I not sure if i want to do national guard of military(air force)

I am getting really close to signing up for some kind of service.

My reasons are simple looking to have some structure in my life as well as the benefits it gives.

Also I would love to do something that contributes to the country.

My certain line of work is sales and sometimes I do security work but I don't want to just do stuff that's simple I want to do something bigger.

I have mentioned this to friends and family it varies between do what you want to do to don't do it for(insert reasons) etc etc.

What should I do?

National guard 1
Air Force 5
No it's not worth it. 8
Continue doing what your doing. 2
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Comments ( 11 )
  • lordofopinions

    The air force is a great place to learn skills you can use in civie life. The Marines and the Rangers? Great place to get yourself killed and the training is brutal.

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  • throw_away

    Don't listen to the other guy.

    I've come from a military family, so maybe I'm bias, but you have to evaluate the reasons why you want to serve. I'm not going to sugar coat you or glorify war or the military, but you HAVE to ask yourself: "Why do I want to do this?" This is important. I know everyone says this, but hear me out.

    The military is public service, like law enforcement, fire rescue, and EMS. There are lots of parts that are going to suck. You also have to accept that the moment you make your pledge, you could get injured or possibly die. You will have to deal with people who act like hard-asses just because they have rank on you, and you will have to kiss a lot of ass for promotions, or possibly to get the job you want. You also must listen to orders, seriously. A lot of people have problems with this, and if you don't like listening to a superior despite any personal bias you might have with them, I'd say don't join.

    Now with that out of the way, the good stuff. If you can deal with those things, then you serve a cause that's a lot bigger than yourself. The military isn't about improving yourself, that's a direct side effect from service. It's about serving others, and learning how to be a good person and a good citizen. They will teach you everything from how to eat, sleep, and how to make your bed, properly.

    Some of the benefits are that you can get an education funded by the government, and possibly from there go officer if you feel ready. Study anything you want. The military will teach you dicipline and how to deal with hardship, so for you? College will be nothing.

    You will have to work odd hours. Holidays. Vacations. You will have to adjust quickly to change. And of course, as you might know, enlisted pay is pretty shit.

    But again, it's about serving others, not yourself. There are a lot of benefits like the education part I mention, being physically fit, getting to meet people that will become basically your family, and lifelong medical care + many other benefits I'm missing. It's a trade off. But you have to decide whether given the shit you gotta deal with if that's worth it.

    If you feel ANYTHING that deters you from wanting to do it, I would say look up some YouTube videos for info, and do your own research. Draw your own conclusions then decide if it's for you. No one can help you with the decision, it's about you pledging yourself to the government, becoming essentially property, and serving a cause far greater than yourself. If you are okay with that, go for it.

    Don't do reserves unless you are currently working a dayjob you enjoy. I have a hard time recommending reserves/guard since it's honestly a joke. You will pretty much get similar training and experiences but it will cut so much into your civillian life you will just be wondering "why didn't I just go active duty?"

    Going reserve to active is a bitch and requires a lot of time and paper work. Going active to reserve is a lot easier. So if you are going to do it, I recommend active.

    Consider all the branches depending on what you want to do. Your job is called your Military Occupational Specialty, or MOS, but in the Navy I think they call it your "rate". Look into the different jobs each branch has. You can find tons of info online these days.

    If you want to see combat, join the Marines. If you want the more traditional military experience, join the Army. If you want to see the world, join the Navy. If you want to fly or you want to do something technical or hands on, join the Air Force, but do well on your ASVAB, like at least an 80.

    Coast Guard is good too if you don't want to be deployed or see direct combat. They work more in the realm of rescue and their main enemy atm is honestly drug runners. Though keep in mind, the Coast Guard isn't in the Department of Defense, it's in Homeland Security. So it's a bit different.

    Do your research. And if you aren't in college yet and you are under 21, consider the Military Academies.

    Sorry this is long, just wanted to be thorough.

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    • farkelu

      I was in the Army, but I would also recommend going full-time Air Force. And I'm going to dispute one claim in throw-away's reply. You don't have to "kiss ass" to get a promotion in the Air Force or in any other branch of service. Just do your job to the best of your ability and try to go above and beyond whenever possible. The promotions will come based on your merit, not your ass-kissing.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      I read it all and will take that into account.

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  • samfoxrawr

    Also, you aren’t. No one has the gall to attack America, no matter how many people do or don’t serve in the military.
    For other countries, it makes sense for citizens to respect their veterans. They helped defend >their< people.
    On the other hand, the last four wars America participated in, and the only ones most veterans alive today fought in (Iraq, Syrian Civil, Vietnam, Korean) had nothing to do with America and only helped spawn groups who would oppose America in later years.
    No person can justify those wars, even without the factor of hindsight.
    Every last person who signs up to the military has to make peace with that brutal fact, before they can “peacemake” around the world by killing others or further reducing their quality of life from the hellhole America has made their country into.
    If you have anything more than accusations as ‘evidence’ to the contrary, I’d honestly like to hear it. I haven’t found a reason in four years of discussion.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      I see what you mean but I'm not a knuckle head who deludes themselves into thinking I'm saving the world or America I only see the benefits also sad as it is if the other countries we turned into shitholes had the upper hand they would do the same thing. all ill do is follow orders and do my time and when I'm done it will be all worth it the worst thing about it for me is that its nothing personal.

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      • samfoxrawr

        I’m sorry. That wasn’t directed at you. This was a response to a comment previous.

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  • jethro

    Sign up for the Marines. That will do you good.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      Check the physical requirements I don't think I'd be able to do those.

      The Air Force,army and navy in that order seem a bit more easier in comparison.

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  • Slowlymovingfast

    Unless you're a psychopath there's no reason to be in the military.

    They are in the business of death, make no mistake.
    It is a business.

    Any skill you learn in the military will be used to end human lives. If you're okay with that seek help. Anything else can be learned through civilian channels.

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    • TheBlindInquisitor

      That's what three of my sisters told me and one of my brothers my father kinda said something similar and I even have cousins as well as some friends who are former military and even current military telling me that.

      But there are just as many who say the opposite of that.

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