I once had 2 close friends and i noticed something odd
So I'll call one Sara, and one Jane and we were all close as teenagers. So Sara and Jane shared a past of a dysfunctional family upbringing and drug use where as I was clean and only smoked weed and had a Good upbringing. None the less, Sara was slim like me and I found her nice looking and attractive in her own way, definitely not unattractive. Jane was a big girl, over weight quite a bit and plain Jane looking (no pun intended).
I on the other hand, at that stage in life were slim, tanned, blonde looking gal! At one point in my teenage years I did get a little chubby as I was on a shit diet and hormones but still yeah I'd say I was more attractive than Jane.
Anyhow, what I find really odd is the fact I saw a text on Jane's phone from Sara.
It were a text in the morning saying good morning beautiful what u up2 today or shed greet her hey bub wuu2?
I'd often be called endearing names like bub, babe etc but never was ever greeted as hey beautiful? I found that really odd and hurtful tbh? Also why address one friend as beautiful and not the other.