I see it all differently

So I have studied violin and piano for over 10 years now, and it's had a mix effect on my life. While I am happy to say I can perform music very well, it has changed my views on music. While most people don't think twice about a song, I find myself thinking about the key, how hard it is, and all the technical aspects of the song. Asking all the other musicians out there, do you feel the same? It can even "spoil" a song for me if I find it overly simple. Am I normal?

Voting Results
97% Normal
Based on 31 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • CloverFish

    Normal, sort of like how a movie critic, director, or just anyone who understands how a movie is written dissects movies to the point of ruining them, especially bad ones.

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  • regisphilbin

    i think it's the same way with anyone who has a certain level of "expertise" in any area. they automatically see things that others miss. it's very interesting how the brain works like that.

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  • Failedcasanova

    I'm the same way with martial arts and guns in films etc

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  • Earlyrise

    That's completely normal. I'm a guitarist that's played for 6 years and I can say that this is completely normal.

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  • pastor_of_muppets

    When I first listen to a song, I rarely ever notice the lyrics first. My mind goes straight for the instrumentals. It's like I can individually pull the instruments out one by one and listen to them separately.
    First the drums, snare drum, bass...blah blah..
    Quite strange that you mention this coz I never really thought about it like that

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  • bobthebreaker

    Yes. Definitely. I dont think i could recite a single lyric from barely any songs i listen to. All i listen to is the structure, guitar, drums etc.. I play them in my head. My friends dont really play music at all. So a "great" song to them is generally overlooked by myself. As its usually just 4 chords haha.

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  • Acerbic

    I do the same thing.

    I've been a guitarist for around 15 years (I suddenly feel old having figured that up just now..) It can also mess with the feel and emotional aspect of music for me because I find myself automatically thinking about the technical side.

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