I smile at the worst timing

Hey peeps. So since forever for some reason when I find myself in certain situations or someone tells me something that isn't exactly good I smile. I always thought it was a nervous reaction and it didn't bother me much because if I can see that a situation is getting bad or someone is about to tell me bad news before they actually get to the bad stuff I would bite my cheeks and try really really hard to maintain a poker face. But until recently I realized I can't always control it.

A few weeks ago at a hospital, while my cousin was in labor I was in the waiting room with some other family members. A woman in a wheelchair was rolled near us by a nurse, the woman was crying about losing her baby. As you guessed it I smiled, I hid my face so no one could see but my cousin's best friend noticed and she told me "You're going to hell." I did explain to her that I can't help it and that I don't mean to smile, but it really bothered me that my body would turn against me at the worst possible moment. Even though I can't control everything my body does and I understood it, I felt terrible for smiling.

Another time was when a family friend came to my home to visit, after a few minutes I asked her where her son was since he usually would be with her. That's when she told me that he was hit by a car while riding his bike so he's home. Now look I like the kid so I was shocked and felt bad but of course, but my body sent a completely different message by smiling. Lucky this lady was understanding because who wouldn't be pissed if someone was smiling when they hear about your son getting hit by a car.

These two situations by far were the worst I've been in where I smiled, if I was able to see them coming I could've controlled it (at least I think I could've) but when unexpected shit like this happens I can't do much but hide it. I am still young too so I am sure life isn't done with me yet, I know that there is gonna be more situations like this. I heard people laugh at the worst timings, so I'm hoping someone who's been through something similar to this can give some advice.

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93% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • suckonthis9

    You should write a will, and request in it that the embalmer does you up so that it looks like you died with a smile on your face!

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    • lmao wow you just made my day. Thank you. That is not a bad idea too.

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  • Yes, that's normal. Once I was at a memorial service for one of my father's friends friend who was an old dude with a funny face. I tried my best to hold it in, but I opened my eyes in the middle of the prayer, and low and behold his wide Cheshire grin and squidward tentacles nose was staring back at me. I burst out laughing right as they were saying amen.

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  • Your comments really did help everyone. Thanks for being understanding about this.

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  • Pumpurrnickel

    I have a similar problem. I have to mentally remind myself that I cannot smile in certain situations. It's 10x more difficult when someone asks me if I'm lying. I don't think it's normal. It's not my choice.

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    • edwininthematrix

      it's one of those things, like you psychologically imagine what could be the worst possible reaction in any situation, and then that idea in your brain makes you want to do it more. for example, cursing in front of your grandparents, farting in front of your lover, or falling down when walking in public. a good way to cure the condition is meditation and self-discipline.

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  • S12207

    I used to have the same problem and it's only happened now like once in the past five years, but it is a nervous tick. It didn't matter what it was from being dissaplined, someone coming to me crying their eyes out, or hearing horrible news...it just happened and you really do look like such a jackass, but you're not really laughing at them. Hopefully you grow out of it, I'm sure you will. Try not to think about it too hard or it will probably make it worse. If it does happen people who know you will understand.

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  • thecatcherintherye

    I don’t know if I have to vote normal or not normal, but I have the same thing. Not always, but sometimes I just can’t help buy smile when someone tells bad news. I find it even harder not to smile when someone is angry, for example when my boyfriend is mad at me. When my dad would be mad at me when I as a kid it was even worse: me smiling made him even more angry, but I just couldn’t help it!

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  • Friedchiken

    It's a nervous tick for some people. It definitely is for me. My boyfriends dad died and he's only 18, and he's going to his funeral this month. Whenever he talks to me about it I feel so awful and I can see the sadness in his eyes but sometimes I have to try really hard not to smile and it's HORRIBLE

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