I really don't like gay people

I really don't, and I always get called an asshole but im not an asshole im a nice person

I'm sorry but I can't help the way I feel. Especially open gays in a relationship. No one want's to see your gayness for gosh sake. Have some consideration.

Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve

Is it normal to think this way

Voting Results
34% Normal
Based on 883 votes (299 yes)
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Comments ( 82 )
  • anti-hero

    Maybe gay people don't like seeing you and your lady in public. Deal with it.

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    • CozmoWank

      Maybe even some straight people don't want to see him and his lady in public. You're just better off not picturing some people being sexual.

      Seriously, ever go to the site...peopleofwalmart.com?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Hahaha ... Sometimes I go to Walmart and the people there are so freaky looking that I don't care if I fart out out in the open there or if people hear or smell it. I will literally go out to eat with friends and have a huge as chicken avocado Caesar salad with bacon and garlic bread then go to Walmart and just fart where I stand or walk around briskly and leave clouds. I just don't care when I'm there because I figure if people can go out in public looking like that then I can be flatulent without shame cause I'm trying to eat healthy.

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        • Crusades

          You're the proof women become really disgusting when they reach menopause.

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        • LornaMae

          I just bumped into this...


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        • CozmoWank

          Oh you filthy crop duster you.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Hahaha...that's a good one! I'd love to fly one of those aeroplanes.

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    • almorr

      Nothing against gays kissing, but as long as they don't do it in a public park when there are families with children nearby

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      • anti-hero

        Is it okay for families and kids to see straight couples kissing in public?

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        • yes

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          • anti-hero

            What if it is a gay child or the children of a gay couple?

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            • Infamousgaming29

              Then at least they see one gender of which they like.

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      • Exactly.

        It's disturbing.

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    • Sorry didn't know you were gay

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      • anti-hero

        I'm not gay. You don't have to be gay to be a decent human being.

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  • pancakesorwaffles

    My ex bf said it's Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and I dumped him straight away

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    • SkullsNRoses

      "straight" away, how ironic, lol.

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    • Crusades

      You dumped your partner because he didn't like gay people? How fucking retarded can you be?

      You think a gay guy would dump his partner because he thinks straight people are disgusting? I don't think so.

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      • Unhinge

        would you dump your partner for being racist? If so- then checkmate hypocrite

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      • Ikr

        What a stupid wench

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    • Infamousgaming29

      You're white aren't you

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  • jeebley

    I don't like cheese. The smell of it makes me want to throw up and watching people eat it just grosses me out. Parmesan is the worst, so I avoid Italian restaurants even though my friends say they're fun. It's just unnatural and disgusting eating something that's fermented and moldy.

    I'm glad I got that off my chest actually! So I get you Op, don't worry.

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    • LornaMae

      Awww, I love cheese :(

      Now... is drinking some yeasty fermented piss-looking drink okay?

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      • jeebley

        Well if somebody is actually crazy enough to invent a drink like that, than yeah I guess I'll drink it...Ha! But seriously, that drink would never sell... anywhere. You may as well drink something with worms in it!

        But if people want to do that, it's up to them so don't hate the gays.

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        • LornaMae

          There you go again with the ascribed bigotry! lol! Ewww to the nasty worms idea! you're very creative but nowhere in the world would that work. Unless maybe if we used something like lime or salt to kill it first.

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          • jeebley

            Shine on you crazy bigot

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          • jeebley

            I like how you say "ascribed" - as if it's not something that's part of you. Own your racism, LornaMae... Be proud of your bigotry ! (ha...you crazy racist)
            Here lime is used for deleting bodies... I know that's very Chopper Read but I see you as being of the same ilk.

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            • LornaMae

              I'm doing some Chopper Reading right now, I'd never heard to that! Thanks :)

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  • supaflyafro

    the bible is BS.

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  • Jeaneathean

    Why does it bother you?

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    • because they're gay

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      • Jeaneathean

        People who are comfortable with their own sexuality tend to not be bothered by that of other people.

        Are you worried by what feelings are stirred within you by open displays of affection by gay couples?

        Adam and Eve not Steve is a shit argument, by the way. The bible also says it is wrong to wear clothes of mixed fibres amongst a whole of load of other inconsistent crap. You wanna live your life by those rules? No? Thought not.

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        • You're defending gay people

          anything u say is invalid

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          • Jeaneathean

            "I really don't, and I always get called an asshole but im not an asshole im a nice person."

            Define 'nice', please.

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  • Are you a guy? If so do you like lesbian porn?

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  • Mr-Myrtos

    Strange think to say this days! Are we in 2014?
    I guess some people is still in stoneage.

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  • "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" Coming from a brainwashing unnatural religion. Im not gay but gay people dont seem bad. What did a gay person ever do to you, from what I can tell there not violent or mean. So what if they like the same sex, im so sorry thats to much for you to bear seeing the same sex be sexual with eachother. Let them do what they want its not effecting anybody.

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    • Crusades

      You make it seem like if a person is gay he's automatically a saint. People will be pieces of shit regardless of their sexuality. And that goes for gay people too, of course.
      How about that gay guy who had AIDS and intentionally had unprotected sex with 30 men in some university campus?

      You and all the other morons are fooled by media's false portrayal of gay people who are always shown as good, harmless, successful people. They never show a gay character being the villain and they certainly don't mention a person's sexuality when they do something bad, unless they're straight.

      Wake the fuck up you brain dead indoctrinated little sheep!

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      • "Indoctrinated little sheep", coming from the brainwashed christian sheep. Gay people are like everyone else they shouldnt get treated better or worse just because they have sex with men. So they like having sex with other men. Who gives a shit. Why do people deserve to get singled out because they like the same sex. Why does it matter to you who likes dicks or who likes vagina? Your saying its wrong when its none of your business, go spam more brainwashing bible versus in your head christian.

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        • Crusades

          So you automatically assume since i dislike gays i must be a christian? For your information, i'm an atheist.
          I just suggested that people should stop treating gays like they're some kind of sacred treasure and supporting them. Gays are fully capable to support themselves. They don't need special treatment. "who gives a shit". Well that is exactly what i meant. Nobody should give a shit, yet people try to make them look like some kind of superior breed, always shown in a positive light. With all their parades and obnoxious bullshit like that. If they want to be treated equal they should keep it in their bedroom and stop acting like freaks on the street.

          Go to Russia. They'll show you a little bit of "support" there lmao

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          • I assumed you wrote the post. I never said they were a sacred treasure, I just never have been harmed by a gay person in my entire life. Im not gay I just think people should get to choose who they want to sleep with without getting criticised. I dont see how its anyones business if a man wants to sleep with a man or a women wants to sleep with a women, how is that effecting anyone? On the other hand the christians effect everyone with there poisonous religion.

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      • zamblooey

        Everybody has flaws. Some will notice your good side while others prefer to see the bad side. Whatever the perspective is, the point is GAY is a sexuality. It doesn't reflect one's morality. ACTIONS define it. Moreso, even in religion. Respect begets respect.

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  • Hamartia

    I think Adam and Eve might have been fictional so using them to prove a point is about as futile as me quoting Brokeback Mountain at you.

    You don't have to "like" gay people. You are expected to treat all people with respect, though.

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    • Crusades

      Well guess what, smartass. We, as a specie exist because a long time ago a penis entered a vagina, not another hairy ass.

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      • Hamartia

        Yeah, I heard that rumour that before humans existed, a penis and a vagina (presumably of a "specie" other than human, because they are yet to exist in this example) came together and that's how something before humans were made.

        While I understand that maybe you're the reproductive debris of a specie that is sub-human, I don't understand why you're so proud of it or want to tell us all about it unless you want to join our super-species as a living member who is capable of thought.

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        • Crusades

          What the hell are you talking about? You don't make any sense you fucking retard. Look at what you wrote!

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          • charli.m

            Now you know how we feel when we read your comments.

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          • Hamartia

            I'm deconstructing your example to show how ridiculous it is. Even you seem to find it ridiculous now, so I guess job done.

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  • GreyWulfen

    Not sure if troll or stupid. I'll give you the benefit of doubt and say fuck off and go troll somewhere else.

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  • Tommythecat.

    Refreshingly honest.

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  • steppenwolf

    Normal in non-urban rural areas of the US where Jesus, intolerance, and complete lack of empathy for someone different from you rules. Abnormal for someone who has been around openly gay people, realized that they are just people who live their lives just like you. Its okay for straight people to show affection but not gays? That means you think being gay is wrong. Unfortunately all too normal in the US.

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  • iEatZombies_

    You're entitled to your own opinion, but don't think everyone else has a problem with gay affection in public.

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  • Dad

    I'm not gay, the thought of sexual relations between men (only obviously) does repulse me. I'm pretty sure 99% of 'straight' guys have never gotten off to male on male porn (but there aren't actually any statistics that I know of on that).

    But, I'm certainly not against gays.
    I'm not against a whole range of types of people or their looks or gender or race or any other difference.
    What turns me on is my own personal feelings I have towards others that sexually arouse me.

    Its just personal choice.

    But to say, 'Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve', is both idiotic and ignorant to the fact that there was never one man and one woman.
    Science and research has now informed us that many homo-sapiens evolved at around the same time, not just 1 man and 1 woman!!! I mean even if that had any substance at all, you would then have to admit that incest is 'gods' will too.

    And since I mentioned that myth. Just be aware that god is a myth.
    Adam and Eve? Ludicrous. What are you 85 years old?? (no disrespect to seniors that have now accepted known facts).

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  • Holzman_67

    Hmm I think gay people have positive points of their personality and negative. I like most of them and I am interested in their culture and their views. I am an advocate for gay marriage.

    What I don't like is how judgemental alot of them seem to be. It is for this reason that when I am around gay people I feel quite self conscious and sometimes even psyched out because of this insecurity that when I leave they will bitch about me. I've witnessed so much of their bitching about other people that I think it's a granted that I will be bitched about. I don't have this same insecurity around others, even though I'm sure straight people bitch too. It just seems taken to a whole new level with gay people because alot of them are quite melodramatic.

    To end on a positive note, I think gay people in general are very fun and many have a great sense of humour. They are very talented and have a keen eye for things such as interior decorating and fashion.

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    • LornaMae

      Although your opinion sounds quite ignorant (just to make it clear I'm not calling you or opinion ignorant, the use of this term is just to meant to convey the apparent lack of knowledge on the subject), I respect it and like the fact that you said what you think. I can totally understand why you'd think that, there are indeed a few types like those and I believe maybe you were just unfortunate to not have known other good, wonderful gay people yet. People can be judgmental and bitchy, gay or straight equally. I hate that the gay ones who are indeed like that give people like you that impression. I hope you are able to rethink your take on this, not generalize anymore, and that you'll be open to changing your mind one day when you're lucky enough to come across better people.

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  • All i have to say is...

    Nibble nibble ;)

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    • macaroniheyo

      "Nibble nibble"... huh? oh wait... are we feeding you? you're a troll? we're feeding the troll? we're feeding the troll, guys. goddamn.

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      • Haven't eaten like this in a long time

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    • steppenwolf

      dammit. It was so obvious too. I fell for it.

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  • Shiroyasha

    I was just about to ask "Is it normal that no one in this site is homophobic?"... well, you spared me the pain. Thanks...

    And yes, it is normal to dislike gay people, because most of the world does... But... it shouldn't be. That's all I am going to say.

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  • Judith_leonard

    I use to dislike gay people but not anymore! My best friends gay !! And his a sweet heart ! And his not different at all !!!! Wait he is he is Awesome

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    • Crusades

      You changed your opinion about an entire community solely based on the fact that your gay best friend is a good person?

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  • Solarith

    A big fucķ you to the OP

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  • Orphan

    "Adam and eve" means u gotta bang both

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  • azmxxx

    If LGBT is against your religion then you can feel free to hate it. But just don't make a scene when seeing gays or lesbians hold their hands in public, etc.

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  • zerofouroneseven

    I dont agree with gays. Actually I dont agree with the LGBT community at all. I think its wrong and gross, but thats my opinion and I keep it to myself because a lot of people think otherwise. They're people too, so your "Adam and Steve" and "No one wants to see your gayness" is a bit messed up honestly.

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  • joshp01

    It's called homophobia. I have it though I try not to think like that. I even had a friend that was gay.

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  • miphee

    I know that we live in an age when we have to force other people's beliefs down our throats and like it but I have to agree with OP. I don't look down on gay people but I'm not going to accept their way of life as normal ever. I don't look at homosexuality like a disease, I look at it like a weird fetish and most fetishes are acceptable for some but never for all. Gay people must also respect that not everyone will look at them and be happy about what they represent. Common question for people like me that what would I do if I found out my son was gay? Would I not love him? And I always reply that I would most certainly love him no matter what but would never like the fact that he likes men.
    It's not about being backward or religious. It's about how I was raised as a child, in a happy, standard family.

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  • Patch85

    Why make gay people stand out as 'differ' in the first place? With all the politics about it seems so ridiculous. Might as well out cast everyone who's favorite color is blue or yellow. It's only that person's own opinion to 'like' something. The same falls on the other to not like something but that someone shouldn't make laws or tell thoughts aloud against it.

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  • monkee

    Fucking bigot!

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  • Kittygal123

    Your a discussing person ... that's all I've got to say and all 31 percent who said normal are discussing too

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    • *You're

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    • Kittygal123


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  • disthing

    How much do you want to bet OP only has an issue with gay men?

    Let the women have their fun but ew.. MEN KISSING EACH OTHER oh lord save me from this sin - remove thine penith from between his buttocks post haste or faceth the wratheth of mine God!

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  • Avant-Garde

    Your views contradict themselves. What an excellent representative of your religion, you are! Times are changing as are people's mindsets. Your behaviours and the way you have chosen to perpetuate your "religion" will only hurt you and it in the long run.

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  • TheMightyOz

    Gay/lesbians are the most exploitive people I know. Most of them suggest selling your children when they are babies for a good source of income.

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  • bananapie

    What's it to you if other people are gay? Just deal with your own life and don't give a s**t about what other people do. It's all up to them.

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  • Wow I didn't realise how many of you were gay.

    You all make me sick

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    • (s)aint

      You don't have to be gay to defend their rights ...

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      • Crusades

        Well, you're certainly not straight so they do have a point when implying only non-heterosexual people defend gay people.

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        • (s)aint

          As if all gay defenders are bi/gay just because I happen to enjoy to ram dildos into girls ...>>

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