I quit liking anime because of my mom...

Ok, this is gonna be quite a long story, so prepare to read a lot.

Ok, so about a year ago, I got really into anime and manga. At first I was just reading this manga my friend loaned me and my mom saw it. I could tell she didn't like it, but she didn't do anything about it, so I kept reading it. After a while, I also started watching anime on youtube. My mom saw me watching it one day and that's when she expressed how much she hated it. But I decided to keep watching anime and reading manga and all that crap. A few months later, I found this site where people could chat about anime, have an snimeish avatar, and talk about anything, really. I wanted to join it, so I asked my parents if I could join. Well, my parents printed up this whole paper on it,and read it to me. Well, my parents were about to tell me if I could join or not, and my dad said yes, while my mom said no. But since my dad is usually the one in charge of me, I got to join. Later, my mom told me to not show the site to my younger sister.

So whenever I was on the site in front of my mom, she glared at me. I started to feel really uncomfortable about it, so I started trying to hide it. But I started feeling guilty about liking anime at all. But I still went on the site and watched anime, and I began to draw some of it. But after some time, I was getting actually kind of addicted to it. Then, after about 2 months, at dinner, my family somehow got onto the topic of anime. My mom then started ranting about how it was "not nice" and how anime and stuff was stupid and inappropriate. After that I got really upset and finished my food quickly so I could flee to my room.

After that, I quit the website and forced myself to stop watching anime. Soon after I quit, I started to really miss it, but I still didn't do anything about it. It's been about half a year, and my life has been fine, I got interested in other things. My mom now trusts me more. But lately I've been thinking a lot about it, and I realized that I still miss anime, manga, and the website. So, I decided to just watch one episode of anime, just because, but instead, I watched a lot of episode over the course of three days. I really liked watching it, but after I watched an episode, I felt really guilty about it. But I haven't joined back with the website.

And now I'm wondering if I should listen to my mom and stop doing something I really like because it will be better for me in the end, or if I should watch anime and stuff again because it was something I really liked to do.

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Comments ( 51 )
  • Dude, liking manga has about as much connection to religion as apples do to pillows. I hate it when people think that Manga is like it's own religion. It's really not. It's a hobby like reading or writing or making scrap books.

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  • TheOmegaJuggalo

    Fuck your mom. I don't like anime, but dammit I'll forever defend your right to like it. Give her the finger and watch some anime.

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    • Fictionfarce111

      @TheOmegaJuggalo I agree with you 100%...Fuck anime I think it sucks, but that doesn't mean no one can watch it. I it just means I won't choose to watch it. Don't ever let anyone bar you from doing something you love. You should take one of those mangas and shove it your moms ass and see if she likes it then.

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      • myst13121

        I agree with both of the above.
        While I myself am someone who likes anime, I respect that fact that not every does and I don't try to force my view onto them.

        SO, keep liking what you are going to like.
        If your mother is saying negative things about it, know that the sources that she is probably getting her info from are purposelessly obscuring facts and demonizing anime the same way they demonize things like Harry Potter. They simply do it because they do not fully understand it and thus "must be evil"

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  • House

    Fuck your stupid MOM!!!what she got?a stick up her ass?

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    • Hellhoundlover

      Id say she has a stick up her ass. Big time = A =. I personally like anime. Fuck your mom. Shes just jelous cus she cant draw. XD

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  • anonymous999

    Anime/ manga is part of Japanese culture and art. There a lot of different genres for different ages. The stories usually have a life message, so it's not inappropriate, rather it's educational. All Japanese watch it and Japan is the country with the lowest crime rates in the world. Japanese people are hardworking, friendly and polite. Obviously if anime/manga affected them in anyway, it was in a good way. Try explaining you mom about Japanese culture, including their connection with manga/ anime.

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  • mogeta

    why don't you try asking her why she hates anime so much? It's fine liking anime but being addicted to it can be a pain. just be careful to not let yourself get too addicted

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  • zxy

    Any think this is a metaphor for pornography and masturbation? His dad is ok with him joining a porn site but his mom doesent want him to. she says its
    "not nice" and "inappropriate". He was looking at a porm magazine instead of a manga.
    But if he really is talking about anima then his mom is just nuts, most anima is way less voilent and stupid then most stuff on tv.

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  • willystylee

    Totally normanl...

    Dont let your foolish mom hinder your creative mind. If you really like it, you should be able to watch it. Your mom is being unreasonable about such a petty thing. She think she's "protecting" you, but the thing shes trying to protect you against isnt bad and is completely innocent. There are things that are 10000x worse that she should be worried about. You sound like a great kid, but your parents (mom mainly) are making a big deal out of nothing. If anime makes you want to draw and express yourself creatively and productively, you should draw as much as you like. Stand up for yourself a little to them, they mean well but they have no idea what kind of mistake they're makeing when they make such a big deal out of somehting like that. Draw on lil buddy!

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  • mariox402

    Your mom hates anime/manga? Really!? My mom actually likes that I read manga, because i'm doing something other than use the computer all day(unless i read it online, but she doesn't mind it one bit) and she likes that I watch anime too, because, well lets be honest she and all older people watched stupid and "un-nice" shows in their time and day. Just tell your mom how you feel, trust me it works(sometimes)

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  • Ferrette

    I don't think your mother should tell you what's "stupid" or "inappropriate". If you think it's right, and if you want to do it, go ahead and watch anime. You're in control of your own life.

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  • I hate to say this but your mom sounds like a total nasty person.

    I don't understand how she could find Anime/Manga "not nice" or stupid. Mostly it baffles me how she found it inappropriate...

    It's a tough situation but I think there could be a few things you can try to remedy it.

    I think first off, your mom needs to learn exactly what anime & manga is and realise that it's nothing bad or anything to condemn. After all, many grown-ups in Japan watch/read that stuff, to them it is the same as reading a novel.

    Secondly, maybe trying to appeal to your father for help, asking him to find out why your mom hates it so much and if there's any way he could help convince her there's nothing bad about it.

    Thirdly, I think that you can't let your mom control who you are. I'm not saying go wild or anything but giving up something solely for her sake isn't good. Would she really give up one of her hobbies if it offended you? I doubt that she would.

    I mean as long as it's not hentai or anything like that, I still don't see how she can object. I used to watch anime (Sailor Moon etc.) and sometimes still do and my mum doesn't give a hoot either way.

    I wish you luck though.

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  • manamana

    Actually let me correct myself, Ranma might be little adult I don't know how old you are.

    Maybe go for something like Cardcaptor Sakura. At any rate I know you can find one that is clean. Clamp might be worth looking into I know a few of their titles are pg. Though you can investigate it with your mom. :)

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  • i dissagre with people saying anime is stupid do what you like if your mom cant accept it screw her no offense but she seems like a complete bitch

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  • caoraglas

    I thought anime was just japonese cartoons? whats so bad about that?

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  • normally11

    You can hide your fandom of anime by watching it when she isn't around and hiding your art in a box under your bed or something. Also, if she still figures out your still an Otaku, than you can look into other japanese subcultures like Gyaru, Decora, and Visual kei (music and fashion cultures).

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  • Juanita023

    Ok so, what was the manga that she saw?Why didn't she like it when she saw it? I ask these questions because, not all manga and anime is wholesome and super happy. There are some genres out there that are pretty sick and disturbing. There's also a possibility that she's already gotten a taste of anime and had a bad experience without you knowing. She could've ran across something like hentai, became disgusted, and made generalizations about all anime, based on her experience. What I see in your story is lack of communication on your mom's part. She really needs to be fully honest to you about why she doesn't like anime and manga. She said it was innapropiate, but she needs to tell how she came to that conclusion. Then you can try to convince her that eventhough some anime is innapropiate, there are many more kinds of anime that are wholesome and you're responsible enough to stay away from the sick and disturbing stuff.Please don't tell your mom off. There's a way to express your feelings to your mother without being disrespectful. If you talk to her, without any whining or attitude, she will see how mature you are and that may convince her to be more tolerant and understanding.

    And if that doesn't work, screw it. Your dad's fine with it so you still have the option to watch anime and read manga without your mom's approval. There's no need to feel guilty about doing something that you love if it's not hurting you.

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    • willystylee

      she is right about that. i was assuming it was harmless anime or manga because of how innocent he/she sounded in the op.

      There are some types of anime and manga that are not OK for kids.

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  • ye kind of think that anime is very addictive, i would advise u to play games or something to keep your mind off it, i played games to get my mind off anime and only watched 2 times a week. my mum doesn't care about what i do , she doesn't even notice that i read manga and watch it because i kind of click of it when she come in and check me.

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  • My mom hates it too. I told her I wanted to write a tv show drawn in anime style and she told me no one would watch it ;___;
    But I know she just wants me to have friends. What she doesn't know is that I'm fine with my geeky nerdy friends.
    Keep watching and reading it! It's awesome and fun!

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  • In all honesty you need to tell your mom off. All the time my mom does, I would tell her about my dreams of joining the Navy and becoming a mother when I'm older and she always uses it against me. "DO YOU REALLY THINK THEY'LL TAKE SOMEONE LIKE YOU?!?!" You do whatever you want and follow your dreams, because when you're moved out and on your own you don't want to be stuck with some shit your mom put you in, you should be doing something you love, because there are alot of people I know who hate their jobs because they never did the what they really wanted to do. My mom is a nurse, but she wanted to do fashion and photography, she's really good but instead of doing her dream she took the easy way out and went to nursing school. I don't care what my mother say about my dreams or career choice because I'm not going to end up like her and I'm going to teach my future kids to do what they love no matter what, and you should too! Besides.....anime is pretty awesome. I like it. ^^ You should draw me something. Lol, jk.

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  • That is idiotic. I watch many wholesome anime.

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  • I love anime and manga so I know you can't just give it up. Don't care what your mom thinks. If she hasn't banned you from it then you still can watch, read and go on that site. You like what you like and if your mom doesn't agree well too bad for her.

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  • zygoteXY

    The Japanese are having a problem with "U-15 idols." This problem is America's fault because we showed them "American Idol."
    Japan loves America, and the things that we do, ever since we conquered them in WW2 and gave them a Constitution like the USA has.
    But this also means that the USA has a responsibility not to glorify idolatry, which is considered the most grievous of sins for major religions as far back as Judaism and possibly even further back. It is especially forbidden in the 10 commandments!!
    If your mother's moral authority is rooted in a faith tradition, then you must show her your commitment to opposing idolatry in ALL of its forms. If you do this while living in the world, and you read manga, then you have to try not to love manga more than God.
    If your Mom is NOT religious, then she has NO moral authority to stop you; so you must then seek truth on your own and try to be responsible wherever you can. Think about what you love, and why, and what it means.
    You might discover that the obsession with young girls (geisha, manga, etc) goes back into their culture like you said. But how far is too far, and will it suck the life out of you?
    Who could love you? Do you know what love is? Is love an adrenaline rush? If so, how much is enough for you? Think...
    Or will you teach the world what love truly means...

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  • Testarossa51

    personal freedoms do no exist until you are 18 or older. sad but true

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  • Madison.Carlin

    I would suggest stopping because my sister got addicted to anime about two years ago and she hasn't gone a day without watching at least five episodes of some show called "Bleach". She hardly talks to anyone in my family and never hangs out with her friends. She was never a social butterfly but the past two years she has barley spoken to anyone. She can't spend over an hour without her laptop and has gained a lot of weight from hardly getting any exercise. My whole family is worried about. As I write this she is four feet away watching anime. I'm very concerned about her and I hope you don't get as bad as her.

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    • BrokenSkies

      Not all people are like that. I'm addicted to anime but, I'm still social. I think that if someone has a hobby, keep doing it! Just my opinion though.

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  • BoredGuy

    your mom is a moron. not her fault tho, she can't help it

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  • heuheu1

    Basically the same sentiment within my family, but to a much lesser extent, although i did watch anime for a good 5 years, i guess that contributed to my quitting anime. Ill still watch it occasionally ofc but i generally dont watch anime anymore

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    I really do not understand why someone would hate anime so much. Is your mother racist to asain people? What type of anime were you watching? Was it pornographic? If its not pornographic and your not watching something like witch-blade or Hentai I do not see what the issue is.

    Which I don't believe witch-blade falls under hentai but the characters are naked all the time(so most people would see it as inappropriate).

    Everyone has hobbies and these hobbies relax and calm down people. If you are doing good everywhere else I do not see a problem in simply watching cartoons.

    Your mother sounds like a racist bitch. Anime is just cartoons BUT FROM JAPAN! In fact they make many kid/family anime. Like princess monanoke which comes from a director which makes many anime family films. Which you should check out by the way. Maybe try showing this to your unreasonable mother.

    Asian cartoons are just like cartoons from the other end of the world but they often are deeper, and more creatively drawn. In fact Pokemon is anime and so is digimon and they are very kid friendly.

    They have kids, teens, adult cartoons in anime and they have kids, teen, adult cartoons in other cultures. However the difference is anime goes littlekids/teen:romance,action, horror/adult:porn, where other cultures go little (kids/educational/stupid)/teen(adult):toilet humour

    Why I think a lot of anime is popular. Since it markets to teenagers by talking about teenage situations. Where as anime does this in cartoon form and other cultures only do this in live action films.

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  • AnimeMom

    I'm so sorry that you feel this way. Anime offers such a wonderful sense of expression. Like anything out there, anime may have it's dark side but what doesn't. I'm known as Anime Mom. I reach out to parents of children whom have exactly this problem. My website speaks to parents to share with them how wonderful this world can be and how it has helped many kids to feel more confident. Please share with her my site at www.animemomnow.com. Good luck.

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  • brettholmes

    Don't quit it because you mother doesn't like it I personally find anime on a whole to be better than any western cartoons (but i find we have the better dramas). I have often put aside all of my interests to pound through an entire anime in a week or two its a terrible habit i admit but so long as you thing you have the will power to put you work first there is no reason you should deny yourself great entertainment.

    remember the previous generation will always resist new media it happend with the internet and television its happening with games, although anime and manga seems to be under the radar still.

    (also i dont mean to call anime a cartoon but here mature animation is mostly garbage programs I'm looking at you family guy...south park, simpsons, american dad, cleveland show, that hunger force thing, the rest of you.)

    oh and good luck

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    • AnimeMom

      I like your post. It's true about American cartoons. Tell me, Bart Simpson's a good role model? I have seen kids that could have definitely gone in the wrong direction due to there lack of confidence. You could say that anime saved them. It gave them a world to relate to, in problem solving, art and expression.

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      • BrokenSkies

        The funny thing is, US that my mom let's me watch The Simpsons but, she doesn't like me watching anime. I mean, really.

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  • WordWizard

    The fact you like anime is not bad. Parents dislike what they do not understand. I use to watch a cartoon awhile ago and it was rated 10 and my dad use to tell me it was porn. I still have all my toons hid in a box. It is ok you are not a bad person and your mom needs to stop being so judgmental. Long as you are not watching Hentia or yoia or yuri. Nothing is wrong with that.

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  • Zuvkovsky

    She prob. Thinks anime is hentai

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  • anime,manga and fanart are hobbies. i do the same an dmy parents embraced it and im VERY appreciative of them. you should have a talk with your mom about what you like an dwhat your intrested in. you should educate her about it and show her its beautiful,sad,happy, and sometimes innapropriate like any other cartoon or tv show. thanks

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  • instazombiinaboxx

    There is nothing wrong with liking anime, just don't let it take over your life.

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  • manamana

    Listen, you're going to hear a lot of bad things from bad people but I'm both an adult, and an actual artist, and I'll tell you the best advice I can.

    -> There is nothing wrong with cartoons, art, bringing out the inner child once in a while and enjoying an anime, or manga, comic book, whatever, if you love art. Story. Etc.

    Where your mom might be right, is in content.

    Don't get into that porn crap. Hentai. There is a lot of twisted sexual perverted anime. Especially anime. No other genre of cartoon provides it. Stay away from it. Its sick, its not right, and your mom is right on this one.

    But if you can show her that there is normal, loving anime, that is just like watching a good tv show, or reading a book etc. it should be fine.

    If you read Ranma or something I can't see her getting too mad.

    So if she's upset it might be that she thinks ALL anime leads to the freaky porn stuff or the adult stuff. And it doesn't. Or that its pagan, and heathen or something, if you are religious. Just read it with discretion. And there is also religious/christian-based anime out there in case you didn't know.

    So she doesn't have to blame the style. Its a fantastic style of art and there is lots of good stuff out there, if you look for it.

    Maybe run by what you are reading with her.

    She's probably only known about the furries, the porn, all the freaky stuff cause kids are really getting into it, and they really shouldn't, because they have no idea how it will mess them up - (Because they are kids!) and kids usually think they know everything.

    I think its great that you listened to your mom, despite that she might be going a little overboard on this one. <3 Have a great night, and God Bless. ~

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  • Sorry to say this, but your mom sounds like a total bitch! What the hell is wrong with anime? The only anime i used to be ashamed of was sailor moon when i was little(because im a guy). I used to lock my door and everything. once my mother caught me and i was embarresed as hell,but she really did'nt seem to care. I continued to watch it and never felt bad about it again.

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  • beautiful_dreamer

    Depends what you're looking at. If there's some themes that your mother thinks are not age appropriate, she probably has a reason for not liking it. Just as movies have ratings, so do anime and manga. If it's harmless kid stuff with a sprinkle of fan-service and blood, it shouldn't be a big deal. But there are series out there that are very adult, and that's probably what she worries about you getting into. If you like things don't fall into that, her worries are unfounded and ridiculous. Not all anime and manga are equal.

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    ANIme can be rlly inappropriate at times but it great still.(mainly on about the 1000s of anime with loli in)

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    • silentnachos

      Thank You Sir You Are Great.

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  • firetruck

    Just hide it.

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  • Eoso

    Wow that mad about amine, don't want to think about porn OR anime porn!!!

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  • somethingsomething

    Your mom is a hero, anime is crazy and stupid. It's not the original japanese art. If you're interested in that, check it up on google, not those rubbish.
    I USED to like these stuff, but basically, they are like those stupid soap operas, and the theme is the same as well. Death Note was pretty good, but nothing else. People usually start to believe that life is actually like in mangas, and that is not true.
    Find something better to read.

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    • silentnachos

      Your argument is invalid and you also smell.

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    • TorothePekingese

      i hate you you stupid prick, anime is awesome! It just depends on what you find, not what other people say to or not to read... also his/her mom is a complete prude, so what if she doent like it, heck i listen to VOC@LOID 24/7 and my mom doesnt seem to appreciate it but i dont care. Get your thumb out of your turdcutter and respect that people have different opinions on anime that my not go with your own.For example, I respect yours by not cursing or using any of extreme insults floating through my head. ANIME RULES! GO, GO MIKU!

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  • Desertbird

    She's right. Don't ruin the best years of your life to anime, I've seen what anime addictions do to people and it isn't pretty.

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    • CheekyChihuahua

      Any kind of addiction is bad, not just anime addiction.

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