I see "high value" in remaining a "low value" man. is it normal?
I'm going to preface this by saying that I understand that there is a massive difference between modern women and traditional women, so if you are a traditional woman, the following does not apply to you because you're not who I'm talking about. However, I see "high value" in remaining a "low value" man and simply living within my means to support myself until the day I die. This is why:
Us men are viewed by modern women as expendable, replaceable, walking bank accounts with a penis. Let me tell you what I mean. Picture a divorce court setting. Judges rule overwhelmingly in favor of the woman in most cases, even when she has been the one who was unfaithful. The woman, having won the settlement, then may legally proceed to file for divorce and sue the man for alimony and even child support if there are kids involved. Why would any man in his right mind enter into a contract (i.e. marriage) which the other party was legally encouraged and even rewarded for breaking? Wives literally have their husbands by the balls. No thanks.
Modern women these days have no idea what men want, and in turn bring nothing of value to men to the table with regards to relationships. There is a very simple reason for this: Modern feminists deem it misogynistic for a man to tell a woman what he expects of her. Naturally, us men do not want to be labelled misogynist, so we avoid this conversation entirely.
Modern women want "high value" men. A man who is over 6ft tall, makes her laugh, and earns a 6 figure salary will only just get his foot in the door. Yet these women are completely bang average and feel like they don't even need to try hard in order to get married. They love the idea of marriage, but not so much the idea of being a wife. Note how no men call women out as being "misandrist" for having this thought process.
By remaining a "low value" man, none of these modern women will ever be interested in me, allowing me to be free to live my life as I see fit without giving anyone a chance of destroying my life/livelihood. That liberty and freedom is something I value highly.
It's not what I envisaged my adult life to be as I was growing up, and unfortunately it means my parents will never get to meet their grandchildren because I'll never give them any. However, my life and livelihood are far too important to me to risk.