I often unintentionally say things i don't mean to say

Note by "I don't mean to say", I am not taking about saying things at the wrong time, saying things in jest, using words as hyperboles, or speaking how I actually feel. I mean as in completely using the wrong words when trying to say something, like saying "oranges" when you want to say "banana".

Often, when I am trying to say something, I end up saying something else. Note that I am in no way talking about repressed feelings or such. I mean actually saying random things in place of the things I was trying to say. For example, saying "Yes", when I actually mean "No" (to answer a question), saying "3" when someone asks "what is 1+1" (I actually mean to say 2 but often another number comes out), saying "1478" when I mean to say "1457", saying "I prefer dogs" when I mean to say "I prefer cats", etc. Oftentimes this causes me to give off a bad impression of myself, since it often results in me saying things that are particularly nonsensical or even offensive.

Is it normal for this to happen? Again, none of the things that I blurt out like that are my true self that I am trying to hide.

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53% Normal
Based on 32 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 2 )
  • chained_rage

    Oh.. I thought this would be something where you say something that sounds nice or sweet in your head and it comes out horrible.

    This happened to me. I like to make people feel good. Sometimes. If they seem like a good person.

    The other day I gave a friend of a friend a genuine compliment:

    "For a fat girl, you don't sweat much at all"


    When I heard myself say that I was DEVASTATED. It sounded so nice in my head somehow =/

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well, I guess you really are human, then.

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