I seem to express the same mental health symptoms as people around me
I feel like a chameleon, but one that changes colour when it doesn't want to. I do speak to several people who aren't exactly "neurotypical", and I've noticed that when I speak to them for a while I do start to show the same symptoms as them.
For example, I show symptoms of histrionic personality disorder when I speak to someone with histrionic personality disorder. I show symptoms of schizophrenia when I speak to someone with schizophrenia. I show symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder when I speak to someone with narcissistic personality disorder.
Note that this doesn't happen in just one conversation, it happens relatively slowly over multiple, tens of conversations.
The only mental health symptoms that have stayed with me for my entire life are my symptoms of anxiety and dissociative identity disorder (I know those are not normal but that's not what I'm asking).
So is this normal or not?