her armpits where the last thing I was thinking about lol. A shallow dude might be totally put off, be warned.
Actually, the norm for having armpits shaven or unshaven varies in different countries. I've heard that in south america and in europe it's been more common to go with unshaven armpits
Relapse, where I come from, the U.K it is normal to expect a women to shave under her arms, in a sunny day in the summertime it is hard to find someone who does not shave. In France it is normal for women NOT to shave under their arms, the same goes for Germany and eastern Europe. Most English speaking countries it is normal for a woman to shave under her arms. It is all to do with 'culture'.
i wouldnt worry about it too much, your supposed to have body hair, if you werent it wouldnt grow on you right. and some guys realy dont care either way lol.
AS long as you feel comfortable and they don't smell really bad with the hair there - that's the reason why I shave my underarms because the hair holds smells that are better gone.
How much do you care if a man has a wild beard or shaves / grooms facial hair? Shaves his body hair and pits?
Depending on culture, people will not care or find it gross if you do not shave your pits. In Europe (at least when I lived there) no one cared either way. In America many do.
If it bothers someone you care about, make a trade ;-) I shaved a goatee for a women - it was worth it.
It's your body so do what you like - normal or not (as long as no one gets hurt)
depends how much u care about what other people think. and regardin men.....depends whther u want to find a man to suit you or change urself to suit a man.
No big deal. I don't for the most part either. Only when I'm going to where something sleeveless like a dress. Otherwise, I don't bother.
I'm a gay male. My feelings on the subject are, that if you feel more inclined to not shaving, then don't shave. Just be prepared that, if you are in public and somebody notices you may be ridiculed for it. Most women, from my understanding, don't like to shave. Many men hate to shave their face. It's just another part of life we have to deal with in some way or another.
I think it is really normal, and you should never shave. If some creep does not like it, tell him to shag himself. Don't worry about the advice from others about smell, real guys like smell. Don't listen to girls who have no real love life. send me your pics
Most guys do not really care. You would have to have some kind of hormone disorder to be able to grow an unnattractive amount of hair.
*sigh* This question was posted from an account registered under my email. I wouldn't have voluntarily chosen "mandythefag" as a username. Apparently you don't have to verify your email to register. Please stop replying to this, it's not a real question and it keeps emailing me the answers.
For the record, yes, I do shave my armpits. I can't stand not to, but I don't really give a damn if anyone else does.
i shave my armpits but if not shaving makes you happy then i dont see anything wrong with it
green1223, there a many girls and women very happy that they have stopped shaving their arm pits, it makes them feel "free" "liberated" and so on, many say that they will never shave again or I am throughing that razor in the bin and 'jumping up in the air with joy', they simply feel that they have been influenced by all the hype about grooming and feel free and natural once more.
no idea how old you are, but if you're real young it may not have grown in dark/thick enough. there's no real reason to shave other than aesthetics, and odor. Having hair in your armpits will trap the odor and you will smell more "musky" than if they were shaved. People may make fun of you, but really that is their problem. If you don't care what people think ( and you shouldn't) then let it alone...it's normal to have underarm hair, abnormal to shave it.! ( I do shave mine)
If you look at some women on the net for example type in "Women with hairy arm pits" most of the women have a medium amount of hair under their arms, but there are a few who would fit the description of "girl or woman -rilla" some of these women have hair under their arms that is just as thick as the hairiest of men have.
I'm a dude...and I shave my entire body because I think body hair is disgusting on both genders...do what you want... But most dudes hate a hair chick
Depends on how much hair you have, if it isnt THAT much, then I'm sure its ok...
yes...boys....real men dont really care because if you look at pictures of naked women from the 70's you would see its natural we only started doing it recently because of some standard that other peple beleive in......create your own standards and do what you like not what 'boys' like
Men care, I guarantee if you ask any guy looking for a girlfriend, the girl with the hairy armpits would be the first to be eliminated. Its disgusting you are talking about the past but its not the past anymore. I shave my face why can't women shave their armpits.
oh boo ho for you. you shave ur face! We shave our legs, armpits, some women have to shave there arms and/face, and we have to wax our eyebrows which hurts a lot.... I feel so sorry for you that you have to shave ur face!
I personally shave in the summer more then winter because in the summer time you're wearing bathing suits and dresses and tank tops... I do shave in the winter I just don't shave as much maybe once a month... because whats the point if no one see it anyway.
I think its normal... a lot of the people on here are so shallow! If a they really like you they wont care if you shave or not.
Cecala, you are right, it is a generation thing, the past is pre 1990, most women before that did not shave 'down there' at all, about 75% did shave under their arms, but since all this advertising and TV programs about being clean and tidy, most women, and now men too are expected to shave every hair on their body, I too like you shave my face, but nowhere else, I'am a pre 1990 man.
That is correct melvino, I was brought up in the 70's and I did not know any women including my wife who shaved or trimmed any hair off their arm pits or pubic area, they were ALL natural and hairy, those were the days of natural hairy ladies.
Great, you love to look at pictures of naked women from the 1970's full bush and all that. Well, that is the way women should be now as well, its just a pity that you don't see them so much now.
to me it does seem a little weird but thats just me, I've heard of cases where heaps and heaps of woman hate shaving, its not as bad as some of these people make it sound
itll continue to grow... and im preety sure yew smell mamas ... my suggestion is to shave ... but hey i know a guy that likes hairy woman lol
It's okay. But it's just weird. I've grown up with girls who are supposed to keep armpits clear. It symbolizes cleanliness.
You don't have to though.
Geesh it's just HAIR Maya, women don't "NEED TO SHAVE."
A little history...
Women in America first started shaving their armpits in the early 1900's with the creation of the sleeveless dress. In 1915 a magazine called Harpers Bazaar featured a photograph of a young woman in a sleeveless dress with her arms arched over her head revealing clear shaven armpits. Soon after Antiarm hair ads began appearing in many fashion magazines and by the early 1930's the armpit hair "war" had been won in America.
Women now in America are now shaving every inch of their bodies! A friend of mine who has recently fallen on bad times has been forced to stop shaving/waxing all the places she used to. The poor girl now has to deal with dark hair growing on her face, arms, legs, and back because some posh bitch at school told her she would never get a boyfriend unless she shaved her whole body.
So Maya this is for you, shave if you want to shave but don't diss people who decide not to. I can only hope that the new trend in America is to shave your head so I can see bitches like you running about looking like a walking dick.
Stuff you man. we can do what eva we bloddy wanna do. if she dont wana shave fine by me. no person is ever gonna boss me around.