I once posted my high credit score on a dating site

And people young and old flocked to me.

Thing is before i posted it men were pestering me for sex because im fit and women were pestering me for a place to live because I listed myself as a homeowner. It was far less than when i posted that score. I assumed they assumed I was rich but truth is I'm not. Even a person who's barely floating by can have a perfect credit score if they're frugal.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • bbrown95

    Unfortunately unsurprising, but definitely tread carefully (though I'm sure you already know this).

    You're also correct that you don't have to be rich in order to have a good credit score and that it's really about financial responsibility, but people who are not good at managing money don't understand this. In my experience, those people tend to impulsively buy things they realistically can't afford on credit and then have a hard time paying it back, and/or don't make their payments on time, and I think they assume others have the same spending habits they do and that they just have enough to cover it. The reality is that people with good credit don't buy things they can't realistically afford and instead have to hold off on things they may want, but know they will struggle to pay off or need the money for more important things. Impulsive people just see it and feel they must have it NOW, so they buy it and worry about the money later. Before they know it, they're in massive debt. From personal experience, it's best to not get too involved with people like this because they unfortunately tend to expect financial assistance if they think you have more money than they do, and many tend to feel entitled to other people's money (and if you help them out once, they will keep coming back and expect more). I hate to generalize like that, but I've seen it so many times, and even had a couple of friends and acquaintances like this.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I have a perfect 800. The mortgage ppl said u cant get one higher.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Damn just looked it up they lied to me the perfect score is 850.

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      • raisinbran

        You have different scores with each agency anyway.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Idk how I dont have a perfect one I have 0 debt and have paid off everything and have a good income

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          • raisinbran

            Paying off a loan or mortgage every month probably helps.

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  • Anonnet

    I have a pretty good credit score, hovering around 700. It could probably be higher but I've never used a credit card. My parents were and are super anti-credit, so it's always been debit or nothing.

    Two things:
    1. Interesting idea to throw your credit score on your dating profile. Never thought about doing that, but probably going to avoid it specifically because I'm not rich. I want to retire early, dammit.

    2. This post smells suspiciously of "definitely never happened", but the site rules say I can't say that.

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  • ospry

    Do that many people really have bad credit?

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