I recently found out my family supports the protest in nz

This week, I found out that my cousin from my mother's side of the family attended the protest in Wellington New Zealand. There's an actual article with the title:

Protestor throws plastic bottle at police during clash. the person who throws the bottle is my cousin.

I found out through Facebook when other family members were sharing it on the timeline and instantly I felt embarrassed to have someone in my family that would enable savage behaviour while refusing to obey covid rules.

Today, I decided to completely delete my Facebook page since there is not much I do on that website other scroll and that's it. All my other family members are supporting my cousin..

I actually no longer want to consider them family. They are a fucking embarrassment to society.

They are nazi worshiping, hippy druggist's, peace loving whores, who consider a non-essential god as their saviour.

I hate them all..

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Comments ( 15 )
  • Sirilus

    You know the protests are for the freedom of choice right? It's not even against the vaccine itself just that it shouldn't be mandated.

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  • Sanara

    "They are nazi worshiping, hippy druggist's, peace loving whores"

    How can they be nazis and peace loving hippies at the same time?

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Kinda like being a Quaker terrorist, or a blood thirsty pacifist.

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      • bigbudchonger

        Damn those blood thirsty pacifists!

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          They're the worst!

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  • litelander8

    People should be furious that their being forced to get a shot. It’s not a vaccine.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's a vaccine but the leaders are turning it into a choice that doesnt have to be a forced choice.

      I honestly believe that if there was zero political bullshit with the vaccine and no mandates more people would be vaccinated. The actual anti vax people would still be the true crazy people in the room.

      Forcing a vaccine on people makes them question what's in the syringe if the goverment is forcing that hard on them. For a sickness that is only a danger for the already weak.

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      • Meowypowers

        Vaccines eradicate, gene therapy doesn't

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  • Tinybird

    but forcing medical procedures on people sounds a bit like.... Nazis to me.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I never understand why conservatives support police so much and also worry about tyranny. If theres ever tyranny the police will be the ones enforcing it. That blue lives matter flag isnt gonna do you any good when theyre kickin in doors.

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    • Sirilus

      Because police are people just trying to do a job to support themselves and their families. They signed up to protect and serve a community and a majority of them don't want to be harassing protesters, but they have their own jobs and well being to think about.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Dont get me wrong I understand the need for police I have police in my family. Im kinda conservative myself but what Im trying to say is I think its silly seeing the blue lives matter flag when you're protesting the government.

        How can you say support the police and say your government is tyrannical? The police are always the one enforcing tyranny when it breaks out. Theyre contridicting themselves. Its like a LGBT person supporting Islam.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I kinda understand how you feel. I have a cousin that once participated in rioting and looting in New York. He was arrested, but wasn't charged and they released him. He still talks about that shit like it's a badge of honor. I really don't get how being a violent asshole is something to be proud of. XD

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    • LloydAsher

      He should be been cited with a misdemeanor and pay a fine. Like every other criminal that does something illegal. The punishment to suit the crime and all that. Being released because the DA likes your politics is toxic as hell.

      The canadian truckers are being treated like a terrorist organization for throwing a massive street party for 3 weeks with no violent actions. Sure getting arrested is just apart of a healthy protest. Treating them as scum of the earth because they hold slightly different political beliefs is abhorrent. Once again a fine is just about the only thing that is actually applicable to their crime.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    'They are nazi worshiping, hippy druggists'

    are you suggestin theyre pharmacists?

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