I now hate hetalia and all manga because of my friends obession?

So basically, since I was about 9, I've really liked anime and manga. I liked to read and watch it, but I liked drawing it especially. About two years ago, I made friends with a girl who also liked manga, and we had so much fun talking about our favourite series, etc. In the last half a year, I started to lose a little interest, preferring other things and stuff, and whilst I think this has to do with the fact that I'm getting older and more mature, I am also positive that it's more to do with the fact that my friend has become OBSESSED with this anime called Axis Powers Hetalia.
She tried to get me into the whole fandom, but from the first moment I loathed it. I found it a bit pathetic and with no real storyline, so I just smiled and watched her obsess about it with some of our other friends who were interested. However, this 'interest' appears to have gotten a bit out of hand. Firstly, she and my other friends who like Hetalia talk about it NON-STOP. I am not exaggerating, sometimes they go for hours without talking about anything else. They also pretend they are characters out of the series, and whilst it sometimes used to prove entertaining, I now find it to be quite childish. Recently, it has gotten more and more out of hand, and I am glad that my group of friends is rather varied and that I have other friends to hang out with.
The only thing is, in the last couple of weeks, I have come to realise that I actually rather dislike anything to do with Anime and Manga, and that the reason is purely because of my obsessed friend talking about nothing else. Has anyone else had a similar experience. Also, if anyone has heard of Hetalia and HATES it, please comment and let me know. Apparently, hardly anyone hates it, so I must be 'wierd'. :D

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Comments ( 27 )
  • Godscommielamb

    while i admit that i do like axis powers alot i will say that your friend needs to take a rather large reality pill sur these hourlong discussions and charecture act outs are ok at an anime expo but she has gone obsesive and does need some kind of intervention. that said dont let it ruin your love of anime as a whole just try finding anime that is the exact opposite of axis powers like code geass or if you are a pervert girls bravo

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  • Venus26tx

    I am obsess with Inuyasha hehe so I understand your friend, about hating anime or mangas probably one day I would do the same but I love it, when my brother bothers me I tell him WIND TUNNEL so I guess is normal to be obsessed hehe

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  • ihaveapenisinmyshoe

    I once ate a manga cover it was horrible

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  • bunnies_rock

    Never heard of it, I wiki'd it though and it sounds interesting IMO. Anyway, if you don't like it you don't like it. And it's perfectly normal to grow out of certain things (and while I still enjoy the occasional anime, I'm not all otaku like I used to be)

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  • anonima73

    I understand you. Although I am kinda like your friend but only in acting.(I act like your friend a little when with my friend, which I can tell she hates me for it.) I'm a fan of anime. But that's just it. I know it's fake. And really the more I like an anime the more I will say that it is stupid, ridiculous and horrible. So yeah...

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  • Scarred4life

    Haha. Sounds like me having Wizard Duels. So fun.

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  • GreenxBlack

    I like hetalia..it's a rare time cause nrmally anime without meaning is stupid. I'm 17 and I watch the occasional anime and theres nothing childish about it but when thats ALL you think bout/ talk about/ do well. .thats over board

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  • Bainne

    I think I might be your friend.....
    Carla, Maeve?

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    • Gwencere

      Just dropping in to say that my name is Maeve. I'm not your Maeve but it's just nice to see someone with the same name as me.

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  • Sorry I know little about either anime or manga. Just wanted to say I think you are right to back off both because of how you feel & because their approach was taking the joy out of stuff you originally liked. So that is normal.

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  • wilatabz

    im an otaku
    but i've never seen Hetalia,i mean being an otaku doesnt require you to really see whatever's mainstream right?
    so anyway i heard its kinda allegorical and is basically satire,but as i notice the 'fans' doesnt seem to understand the meaning of it AT ALL,Hetalia only have a few REAL FANS but the rest seems to focus on the yaoi stuff, i mean COME ON THIS IS ABOUT WW2!!!
    source:experience with obsessed friends

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    • Suomiman

      I know that feel,bro.
      I love hetalia but most of the fans I run into are just obsessed with yaoi and nothing else, I mean I don't hate shipping, it's a normal part of any fandom, but when it becomes the only thing about said fandom you give a flying flerp about, then frankly, you shouldn't be considered part of the fandom at all.

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  • notyourboyfriend

    You're moving on. I moved on too. I only read manga occasionally now and its stuff like Dragon Ball or Naruto or Bleach or unique stuff like Ping Pong. But honestly, most of those Otaku kids are very childish and unrealistic and just plain weird. I've realized a whole bunch of anime is just horribly plotted and terribly drawn and perverted. I wouldn't let your friends' obsession draw you away from the cool stuff though.

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  • calarenne

    DUDE I just lost one of my friends recently because of Hetalia too. See, I've loved anime for a few years now, and because of that, one of my closest friends became interested in it too. Then, she became... obsessed. And it irritated me too because it was over anime I hated, namely Hetalia. She'd try to show me just like your friend did as well, but I just wasn't interested in it. Finally I said, screw her, if that's all she talks about, there's no point in being around her. It's really shitty that stuff like this happens over pointless stuff. :( I feel your pain.

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  • Arcenaux

    Your friend is an idiot, i enjoy manga but i won´t talk with it too my friends not because i feel its childish or because i´m ashamed i just don´t feel like wasting my time talking about it to them, since they ain´t into it. Tho it might be because i didn´t give hetalia a try it might be the best shit out there... BRB.

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  • sharkii304

    Wow, I can TOTALLY relate to you. I've got this group of friends who are humungous Otakus... All they can talk about is animeanimeanimehetalihetaliahetalia...and how cute they are and their relationships and which ones are hot and blablabla. Is your friend in love with a character? You're lucky if she isn't, because I just don't understand how you can possibly fall in love with a fictional character! Anyways, I have nothing against my friends - they're different, that's who they are. Live with it, or if you're really annoyed have a chat with them or move on to another group of more like-minded friends. The only positive Hetalia has done to them if that they're more socially-conscious, although it really irks me whenever they talk about France or Canada or China or whatever as if they're people instead of countries...and the yaoi relationships...oh man.

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    • GreenxBlack

      falling in love with a fictional chara is just like falling in love with your dream guy :) Now if you start to think hes real and talk about it non stop..thats a bit too much..I know how that is. .my friend use to LOVE sasuke from naruto and if you menitned his name..she SCREAMED really loud..I couldn't stand it and was happy when she moved...

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  • nonononormal

    Argh I can totally relate to that. I share the same annoyance with how all my online female anime friends kept talking about Hetalia ALL DAY non-stop (I'm not kidding. They pull all-nighters chatting about Hetalia!), which makes me stop going to their group chats because I couldn't relate one bit over what they're saying. I gave it a watch, and it doesn't interest me one bit, as I am more of a fan of how badass real history was compared to this fangirl crap.

    So yeah sometimes, you used to love this food, but now, since it's being forced down your throat all day, you just feel like you've had enough and doesn't want to see that food anymore. Well, I hope that's a good analogy on this lol.

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  • Gwencere

    I have the same problem as you. Two of my friends have become completely obsessed with Fairy Tail and wont stop talking about it! When I initially heard of Fairy Tail I was disinterested in it but I had nothing against it, it just wasn't an anime I was interested in. But now my friends are pressuring me to watch it, even though I've already told them that I don't want to spend time watching an anime that I don't like! I have nothing against the show or anyone that likes it, as long as you don't force it on others. My friends are the people who make (terrible) jokes like, "You don't like Fairy Tail? You're dead, bitch!" Their obsession towards the show has caused me hatred towards it, whenever I see anything about online I instantly feel repulsion.

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  • Rappergirl

    Ok, let me get one thing strait. Hetalia has a story line. It's natural for people to act like their favorite character because on most characters you can actually relate to them. Just introduce them to attack on Titan and the phase will pass.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    This is why I hate yaio. I have nothing against gay men but I dont want to be forced to look at two guys fucking. I hate when I am forced to. Also I bought this and I really do not understand whats so great about this show either.

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  • Uh12345oh

    I absolutely adore Hetalia, i watch it all the time, i roleplay, i ship pairings. I am a typical fangirl who has loved anime ever since she was 5 and will never stop. I will always be a child at heart. BUT i am courteous and dont talk about it around my friends who dont watch it and dont spazz out and shove the suggestion of watching it down anyone's throat. My friend talks about her animes that i dont have time to watch but i dont let that stray me from loving anime. It is great animation with a great plot (most of the time) unlike other shows.

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  • BlueAlice

    Absolutely normal.

    I happen to LOVE Hetalia, but I only talk about it online [None of my friends like anime], and then not very much (I'd never cosplay or act other than at a convention or during Halloween).

    I think your friend either needs some intervention or to just let out all the Hetalia talk until she moves on to something else and is equally obsessed with that.

    When I get obsessed with something, I'll vent about it until I get bored and move onto something else.

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  • SJZ

    When I was crazy about Hetalia (at the start) I kept on talking about it to my friends, they found it cute, but when I talked about how much I hated twilight it affected them to hate APH- but also because Hetalia is in some ways racist.
    I agree with you. I'm just glad I'm not crazy about it anymore, but I still like to draw it every now and again, it does alter the way you imagine countries.

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  • Tobi-Uciha

    I'm obsessed with naruto bleach code gease inuyasha, when I was younger me and my friends pretended we were demons from inuyasha, not a good idea one of my friends thought that it was real, and he still dose, poor guy

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  • beautiful_dreamer

    I can relate so well to this. It's thanks to my ex-best friend, that I absolutely despise yaoi and yuri of any kind. Her obsession just borders on ridiculous. She even made a website decated to it. I'm not a homophobe, but the portrayal of gays and lesbians in manga are just totally unrealistic and nothing but cheap pornography. Now I have a hard time even looking at new anime and manga without researching it for any yaoi/yuri content.

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  • bluen

    I know just how you feel. Once that hetalia shit came around I had trouble getting into anime as much. Though my friends aren't obsessed :D

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