I now hate hetalia and all manga because of my friends obession?
So basically, since I was about 9, I've really liked anime and manga. I liked to read and watch it, but I liked drawing it especially. About two years ago, I made friends with a girl who also liked manga, and we had so much fun talking about our favourite series, etc. In the last half a year, I started to lose a little interest, preferring other things and stuff, and whilst I think this has to do with the fact that I'm getting older and more mature, I am also positive that it's more to do with the fact that my friend has become OBSESSED with this anime called Axis Powers Hetalia.
She tried to get me into the whole fandom, but from the first moment I loathed it. I found it a bit pathetic and with no real storyline, so I just smiled and watched her obsess about it with some of our other friends who were interested. However, this 'interest' appears to have gotten a bit out of hand. Firstly, she and my other friends who like Hetalia talk about it NON-STOP. I am not exaggerating, sometimes they go for hours without talking about anything else. They also pretend they are characters out of the series, and whilst it sometimes used to prove entertaining, I now find it to be quite childish. Recently, it has gotten more and more out of hand, and I am glad that my group of friends is rather varied and that I have other friends to hang out with.
The only thing is, in the last couple of weeks, I have come to realise that I actually rather dislike anything to do with Anime and Manga, and that the reason is purely because of my obsessed friend talking about nothing else. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Also, if anyone has heard of Hetalia and HATES it, please comment and let me know. Apparently, hardly anyone hates it, so I must be 'wierd'. :D