I recently found out my family supports the protest in nz

This week, I found out that my cousin from my mother's side of the family attended the protest in Wellington New Zealand. There's an actual article with the title:

Protestor throws plastic bottle at police during clash. the person who throws the bottle is my cousin.

I found out through Facebook when other family members were sharing it on the timeline and instantly I felt embarrassed to have someone in my family that would enable savage behaviour while refusing to obey covid rules.

Today, I decided to completely delete my Facebook page since there is not much I do on that website other scroll and that's it. All my other family members are supporting my cousin..

I actually no longer want to consider them family. They are a fucking embarrassment to society.

They are nazi worshiping, hippy druggist's, peace loving whores, who consider a non-essential god as their saviour.

I hate them all..

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