I never sung to anyone including family & friends is it normal?
Im a real big coward when it comes to singing. I usually tell people i dont like it but i love to sing. The problem is i have never really sung to someone before, i just cant... im the kind of girl who's Always Kinda straightforward with everything and im usually not shy at all but when it comes to singing a whole new side of me shows up. I cant even sing to my own family.. or friends. I tired one because i had too, in highschool when i had music the teacher talked to me and said something about that i ws really great when it came to play in guitar but that there's 3 abilities that he had to grade and it was singing so he asked me to sing and gosh.. I was so terrified i really tired but no Words came out. I just couldn't make it and i almost even started kind of "crying" (ugh i know) but singing is so personal to me and im Always worried about what people will think about my voice therefore i prefer to stay away from stuff like singing even though i love it
What shouldr I do?
Is this normal?