I pick my scabs and eat them.

It started when I was a kid and I used to pick my scabs and suck my blood. It got really bad to the point where a certain spot on my body would be covered in weird scabs from obsessing over that one area until the infestation would migrate somewhere else over time. Eventually, instead of sucking my blood, I figured that scabs were just dried blood and soon discovered that I liked the way it felt to chew on them. Now my whole body is covered in them, and scars from previous ones. It's my biggest fear that someone will start wondering why I never wear tank tops or shorts and find out. I know this is disgusting. I have no idea why this happened to me.

Does anyone else have this problem, or am I really f*cked up?

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Comments ( 41 )
  • Patience

    You may have an iron deficiency (main mineral in blood). People who eat "weird" or "odd" things are sometimes lacking a vitamin or mineral in their body and eat those "odd" things to compensate for the lack. And if its not that, then its anxiety.

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    • Twitgirlfriend

      I absolutely agree. I chew my scabs and love it.Always looking for new ones to chew.I was feeling out of breath and felt tired and not wanting to do anything or go out. I had a visit to the Doctor. He rushed me to Hospital has 2 pints of blood. My iorn levels were very low and abnormal heart rate. So very important if you have these symtoms to visit your GP.I also craved Strawberry laces a sour sweet and had to have every day.

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  • Iggykoopa

    Thats fucked

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  • tfxpzeke01

    I've been in severe denial that I have an issue with this. I'm currently seeking treatment for opiate addiction through the medication Suboxone. I have always had skin allergies and thought that the little pimple like sores that started developing on my scalp, upper chest, upper back/shoulder/and upper arm areas was just acne from my heavy sweating from my job. I'm now realizing I probably have foliculitis as well as some eczema. I started picking at my scabs and eating them probably around 1 to 1.5 years ago, the best of my memory. I will sit while watching TV or driving and pick and eat as f'd up as it sounds. I find when I'm stressed(WHICH IS ALL THE TIME) or my anxiety levels are in the "red", I tend to pick my scabs and eat them. I have even dropped a scab before and spent freakin' 15 minutes sorting through the carpet trying to find it. I remember thinking to myself, "Damn, that's a GOOD ONE....I can't loose it". How screwed up is that?!!? I really need to seek psychological guidance and help for this as well as my depression and anxiety. It's so crazy how our brains make us do crazy things like this to cope with mental illness and/or life stressors.

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    • Twitgirlfriend

      I do relate as i drop them on my sheets and end up searching for them. Get totally stressed if I don't find it.Have your iorn levels checked out. Ask your Doctor to do a blood test.I was diagnosed with Anemia and now been treated after having 2 pints of blood.If you tired continuously out of breath and heart beats faster than normal.Go see your Doctor asap

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    • JCindaworld

      Wow, I can so relate to this, it's really good and sad to see that I'm not the only weird one going through this. Yes and i do have bad eczema and i am so insecure about eating scabs and dry skin, who wouldn't be... But it's really great that im not the weird and lonley one. I have been suffering all my life because of my eczema switching school to school and friends to friends because of my eczema, even came to australia and stayed here because it was a lot better than being in korea... I wish now that i have never had eczema but it's not gonna happen. Try to moistureize your skin with dermeze or qv that are non fragrant, and also watch your eating. try switching to more vegetables than meat (i guarantee it will change your world of eczema and skin.) easier said than done, i love meat and i just can't handle not eating meat, and also some soy sauce or any type of sauce could be bad for you! so watch out with sauce and ingridients they put in restaurants especially asian or fast food store! I wanna share this with you all because I literally wanted to commit suicide and have been thinking about it everyday when i was in teenage years and even till now sometimes because of my eczema and pain that is putting me through, but i realized diet and stress is very important factors to eczema and changing diet will change your life and skin and your social life!

      Mark my words guys! You are what you eat, try to eat a lot of vegetables and meat in moderation and watch out for sauce!

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  • Autumn21

    I have the same problem as you. I started doing this when I was five. I'm 20 now. I had sever eczema most of my life. The first time I did it I just wanted to see if I could. After that I couldn't stop. I didn't own or wear any short sleeves or paths until 7th grade when it calmed down but it didn't stop. If I have any bug bite, scratch or whatever on my skin I will pick it until it bleeds. If I am stressed out I will go into the bathroom and pick myself until I'm bleeding from every limb. I have about 30 large lesions on my skin the size of a pea right now. I tried to stop many times but if I'm too stressed it doesn't matter. When I was younger the doctor told my mom to use crisco or peanut oil on my skin for my eczema. What they didn't realize until many years later is that I was allergic to it. Between me being allergic to the peanut oil and my scratching and picking, my skin was so bad that laterally it you put you hand on my arms or legs and squeezed lightly you would get a hand full of scabs. This is not an exaggeration at all. Every second I get alone I am picking my skin. It has gotten to the point where I'm getting boils on a regular. I've Struggled with depression and anxiety most of my life. I situation I've been in for the last year has made it the worst it's ever been. Doing this to myself is a living night mare. The only way I've found to make myself stop is by having a boyfriend. But if we break up I do it again ten fold. One time I decided to count the scars on my body by marking them of with a sharpie. I got tired after one leg. The count was around 300. I'm a chocolate color so most of them arnt noticeable. Plus I use a lot of coco butter and bio oil. Bio oil is the best thing ever invented for scars by the way. You see major results in like 3 days. I can actually say that stuff saved me from looking how feel you know. But that's my story.

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  • cookiegirl

    this reminds me of a carlin thing... george carlin

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    • George Carlin? What do you mean?

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      • LoydMongo

        Whoa! Hot shit, a fuckin' scab... https://youtube.com/watch?v=xy83FobVDMY At about 7:20 into it....

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  • cgirl123456

    it's OCD-ish. please don't!

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    • zoeballantine

      wow, you realize how asinine that is, right--telling someone it's OCD-ish (btw, it's not "ish," it IS on the OCD spectrum as a body-focused repetitive disorder), and then adding, "Please don't"? That implies the person can help it, and OCD can't be helped. Not to mention the fact they don't know you worth a damn and I'm sure you pleading with them to stop isn't going to provide any motivation.

      I have this too--I pick at my skin and eat the dead skin/scabs that come off, and I also pull hair and eat the roots. They're two different disorders but are both BFRD (body-focused repetitive disorders) and are impulse control disorders. There aren't any cures, but you can try any or combinations of the following to stop:

      -SSRIs (antidepressants)
      -NAC (n-acetyl cysteine, available at drugstores)
      -CBRT (a special kind of therapy that helps with disorders like skin picking, hair pulling, cheek biting, etc.)
      ...and a LOT more.

      You are definitely not the only person in the world who has this, not by a long shot.

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      • CrazyMiranda

        Thanks for the NAC suggestion. I just ordered some from Amazon.

        That previous comment irked me too.

        Its like "ok, thanks for telling me not to do that! I was just waiting for someone to tell me, so I can just stop doing it." IGNORANT. I'd love to know what their reason for being on this site is??? Then I can just tell her/him "please dont!"

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  • matniky

    its actualy pretty common for all ages to pretend to be something were not its humain curiosity i guess.

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    • matniky

      lol wrong comment for post

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    • jamie3

      look, your not alone. I do this too. Its scary for the people around you, but not to your self (in my persona). My friends tell me I'm a "Unholy Vampire" but of course, there dramatic attention givers and getters. So I really don't know how to stop, but what I do is DON'T EAT ANYTHING RED OR ORANGE. It reminds you that 'Hey! I have a scab!'. I usually eat alot of bananas and veggies. That helps :)

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    • jamie3


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  • Midna

    Everyone is different. I see nothing wrong with this.

    You are who you are, I have a pretty big imagination and I pretend stuff all the time, even when people are around.

    I say it means you have a very good imagination and personality, or so it seems anyway.


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    • jimcarrey


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  • Lochjess350

    My body is covered in scars. I dont Know now to stop. 😔

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  • Litgirl1243

    Hey I'm back. Sorry I actually don't try to hurt myself for scabs. It's just a sign of OCD. I have it.

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  • Litgirl1243

    Well, I too eat my scabs but I don't have any so when I don't it bothers me and I try to get some. I feel like that's bad. It probably is. But I'm 10 so I don't care. 😋

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  • Squidward

    A lot more people do that than are willing to admit.

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  • Slimjimbum

    I am a 69 year old married man and I have been eating scabs and dry skin all of my life. Currently I am trying to heal some on my legs because I have a doctors appointment and he checks my legs for edema. Everyone is right about not living a normal life with this disorder. Right now I have a paper towel under my tee shirt to keep the blood and fluids from leaking through.l can't chew fingernails any more because of my false teeth. Several years ago I had about of cellulitis in my legs that almost killed me but all the skin on my legs pealed off and I was in heaven. I've done this since I was a kid and to this day i wish there was a way i could stop but after so many years is it possible,and how?

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    • Twitgirlfriend

      Have you spoken to your Doctor and been honest with him.Ask him to check your iorn level

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  • Drawsomestuff

    Glad I'm not alone. I found that having long acrylic nails keeps me from being able to pick at my scabs. Also keeps me from touching my face when I have pimples and my acne goes away. It's a temporary fix, but it really keeps me from picking at then cause my nails are so thick. Hope this helps some girls out there. I've been struggling with this since I can remember. It's a bored habit for me. But the fake nails seems to work

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  • MountSafurious

    I'll just leave this here...

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  • Zeirafox69

    I spent 30 years of my life thinking that I am the only one who does this. I've seen people with lots of sores on their body, but only allergies. I've never heard of anyone else having this problem. Even to these extremes. I have never told anyone! My mom, husband and friends think that I just pick and don't realize it because I have never told anyone the truth. I can't even begin to explain the relief I feel of knowing now that I am not a solitary monster. I am not alone with this affliction. There is someone else on this planet who has felt my pain, my anxiety, my stress, my sadness. Close friends tell you to ignore large groups and to wear those shorts anyway when you know people will stare, point, laugh, look at you with discust or walk up and ask what's wrong with you. Either get kicked out of a pool or people tell their children to get out or get out themselves so they don't catch whatever horrible disease you have. Bedsheets- Either tell your friends who accidently see them the truth, or tell them that you slaughtered a pig in your bed? Blood spots on everything you own! Every day is agony because almost every inch of your body has sores irritated or infected and even a glance of clothing can be painful but the satisfaction is too great. Shaving is out of the question because you'll damn near bleed to death. I can't believe I'm coming clean after all of these years but this is a secret I have held inside for my entire life, thinking I was a defect of some kind. Something so wrong with me and only me. I couldn't even tell my best friend who would support me no matter what. I thought I was a monster. I guess we are monsters in the eyes of the "normal" but I can't explain how it feels to say "we"... not "I". I'm not saying it's a good thing in the aspect of what we do... but to know we're not alone anymore....

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    • Lochjess350

      I’ve honestly been so scared to try and understand it. I dont Think anyone has ever noticed because I am Good at covering. But I get Excited if I have A cut/scab! Wtf lol

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  • kaspforeva

    I have done this from a young age . It is something you don't want to be seen doing. I know it is slightly gross. I am now middle aged and I still do it and can't stop. In my case I don't attached this behaviour to any anxiety or anything so complex as disorder.
    I wouldn't be surprised if there is some nutrient that the body is wanting or needing. This idea has been mentioned by others . I began looking into this subject to learn if that is the case.
    I wish I could stop it. It is gross enough to be unacceptable. And I don't want to disfigure my skin. I once thought of covering the scabs with band aids . But I am hairy and they don't stick well. And there is the matter of showering and the band aids falling off . And there is the cost of continually going through band aids. One piece of advice that I am going to try is to just pick one scab and leave the rest alone. That might make it less a subconscious behaviour.
    And I like the advice of using moisturiser. I have that sitting around so I'll give that a try.
    Good luck to everyone trying to find an answer to this. Hopefully we find a way to stop.

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  • ReneeLouvier

    Nobodys touched upon this, but when you do pick...please make sure your handsand anything else is clean!! My husband (who NEVER picks) picked at a sore, with dirty hands. And, of course, it got infected. So, yeah, keep yourself clean. I'd rather continually pick at a "healthy" scab keeping it going, rather than deal with something infected.

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    • CuriousBob

      You may find that where your husband has never been a picker he's body is quite a lot less immune to the bacteria around, however for somebody who has been a picker from an early age will be at a much much lower risk of infection... However there's nothing wrong with either your husband or your average picker I'd say I agree with being clean still lol. ☺️

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  • Sandra030

    I have really bad excema and when I mean bad I mean on my arms neck scalp ears legs and the back of my legs under my knees and so I have to deal with having dead skin all over my body a lot so when I was little I didn't have it that bad but when middle school came it hit me and I was picking and so on it was a natural reaction though so your not alone I hope I can stop my habit soon but I also have deppresion so that might also be the problem

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  • goldenskyhook

    I am a mental health professional. I suggest that you NOT listen to these phony fools who feel qualified to diagnose you with such nonexistent stuff as "OCD-ish." Any disorder is relevant to how much of a problem it causes in your life. There is nothing wrong with eating your own scabs or sucking your own blood, and I suspect it may actually help reinforce your immune system a bit. If you are actually creating new scabs, I am a little concerned about that. Do you ever get a sense of emotional release from doing that? If so, you might benefit from seeing a nice therapist that you trust and feel comfortable with -- your choice, of course. If you are getting a release, then it's a little like cutting, and it might be a sign of deeper problems that could show up later. If that stuff is there, I would want to see you in good hands and under loving care. There are a whole lot of loving, caring therapists out there, and you can fire as many as you like until you find the one you like. Hope you don't mind my busybody advice. I wish you well.

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  • gatsby09

    Same with me.. im 22 and ive had this problem since I was 4 or 5. Bio-oil?? I need to to try that! The thing is... its gotten so bad that I like when I get scab just so i can pick at it and then eat it... its crazy when i think about it. But no thought goes through my mind while im doing this... its like a sub-conscience thing for me. I do it while watching tv or reading... mind you, I only do this when I'm alone... I know if my bf knew he'd freak. But yea.. My skin is sensitive and i have numerous scars at the moment along with half picked scabs... I think ill give that bio-oil a try. Also what i find that helps is to moisturize frequently. I noticed that I only pick at my scars and eat them if they are dry. But once I moisturize I find it hard to pick at them because my skins all slippery and in the end I just leave them alone.

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    • AlwaysSunnyHere

      I concur with staying moisturized. I cant pick when theres no tiny dry ends to "work at."

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  • ven067

    I've never heard of anyone doing this...I suppose its a bit strange. Should probably consult your doctor, if you keep going you might get infections easier since you keep pulling the scabs off.

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  • Kat444

    I've done this, albeit to a much smaller extent. I'll pick my scabs and eat them sometime, or if I get a really bad sunburn I'll peel the skin and eat it. It is really gross I guess, but I don't really think about it when I'm doing it.

    But it's definitely not good if you're scarring yourself and whatnot. You need to work on curbing this habit. So while you're not completely alone, I'd say it's not normal and not healthy.

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  • I think it isnt healthy. Everyone likes to do diferent things. But thats too weird. Look for a profesional to help you. Good luck.
    Even if I have nothing against it, I will take a NO.

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  • Killcam

    Stop as soon as possible. This is very hazerdous, as it can cause infections and BAD scars. Stop, and they'll go away and no time! I know someone who does that... he's considered the biggest nerd around here! So, I'd stop before anyone notices and finds out!

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    • Zeirafox69

      Well, I wish we would have thought of that!

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