I panic about people being in my house....iin?
The mere thought of someone coming over to my house sends me into a panic attack. A knock at my door is the one of the worst things I can imagine!! My stomach drops into my feet, my pulse races and I'm flooded with anxiety.
It's not at all that I'm afraid of anyone or anything, I just don't want people in my house, looking at my things. I feel so invaded, as if they're eye-raping my possessions and noticing any speck of dust or misplaced item.
I am a very secretive person, so I feel like if people see my decor and other possessions, that they will be able to "know" me. I don't want anyone to truly know me, not a soul.
I never invite anyone over, I haven't for a good decade now at least. If there's a knock at my door, it's always a complete surprise and no doubt it's someone I definitely don't want to see or have over.
I DO enjoy my home, and I love decorating and making it "MY" home, but I do it solely for me, I don't want anyone to see it.
I used to think this was somewhat irrational until a few incidents with family members that came over. I could see their eyes moving about on my things as if they were studying my stuff, wanting to look at it, touch it and understand it. They would either ask about it, judge me in some way, or make fun of me....and worst of all they "knew" something about me. My paranoia was warranted!!
Anywhoo....is it normal to not want people in your home?? I doubt it is because everyone I know seems to like having people over, but maybe there's more people like me out there somewhere who can relate!! Please comment!!