I smile when i really shouldn't

It's been like this for a few years now maybe. When talking to people I tend to smile when I'm annoyed or angry. It gets really weird when I'm flaming with rage inside when talking to someone, but can't get the smile off of my face. It gets weird when watching movies too. During sad moments, when others would cry or often even at the sickest horror scenes I find myself smiling (Maybe that's because of the awesomeness of the scenes? Yet no one I know seems to react like this). It would be really weird watching movies with someone, I probably look like a serial killer when watching horror films. I'm not sadistic or anything and I'm pretty much the most peaceful guy you could find around where I live. I know it's not a major problem but is it normal? Does this keep happening to any of you?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • Anime7

    I'm the same way, and for a long time I thought I was the only one. I remember that as a kid I would always laugh and smile whenever I was being bullied. I hated it and I still hate it. Every time something bad happens I laugh, which makes me people view as someone who can't take things seriously. I have a hard time showing rage as well. I have a friend who is similar to me in this regard, so whenever we have a bad week we just go to a secluded area and break glass items we bring from home. While we're breaking glass bottles and cups we actually take turns insulting each other just so we could get angry and actually show it.

    Sorry if I got a bit off topic. Anyways, you're not the only one who smiles at sick things. The best advice I can offer is to just find people who understand you.

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  • ToxicCrayons

    I do the same...

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  • dalmationUntoyourSoul

    yeah, i laugh inappropriately. and laugh when i get the shit knocked out of me and sometimes when i'm hurt pretty badly. and when i cry hard enough it kind of looks like i'm smiling and laughing. i laughed my ass off when i saw titanic on the big screen.

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  • Emma27

    I sometimes do this lol. My body language is all over the place, who says a smile has to always mean you are happy?

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  • Lol i do the same thing. I laugh when i get in a fist fight, i laugh when family dies, i laughed when i got expelled from school, lol im always laughing.

    I love scary movies. I find myself cheering for the bad guy. But im not evil lol ima nice guy also.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I do this too and I've been like this for many years. I always laugh or smile at the wrong times. For instance, If some has hurt themselves or died, I'll laugh/smile. Many years ago, a uncle on my mother's side died and we had to go to his funeral. I was fascinated because death is very interesting and I kept smiling. I didn't mean anything bad about it, but my family was very angry with me and said allot of cruel things to me. When I used to get bullied about my non-hereto sexuality, I would often smile uncontrollably. I couldn't help it and of course it caused more problems. It's somewhat frustrating:(

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  • SaiyanPrince

    I am the same way. I always thought of it as just because I am a happy person it's very difficult to actually bring me down so almost everything seems joyful or humorous.

    I always try to look for the best in every situation so even when people are on their darkest of days I try to make things seem good.

    It's the same way for me in your situation.

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  • wasjusthinkin

    It's kind of funny if you ask me~

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