I put hailstones in my vagina

Is it ok that whenever we have a hailstorm, I collect the hailstones and I insert them in my vagina? This has happened on at least 3 occasions; once, conveniently enough, when I just got out the shower after masturbating, to find that it was hailing hard. And I, still naked and in a towel, opened up the window, caught a handful and had some fun with them, letting them melt inside me, feeling the cold, wet, icy balls inside me sent shivers up and down my spine and it felt so good; only problem was, that the small hailstones melt quickly when they touch warm skin, and I end up shoving about 5 or 6 inside. I also like to rub the hailstones over my nipples, belly etc, and lick and suck on them. And no I am not a horny guy getting off by making a troll post to jack off to - believe it or not, women CAN actually get horny and indulge in wacky sexual practises. The last 2 times I collected them and store them in the freezer for later use. So I'm wondering is it okay to keep doing this? And has anyone else ever tried this?

It's obvious you're just a horny guy pretending to be a chick 3
That's hot 3
It's okay to do it with regular ice but not hailstones bc that's dangerous (explain why in comments) 1
Unhygienic asf 5
I'm a guy and I inserted them in my ass 0
I'm a girl, and I've done that too 0
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Crocotta1

    What if they had dirt from outside on them and you put that inside you too? That could cause infection. I’m also a female, my thing is using those plastic tubes that have mini chocolate candies in them, and I put a hexbug in it.

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    • I would've thought it was ok since I catch them as they are falling, but I would never pick up hail that is already on the ground..

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      • Crocotta1


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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the wizard of oz 2022 reboot

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    • YESSS

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  • ospry

    OP reminds me of a woman I dated a few years ago. Her favorite sexual play always involved ice cubes. I can't figure out for the life of me how shoving jarringly cold, rock-hard cubes into yourself is pleasurable at all

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    • For me, it's more to do with having the connection to such an intense force of nature as a storm

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  • Somenormie

    Fuck no.

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  • Vvaas

    couldn't you get like an infection or something

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    • That's what I worried about after doing it :( especially because I'm a hypochondriac and always think of worst case scenarios. But in the end, nothing has happened to me so far from doing it. And I guess the rain and stuff round here is cleaner than it would be if I lived in a city. I mean, tap water is probably less clean and pure right? It probably has loads of chemicals in it

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      • Vvaas

        true though tbh i don't trust tap water i only drink bottled water lol

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