I seriously hate when people say they want a zombie apocalypse, iin?

It's not going to be fun. First, you will probably be a zombie. In most modern zombie films/video games, they are infected by a contagious disease (which I will call the z-virus for convenience). If the z-virus spreads across the world and infects so many people that it does in movies and video games, then it obviously can be spread by other things than just being bit. It could be spread by their blood and fluids, so you better hope you don't get a drop of blood on your hand and put your hand in your mouth while eating. Or get blood splashed in your eye. Or anything. Any contact with the zombies could result in infection.

Even if the zombies are not from a pathogen, a zombie apocalypse would destroy lawful society. It would be survival of the fittest.

Most likely, your family and friends would not survive.

And do you know how to grow your own food and hunt? Do you know what plants are poisonous? You won't be able to go to McDonalds for a Big Mac.

is it normal to get irritated at people who want a zombie apocalypse?

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 70 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • thanksforthefreecar

    YES THAT IS NORMAL! It would be a huge disaster! People need to learn the different between fiction and reality.

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    • cantheist

      The definition of irony.

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      • thanksforthefreecar

        [ ahy -r uh -nee, ahy -er-]
        - noun , plural -nies
        1. the use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of the literal meaning
        2. outcome contrary to expectations
        - Related Form
        i·ron·ic - adjective

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      • IronE Singleton?

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  • I live up far away in a rural mountain where I already grow my own food. I'm a hill person! Mwahaha.
    I also have enough "defense mechanisms" that I'd be safe for a while.
    But yeah, half the people I hear saying that live in the city and can't go a day without a Big Mac.

    Southern Oregon, maaan. All that exist here are a bunch of pot smokers.

    Bring it on.

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  • GuessWho

    Although I think a zombie apocalypse would be a useful means of population control that the world so desperately needs.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It disturbs me more so than irritates me. I've seen a few zombie flicks. The situation is disturbing and scary. Why would anyone want this. I think that the people who are wishing this are mentally disturbed.

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  • You are totally right. It's not going to be the jamboree that everyone thinks it will be. That's for sure.

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  • TheAnarkyOfLife


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  • robbieforgotpw

    There are so few people who even talk about something so stupid which means its not an issue. You're welcome.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I seriously hate it when people don't use the search bar :O

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