I really need help , my clitoris hurts

Hello , nice to meet you
Today when I woke up I felt a pain in my reproductive system, I said yeah I think it's a normal thing and there I see that all day I felt this pain so I I said go ahead inspect your thing , I went to see, and i noticed that there are some hairs in my clitoris, it's really weird and also, there was a white thing in the right and left of it and when i tried to remove this white thing it hurts , please tell me if this is normal .
thank youuu

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33% Normal
Based on 3 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • hauntedbysandwiches

    It's likely just gunk. Carefully use a tweezer and try to fully clean it out. Sometimes little hairs and more get wedged around it. It's normal but if it still hurts after removing it, I'd see a doctor. I had this exact thing happen to me when I was a teen and I freaked out but it hasn't happened since. I have heard other people talk about this though it's fairly common.

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    • SkullsNRoses

      That’s what I was going to say, the hairs wedged in are likely irritating it.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Yep exactly it's probably just irritated

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  • lealoa

    Thank you for all these comments , I think I'll tell my mom to take me to a doctor , I don't know if she'll take me because we don't really have a great connection I told her it was hurting me , she said that it's normal . Soo I'll try to convince her to take me to a gynecologist. Thank youuu

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    • lealoa

      I'm also not really comfortable with this kind of subject with my mother , and I can't tell my father neither

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  • kikilizzo

    Could be an infection of some kind. Keep yourself clean down there and see a gynecologist if it doesn't improve.

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  • Grunewald

    If it hurts, that sounds like an infection, or maybe a tumour.

    The white stuff sounds like gunk (see above).

    I can't diagnose you. I do know that an infection requires immediate care. If the infection spreads into your blood (called 'sepsis') you can die. Go to the doctor as soon as you can. A tumour isn't quite so urgent, but you do need to have it looked at/treated even if only to make sure it isn't cancer, if it has been there for a while. If there is pain I can't imagine you would want to wait.

    The treatment you will receive depends on what it is and how severe it is. I will say this though: do not try and self-medicate on 'leftover' antibiotics, or other people's antibiotics. First of all, antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, not tumours. Secondly, antibiotics often have a limited shelf life and they can do a number on your digestive tract, which you don't want to do unless it's absolutely necessary. Thirdly, if you don't take them long enough, the infection can come back with a vengeance, and then need to take different antibiotics with more/worse potential side effects. What's more, you'd need to know what dosage to take for it to be effective in you, on your body with your ailment. Plus, antibiotic-resistant bugs are a massive issue and you want to make sure the infection is properly nuked, and doesn't become resistant.

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  • Tinybird

    I've had similar things happen to me, but they would always just go away, turns out it was probably my hypochondria after all, although the pains seemed real to me

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    • lealoa

      Same for me it goes away like a day after , right now it stoped hurting me

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  • Vvaas

    maybe it's infected? there's really no way any of us can tell for certain though you definitely need to see a doctor, if you're young you have to tell your parents so they can take you to the doctor

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    I don't know if you know this, but there is a such thing as "doctors". Reply if you want to know more.

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    • lealoa

      I know that doctors can help but I can't really go see a doctor my mom won't let me go , she'll tell me that it's nothing

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