I saw some guy spit on the ground in front of me the other day
Hi all..
Just the other day i was at the bus station waiting for my bus. I was minding my own business as usual when some guy got off his bus and then suddenly spat on the ground near wear I was sitting. Of course I was grossed out and I'm sure anyone would feel disgusted as well right?
Well I told this story to the whisper.com app and users on that app decided to get mad at me all because I ranted about it and how gross it was. Their reasoning to get upset that I was upset was because are bigger problems going on in this world" but yet we are In the middle of a fucking pandemic.
And while I DO understand that there are far more issues in this world, I'm pretty sure though I have a right to at least feel disgusted by some dirty man sitting on the ground in front of me, but apparently I don't because I'm way too much on my high horse and just need to stop being so arrogant.
It's not like I was being a Karen to him before he lef but again to some people my opinion is invalid.
Was I right to get upset or am I just a drama queen.
And no I'm not white. I'm Polynesian.