I noticed this women aged 31, she seems lonely

I met her at an LGBT event and added her on fb, invited her to the next event and she came, we had such an amazing night!
She always comes to these things alone by the looks she isnt close to any of the LGBT women. Sh also has anxiety and she told me she's introverted.
Anyhow on her fb I noticed she has no pics of her with family except her sister! I remember her telling me shes close to her sister so I'm guessing she isnt close to her fam. They're also in another country.
Basically she seems to hang with a lot of weird type of friends in the sense, she seems to hang with nerdy type friends.
She also has hardly any lady friends despite being a lesbian.
I conclude she is socially anxious so sticks to people who seem non threatening to her.
I also am worried shes quite alone as shes far from her home country and isn't close to her fam but whe I try to see or meet her again at an event, she just doesn't come.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • jethro

    Is there a question in there somewhere?

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  • Somenormie

    She might be depressed which could be why she feels lonely.

    Or she may have gone through a lot worse in her life.

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    • Aw poor girl, she seems so sweet and I really have a soft spot for her but she wont allow me to get close to her

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      • Somenormie

        By reading the post she could be hiding stuff that you may not know about her and she's most likely scared to say it.

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        • Also I asked a psychic if my crush was on a date as I had a mate text me 30 mins before the LGBT event started saying "Just saw Amy, looks like shes pre drinking with a mate, she said see u all later!"
          So aftera whole month i was looking forward to seeing her potentially.
          Anyhow, the time comes and I arrive at 10pm and text her I'm here, cant see u? Sh says I'm not coming as its cold and I'm tired,have amamazing night, catch u another time ☺️☺️
          3 days later I text that same mate saying 'dam she didn't show up' then she text "Good that she didn't show up, she looked happy, prob was on a date" Wtf?
          So thatmatechanged the story from shes withal mate to prob ona date!!
          Well now I dont know the truth! I asked my crush many times if she saw my mate that night and she just said things like why lol and what's the story then asked her why she wont gove me a year no answer and sh said it's making her uncomfortable and needs space, still not answering my dam question and leaves me on SEEN 😩😩😩👈
          Also, why would she be on a date hypothetically speaking?
          If she didn't even tobe me a chance to meet me when she is 100% sober? She cant know if there's no spark unless we hang and get to know each other

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        • Ohhh

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          • I don't know why people are always hiding stuff from me these days I dont actually give a shit if I care abt the person and they're not harming anyone but shes harming herself by pushing others away tbh.

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