I see "high value" in remaining a "low value" man. is it normal?

I'm going to preface this by saying that I understand that there is a massive difference between modern women and traditional women, so if you are a traditional woman, the following does not apply to you because you're not who I'm talking about. However, I see "high value" in remaining a "low value" man and simply living within my means to support myself until the day I die. This is why:

Us men are viewed by modern women as expendable, replaceable, walking bank accounts with a penis. Let me tell you what I mean. Picture a divorce court setting. Judges rule overwhelmingly in favor of the woman in most cases, even when she has been the one who was unfaithful. The woman, having won the settlement, then may legally proceed to file for divorce and sue the man for alimony and even child support if there are kids involved. Why would any man in his right mind enter into a contract (i.e. marriage) which the other party was legally encouraged and even rewarded for breaking? Wives literally have their husbands by the balls. No thanks.

Modern women these days have no idea what men want, and in turn bring nothing of value to men to the table with regards to relationships. There is a very simple reason for this: Modern feminists deem it misogynistic for a man to tell a woman what he expects of her. Naturally, us men do not want to be labelled misogynist, so we avoid this conversation entirely.

Modern women want "high value" men. A man who is over 6ft tall, makes her laugh, and earns a 6 figure salary will only just get his foot in the door. Yet these women are completely bang average and feel like they don't even need to try hard in order to get married. They love the idea of marriage, but not so much the idea of being a wife. Note how no men call women out as being "misandrist" for having this thought process.

By remaining a "low value" man, none of these modern women will ever be interested in me, allowing me to be free to live my life as I see fit without giving anyone a chance of destroying my life/livelihood. That liberty and freedom is something I value highly.

It's not what I envisaged my adult life to be as I was growing up, and unfortunately it means my parents will never get to meet their grandchildren because I'll never give them any. However, my life and livelihood are far too important to me to risk.

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25% Normal
Based on 4 votes (1 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • KholatKhult

    So you want women to settle for you because you’re unsuccessful and unattractive and have no personality - and you want them to voluntarily sign up to be your “trad wife uwu”

    If you want a cook, maid, nurse, and servant - you’re going to have to pay for one. It has ALWAYS been this way

    Also I like how you’re writing off you being a loser as a strategic straggly aimed to keep women from just being allllll over you

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    • That isn't what I was trying to get at...

      I'm just saying I've given up on modern women and I'm prepared to live alone for the rest of my life.

      I feel I'll be happier with only what I need. Nothing else.

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      • KholatKhult

        You’re very very confused as to what a “non-modern” woman is like. There has never been a point in time where ‘low-quality’ men had an appeal.

        If we go far back in time, protection and being able to provide would’ve been your best factor. Strong, capable, men were most desirable, if you were a twig or were incapable of keeping your mate and your offspring safe - you were no man. Is that your idea of traditional ?

        Modern day is quite literally the best time in history to be a loser

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        • That's exactly my point. There has never been a point in time where low quality men had an appeal.

          I don't want to have an appeal. I don't want to give up control of my life to someone else.

          If I fuck myself over, that's on me. If a woman fucks me over, it could have been avoided. If I'm not appealing to anyone who can potentially ruin me, I have less personal problems.

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  • LornaMae

    I take no issue with a "low value man" as you put it. I just wouldn't be willing to be with a man who thinks so highly and so lowly of himself at the same time. Hell, I don't want anyone's money nor just a penis bank, especially not someone's who sounds that selfish and prioritizes the fear of being screwed over rather than the love and respect it takes to be in a good relationship. I'm getting a bit of incel vibes here, to be quite frank.

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    • You make a fair point.

      I have previously lost my virginity in my teens, and had relationships into my late 20s though, so it's not like I'm not open to sex. I just don't want relationships anymore.

      If I feel like I need to get laid, I'll hire an escort. No big deal.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        If you are worried about marriage then yall can enter a prenuptial agreement. The way she acts to a prenupt can be a big red flag too if she gets mad about it that is not a good sign. But I think a prenupt is a must. I wish I had filled out one when I got married even though I seriously doubt I'll ever get a divorce. And she has told me if we do somehow get divorced she wont take half and screw me over because her dad got screwed bad by her mom and she doesnt think it's fair. But if she changed her mind I'd be fucked because I make decent money and she doesnt work.but hey there still really is good women out there. They might be hard to find but youll find one eventually. Maybe its the area you live in.

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  • CountessDouche

    Have you ever tried sucking dicks? I think that might be the solution to your problem here...

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    • Your comment comes across as quite snarky, almost as if you resent what I wrote. Do you feel personally attacked?

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      • CountessDouche

        I do, for sure. I just had 3 minutes of my life stolen, reading your insane rantings & those are minutes I can't get back.

        It's probably a solid plan to preemptively remove yourself from the dating pool though, cause I don't think you're gonna score HIGH VALUE bitches with that attitude...but why use your fingers for typing when you can spread joy to LOW VALUE MALES by ramming them up LOW VALUE buttholes.

        Be part of the solution you seek.

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        • If you feel personally attacked by me when I'm only attacking MODERN women who think the way I described, you are such a woman yourself.

          You are exactly the kind of woman I wish to avoid, so your opinion doesn't matter. Sorry not sorry.

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          • CountessDouche

            Yep...super modern with my internet access. I can vote too. It's absolute insanity. That's why I spend my days stealing men's wallets instead of having thoughts and values and accomplishments and my own career.

            Here, watch this rabbit...


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            • dude_Jones

              If I may inject a humble comment here, allow me to explain why I think this is a self correcting problem. From my point of view, this guy is only capable of wanking. In real life if he ever made eye contact, any intellectually stimulating, reasonably attractive woman like yourself would immediately throw her switch to "off".

              His only other options are porn and strip clubs. (Ironically, prostitutes never accept customers for money that they wouldn't do for free.) He can still pursue academic achievement and a high net worth for his own satisfaction. Bottom line: Darwinian sexual selection is a bitch. Many many men and a few women must accept unfulfilling lives simply because of the looks they were born with.

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  • hauntedbysandwiches

    I'm a woman and I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I earn a bigger salary than any of the men I've dated and the guy I'm interested in right now is broke. Yeah I'm so greedy. Stop living in a sexist mindset.

    In my own family the women mostly earn more. My aunt owns a business, a pretty big one and her husband doesn't even work. I'm literally dating broke men as are many of my friends. Lol my one friend is a lawyer and she's dating a guy who works at target as a cashier. Get a grip

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    • dude_Jones

      Your assertion seems to be that "low value" men earn their keep in bed. At least that's the most probable inference that I can see. Please clarify your preferences here; they seem unusual.

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      • "Low value" men (on the dating scene) are those who can't provide a woman with any more than what she can provide for herself.

        By being a man who actively chooses NOT to become attractive to women, none of them ever become interested, which allows you to live peacefully and concentrate on sustaining yourself without being burdened by all the problems entitled women generally cause men.

        Of course, not all women shit on us men from a great height, and yes, my apathetic attitude towards modern women is unfair on the women who don't see themselves like I have described, but it's only when men start standing up for themselves that the dating scene will start to turn back in us men's favor.

        Until then, I refuse to even attempt to put myself out there.

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        • Asstastics

          Fuck, man. Just be a sperm donor. Why bother with child support and maternal bullshit? Women who feel entitled to your sperm can buy it from the doctor's office.

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        • dude_Jones

          That's understandable, and yes, entitled women cause problems. But I see the greatest gender discrepancy as women's ability to tolerate celibacy with ease. Women can earn a high income, live a fulfilling social life with other women, and completely turn off their sexual desires.

          In this mindset, men are completely unnecessary. If maternal desires are a distraction, artificial insemination is available. Why tolerate future paternal baggage?

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  • idolomantis

    Woman here, lol. I kinda get where you’re coming from, especially if you’re feeling bitter. It happens. With that being said, it sounds kinda like you have an “us vs them” mentality and that you clump women under one umbrella. This all or nothing thinking is quite common in people who are feeling bitter, I’ve done it before, so please don’t feel like I’m being mean or attacking you. I try to be direct, so if I come across as rude it’s unintentional.

    I think it’s a bad idea to base major decisions in your life around distrust of a certain group. I personally don’t really care about getting married, I just view it as a legal thing and I could take it or leave it. If you happen to want kids or if part of you wants a relationship, I think it’s kinda sad to avoid that because of your distrust of women though. I understand not wanting to get married, definitely, I think your reasoning by behind it might be a little misguided though?

    I also wanna keep it real for a sec: I don’t fit a lot of the stereotypes about women that you just described. A lot of my female friends don’t either. I can’t prove that obviously, so it’s up to you to believe me or not. As a woman, sexist beliefs also hurt me in indirect ways. I’ve dealt with a lot of sexual harassment in my life, for example, and some of it has genuinely been scary. I’ve heard complete horror stories from my friends too. No one likes to be in fear of their own bodily integrity. No one. Please keep that in mind when you paint any group of people in broad strokes; biased views tend to poison people’s perceptions of each other and can slowly spread across communities.

    To answer your question of whether or not it’s normal to see value in remaining a “low value” man, I’m inclined to say no just because I disagree. I guess it’s technically normal to have any belief, sorry, that’s just my 2 cents lol. Also, if you make good money, you can also buy lots of cool stuff just for yourself. Just a thought. I hope what I wrote kinda made sense. Sexism is kinda a difficult topic for me but I’m trying to move past that, so let me know if you want me to elaborate on anything.

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    • I try to make distictions between modern women, like the women I tried to describe in my original post, and traditional women like you come across as, who do actually understand what it takes to be a wife, but are in short supply.

      Also, I'm 31 now so my earning years are gone and I'll never achieve that status of having a six-figure salary. Maybe part of me does resent hitting the proverbial "wall", but that was of my own making so I'm not putting the blame on women for that.

      Now, I completely understand that not all women are the same, not every woman feels like men are just walking expendable moneybags, but the more I live my life, the more I see modern women are at their happiest when men are at their lowest. It just makes me feel defeated to the point where I'm no longer interested.

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      • idolomantis

        I get what you mean I think. Not trying to be mean but I don't really consider myself traditional. :) I just like to do my own thing, masculinity and femininity don't really factor into the equation of how I like to live my life. That's just me, I live my life on my own terms.

        31 is still quite young. You literally have decades ahead of you to turn that number around, if that is what you desire. If you don't want to that's totally fine as well, I'm just trying to elaborate that age doesn't have to factor into success if you don't want it to. You could randomly change around your whole life at the age of 50 or 60 if you felt like it. No body is holding you back except for your own mind. That's still a very difficult thing to contend with at times, so please don't get me wrong.

        As for your last paragraph, this sounds like "confirmation bias" to me. You see other women behaving partially because this is what you expect to see, and partially because this is likely what is being shown on the news and social media. Algorithms also come into play! If you've ever had a day or two when you're feeling jaded enough to research certain topics, then algorithms will remember this and spit out the same old tired views at you. I'm definitely not an expert in regards to this kind of topic by the way, I just know enough to get a good idea of how it works in general.

        Essentially, the way that our modern world works makes it easy for many of us to live in an "echo chamber". If you feel and/or think a certain way and you have access to the internet, then you will have almost immediate justifications for whatever belief or suspicion that you hold. It's ok to feel jaded and have a hard time with things, but please be cautious about allowing it to inform your personal beliefs too much. Keeping your biases at bay in the face of personal adversity is a sign of strength and character. Bitterness is merely a cheap alternative.

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        • Sound advice. Thank you for being mature.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        It sounds like you're only meeting those shitty feminist women. You can meet the good kind at church. They wont act like theyre being degraded by cooking and cleaning and shit. They won't complain about everything. And they do not believe in feminism. The ones at church often want to raise their kids and have good values.

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        • I'm an Atheist so I don't go to church. However, religion doesn't factor in to morality. Google Shirley Phelps-Roper as an example.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            No I totally agree with you. The point I was trying to make is if you are in a very left leaning area the only place that will have a lot of conservative women is going to be church. You will find those types of women you are looking for there.

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