I really afraid of spider, iin?
I really afraid of spider since i was 7. Idk why, but everytime i see spider, something like walking on all of my skin. Is it normal?
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I really afraid of spider since i was 7. Idk why, but everytime i see spider, something like walking on all of my skin. Is it normal?
my brother is TERRIFIED of spiders and he's 24. He goes absolutely crazy when he sees one, jumping and screaming and climbing on chairs and tables to get away from it. Just remember that they're probably more scared of you than you are of them! :)
You should met tayler, you guy can bond over your shared crippling fears of spiders
I personally think they they are cute
I mean how cause you be afraid of something that has such sweet dance moves
That video led me to watching a string of spider videos, haha. There was this one where this guy was about to cry because his one of his tarantulas died. Even though I hate spiders, that was pretty sad. ;(
Yeah, I run when I see one. Mostly big spiders, tiny ones don't bother me that much.