I said yes to something and now i don't want to do it.

My cousin is a guide leader and they all go camping and have big events, for the past two years she's asked me and I've said no, most of her friends are guide leaders too. So when we went out over Christmas they started talking about it again and said 'one year we will get you to go' anyway I said yes to make them shut up but I didn't mean it. I didn't have an excuse so I said yes.
Now the time of the event is approaching and my cousin has messaged me to ask if I'm going camping for a long weekend. I'll busy at work like always but I actually don't want too. It's not my thing and I was a guide once and went camping and hated it cause there was so many people
And I'm the quiet one and ahhh.
So I don't know how to get out of this one. My parents will probably push me to go.

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Comments ( 23 )
  • bubsy

    What do you have to lose? A weekend spent jerking around on your phone? Here's what you can gain: much needed social skills and experience.

    The man/woman you want to become, what would that person do?

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    • It's not really my thing :(

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      • Rihyae

        Those girls are gonna need every kind of person. Maybe you'll connect with the calmer ones.

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      • bubsy

        Alright, that's fine. Just keep this in mind: everything that will make you a better person, you won't want to do.

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  • wigz

    I understand how you feel because I get the same way. As the date approaches, I get more and more anxious and my mind floods with dread, excuses and what-ifs and I am convinced that it's going to be bad. It NEVER turns out to be that bad, often it's actually really good! If you keep giving in and not getting out and doing things your anxiety and shyness will get worse and it will become hard to do even simpler things like normal everyday life stuff. It's also important to keep your word. Your people seem to care about you and want you around but if you don't engage with them and you flake out, that won't last.

    Just go!

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    • I was exactly like that, and I have joined in with lots of stuff and beaten my shyness so much! But even when I said yes I meant no, not because I'm anxious but because I don't want to go :/.

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  • CrystalMethodist

    Wtf is a guide leader

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    • Couman

      It think OP's talking about something like the Girl Scouts.

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      • CrystalMethodist

        Sounds pretty much like some kind of cult, like scouts or whatever. I'd avoid this jesus festival at all costs.

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        • Ellenna

          It's not a cult: you've never heard of girl scouts, called girl guides in the UK?

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          • CrystalMethodist

            When I was a kid I was in the boy scout cult. They do all kinds of weird chants and stuff and then have to pay money for the honor of going out and selling things to people that they also give the profits to the group. Its basically designed to make profits off child labor while indoctrinating kids into seeking military and police and other government pawn positions. It functions exactly like a cult.

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            • Jacob_Zuma_783


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    • Guides is a group for young girls they go camping and the older guides become the leaders and look after them and make the activities up.

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  • lordofopinions

    Just tell them you changed your mind and you don't want to go. Simple. Don't ever get pushed into anything you don't like. Everyone is different.

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  • Cookiecutter

    Once you get there you will surprised its going to be a lot more fun that you realize. Your dreading it now but it wont that bad lots of those camps are super fun just wait until you get there and see how it goes.

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    • But I don't want to go.

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      • Cookiecutter

        Now you dont hence why I said once you get there you will want too because it will be a lot of fun. Dont be such a baby and stop whining.

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  • Jayemen

    It's ok to say no. Just don't say yes and not keep your word. Sounds like you're stuck now. Do it and get it over with.

    Female friend of mine, whom I did a good amount of favors for, promised to do something for me, and never did it, coming back and saying oh, I don't think it's right, etc. Mind you, she offered the favor to me, I didn't ask, but, since she offered, I said yes, go ahead. I was a bit upset that she went back on her word, as I did things and was there for her when her ex was in jail, when she had money and personal problems, tons of self-esteem issues..To have her go back on her word to me was upsetting. I'd rather she not have offered the favor at all.

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  • ZaneT

    These groups are a type of cult by definition. Just say that you have changed your mind.

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  • Ellenna

    Be a grownup: tell her you only said yes so she'd stop asking you and that you don't want to go.

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    • wigz

      Or: be a grownup and honor your obligations.

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  • rayb12

    You are allowed to say no. I would let her know as soon as possible so she has time to find a replacement. Because you committed maybe you could help find someone to take your spot or apologize for the short notice, but not for saying no. That is your right.

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    • It doesn't matter either way.

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