I often go into irresistible staring trances??
Ever since I was a baby I would go stare off into space almost as if in trance. It's hard to pull myslef from theses trances because it feels so nice and relaxing. People will literally wave in front on my face or pretend to flick something at me to cause me to jump and I'll just keep staring until it passes. I never know when it's going to come on, I'll just find my self pulled into an irresistible staring. I hate having to he pulled away from it and the urge to keel going is too hard to resist. It's a lovely feeling and I just stare and stare feeling my eyes and mouth droop. I noticed a few of my siblings both girls do this as well and they are very little. Most of my family finds it cute or funny to watch them stare with their mouths open but I've become curious as to why we do this. I've never noticed anyone else openly do this. Does anyone else do this too, or are we just weird? Lol (btw we do not have epilepsy we are plenty healthy it seems) Normal? Thanks in advance :)