I realize that donuts and money are the two best things in life. iin?
Its true. I like what I do. I never planned on a finance-centric career. I'm astonished I like it. Creating wealth from my own investment pursuits makes me QUITE happy. Yet, people like to tell you otherwise. Not true in my case. Not true for Warren Buffet either. I refute that rubbish. Its not cash money that makes me happy. Money can be devalued FAST. Any currency crisis provides a perfect example like the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis which collapsed the Thai Baht. I keep a framed Zimbabwe Trillion Dollar Note as a reminder to heed this warning,plus its just a snazzy collectible. To hold all your wealth as a single currency is a bad idea. Its the mulling over facts and figures I like. The game is my pleasure. My other life enjoyment is very simple. It is donuts, particularly those from Dunkin Donuts. Plain glazed. Simple confection perfection. That's the two best things in life. IIN?