I smell under my finger nails all the time
i have a habit of smelling under my finger nails all the time. It just smells so wierd and I cant stop for long period of time. wtf is wrong?
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i have a habit of smelling under my finger nails all the time. It just smells so wierd and I cant stop for long period of time. wtf is wrong?
lol I think it's addicting bc you can't really figure out what smell is it
I do this too. Don't smell under your toenails, it's not the same smell and it's quite gross.
I have a habit of doing this too, because i'm a complete fucking weirdo, just like you.:)
Wtf i smell NOTHING on my fingernails, what did you do? stuck em up ur ass?
Do you think that it isn't normal? I also do it.. And I smell my upper lip sometimes..
No seriously it is normal I do it but I don't do it for the smell (that's not normal) I just have a habit oh and I also smell my upper lip as a habit :)
Boy or girl?I used to do this after fingering my girlfriend.I wouldn't wash my hands because the smell made me horny.
It's a tic. Or a fetish.
Examples of simple Motor tics are eye blinking,
nose wrinkling, neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, facial grimacing, and abdominal
tensing. These tics usually last less than several hundred milliseconds. Complex motor
tics include hand gestures, jumping, touching, pressing, stomping, facial contortions,
#repeatedly smelling an object#, squatting, deep knee bends, retracing steps, twirling
when walking, and assuming and holding unusual postures (including "dystonic
tics" such as holding the neck in a particular tensed position). These tics are longer in
duration, lasting seconds or longer. Copropraxia (a sudden, tic-like vulgar, sexual, or
obscene gesture) and mirror phenomena such as echopraxia (involuntary,spontaneous
imitation of someone else's movements) are complex motor tics.
eeew. lol ur addicted to the smell of it. in our country we call a person like that "like a monkey" i dunno why. it's when people has a habit of smelling something all the time. like when someone rubs beneath his ears, they will smell their hands afterwards..coz it smells bad odor and apparently, they still keeps on doing it. @____@
the stuff under your nails r made of the same thing as crap is made of... without the meathane gass.
mee to my Friend. i have this for 3 years
relly relly tank you. It's really cool to know I'm not alone in it :)
I've seen my mate shove his fingers up my arse, then he sniffs his fingers. I caught him out in the gym. He then sniffs them on and off all day- now I know why.
I would think this is normal. We are animals, and all animals are attracted to and/or like weird smells. Although society doesn't consider us animals, its still up to each person to decide whats normal to them. Whether its based on society, or natural instinct.
I don't have long enough finger nails to smell them, maybe cut them god knows whats under them.
OH MY GOD I'm not the only one!! My mom always laughs at me for it, but I love the smell. It doesn't smell bad or anything. I actually really love the smell. I hate it when something changes the way it smells. I'm doing it right now, actually.
I only do it when my nails are above certain length, So I keep them as short as possible, Kinda addictive...
Me too,when i wash them they smell even worse.Im smelling them right now,damn that smell.
I do this all the time. I started around 15 years old during football practice the sweat from my gloves would make my hands smell (kind of like gas, not terrible but something about it allured me). I took it a step further and opened my ring finernail slightly while taking a whiff. Since then I've been nearly hooked and I just turned 26.
You definitely should wash your hands more thoroughly. I just tried smelling "under" my nails and I can't smell anything. I was in a home economics class and we were sewing, and my partner had thesenasty smelling fingers, so I volunteered to do all the work. Wash your hands please
Haha I've never done it before. My dad does it though. In fact, he smells a lot of things... But I don't consider him normal. :/