I stay home nearly 24/7. is this normal?

I don't have anything to do in life except stay home but it's very rare for me to go outside. The only time i go outside are usuaally getting a haircut, seeing a doctor or buying food. My hobbes at home are usually watching TV, reading comics/manga & self-development books, exercising, playing video games and making money via online work. I'm also dating girls on various online socialising websites and hopefully one day I can find a girl of my dreams. My wages for working online goes beyond 1,000 dollars per week which I'm currently happy. Thus, I'm very comfortable staying home.

What do u guys think? Should i go out more?

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63% Normal
Based on 220 votes (138 yes)
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Comments ( 27 )
  • Jok3r

    Normal. but can you please tell me how do you make 1000 dollars per week? i wanna know too please tell me :D.

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    • Algum

      I agree. I love staying at home, and I live alone, and it's great. But I keep reading people's comments on this site and several other sites on the topic and read comments on people who say how they almost never go out and they feel the same, but my question is how do so many people afford it without having to work? How is their rent paid without having to worry about eviction? I'd love to know because I've been exploring ways, I've not been able to qualify for disability. I have health problems, high blood pressure and agoriphobia and social anxieties just like these other people posting comments, but they're not considered serious enough to qualify for any kind of benifits like disability. I lost my job but wouldn't let me get unemployment. How are these other people getting so lucky and being able to not have to go to work and still keep a steady comfortable home? I know not all these people are retired because I read a couple people posting these comments were in their 30s and 40s. I'm in my 40s and I've shared my disabilities.

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  • DBess

    Dude, only do what you want to do. Whatever the hell feels good and makes you happy.
    I'm fairly similar at this point in my life. All I do is study, eat, surf the net and watch movies. But I go through stages, in fact I'll probably get tired of being comfortable again, sell all my shit and go traveling. It's just what I do.
    To some people comfort is great, they have everything they need and are happy to coast along just doing their thing. Nothing wrong with that. Just remember that being too comfortable can also hold you back from doing truly amazing things.
    All I'm saying is that if doing what you're doing satisfies you, then keep doing it :)

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  • Avo77

    Your my idol, you sound like your set for life I want to give you a high five right on buddy don't change!

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  • chuy


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  • Robhughes78

    People like you who don't make a billion friends are usually the same ones who value the friends they do have more than others. They also are often times repulsed by the multitude of slick talkers that make friends easily but don't value their friendships. If you are actually an introvert many people will ignorantly think you are selfish for not being social. That is usually the furthest thing from the truth. Social interaction simply drains you so you choose your friends more carefully, but once you befriend them then you are a true friend indeed.

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  • Robhughes78

    If you notice many times the people willing to hang out with people and "have fun" are often times no where to be found if you ever need something big. Especially if it is a major inconvenience to them. On the flip side there are many people who don't enjoy socializing that will still do absolutely anything for the few people they do make friends with.

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  • Robhughes78

    I agree with what a previous poster said. As long as you are doing worthwhile things (not just video games) then there is nothing wrong with your lifestyle. 95% of the "social people" do not fill their days with anything but garbage (TV shows and sports, shopping, and partying. If you sit in a public place and listen to most peoples conversations they are about nothing enriching or intelligent whatsoever. Why should you feel guilty about not being a part of a society that superficial? All you need are one maybe two quality friends that you can depend on. Or even just a quality girlfriend or wife.

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  • Robhughes78

    Many times people who are deep thinkers and that are fascinated by human behavior notice a lot of people who are magnificent socializers are also many times narcissists. When someone who truly values any relationship they choose to form notices so many people like this it can often turn them off towards society in general. Thus making them a lot less concerned with being a part of it.

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  • Robhughes78

    Some people are simply energized by socializing. Many extroverts socialize because it makes them feel happy and NOT because they care about people. They get their batteries charged by talking or finding out about the latest gossip or new deals. Everyone on earth has seen someone who was a slicked tongue socializer capable of making quick friends, but once you get to know them you realize they are only into theirself.

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  • Robhughes78

    Yes it is normal not to want to go out. Why? Because most of the people you interact with daily are just looking to benefit theirself. If you research behavior you will find out that many times the people who are the "social butterflies" are some of the most selfish people you will ever meet. Look it up for yourself

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  • wheresthetrigger

    Dude im exactly the same exept i dont have job! You should feel better!

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  • theaverageatheist

    my grandpa was abit like that, he wasn't happy in the end.

    take a walk, go to a cafè in the mornings, socialise with the neigbours.
    start a blog\vblog.
    since you work on line travel, go on hollyday.

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  • sweetgirl21

    you need to go out more....get some fresh air. lol

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  • niriweary

    I met someone on a dating site and he's in the same situation. I actually wondered if you were him until I read that you live in Australia. Point is, I was concerned that he is a recluse, which it sounds like you are. Go out, enjoy being around real people in the flesh, and stop wasting your life behind a computer. What's the point in making 1k a week if you don't go out and enjoy life? The girl of your dreams isn't going to come join you in your cave. She's outside.

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  • TheJackel

    We humans are social beings. Not Facebook social either. I mean it's actually good to get face to face interaction more often than not. Invest some time in just meeting people face to face. Take a train ride and talk to the guy next to you or something in my opinion. Just for the sake of keeping your social interactions developed.

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    go out more and enjoy the sunshine once in a while

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  • carelessbitch

    You wont find the girl of your dreams if you date online! Become a member of a sports club in sted of exercising @home. Go out with friends. Take long walks in the weekend!

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  • BOYracer88

    go and get a real job, learn how it feels to EARN money instead of web-wanking all day. without a computor, you are nobody.
    by the way, you must have some pail skin

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  • brian987987

    its normal but people should go outside more often.

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  • Stay home.... you have everything you need...well from time to time you can bring some slut home you know... for some extra fun.

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  • gaelicwolf

    If you're going to keep to yourself so much, you should find a creative outlet. And I mean a -real- creative outlet, where you produce something, not a sedentary activity like video games. Many creative geniuses, like writers and artists, were rarely seen in public, but what they created was of great value.

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  • hotchickie81

    You probably should be getting out a little more... don't think it's healthy to stay inside so long.

    However, I am rather intrigued about you making $1000 per week ONLINE! Is it something I could do too?? That would save me thousands on travel and gas... and everything in general! Plus most jobs around here only pay like $400 a week, if you're lucky. Arg. So please tell me more! Thanks :)

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    • lovefinder

      Hello Hotchickie81.
      Yes it is a very easy thing to do. All you have to do is be motivated and have the determination to work online and have a very good knowledge based in association with internet marketing and e-commerce. This is what I do to qualify for 1k money per week and
      -For example, i would create a website that requires premimum membership of $15 per month to download movies/anime/manga at high speeds and thus I will have to get people to know about my webste. Image I have over 3000 payed subscribers. Speculation: $10 x 3000 = $30,000 dollars. I also have to maintain the website bandwidth and all that, but i still make a lot of profit at the end of the day.
      -Or you can create a very popular website and lots of people will visit in it. If lots of people manually/automatically opens the ad, you can earn up to 50 cents per click. 400 clicks per day can earn you over $150 a day!!
      -I do heaps of affiliating marketing via blogs and my own websites. I do make a lot of money out of it. Also I can get paid to write reviews about movies and books online.
      -I also do paid to click and survey websites, and I can make thousands of dollars per month due to lots of referalls that i have entailed and invested in.
      -Watch the Foreign Exchange Market. I live in Australia, so if the US dollar goes down for example, i tend to invest it in and wait for the USD to appreciate. I make a lot of profit out of it as well.
      -I've also provide online coaching and sell ebooks online, so I get some dividends out of that too.

      In essence, i make a lot of money by the end of the month. $1000 per week seems to be normal for me, you have to work really hard, just like your day job.

      Thank you for your awesome and inspiriting comment. I've always wanted to be a genius or someone great who contributed and revolutionised the entire world. Hopefully one day I can do it, but I have to change a lot about myself first before I can do that.

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  • Desserteagle94

    well try being like jim carrey in Yes man ! im not kidding but try participating in stuff,normal stuff that you see in your daily life...and try getting some outgoing friends so they could make you get out with them.

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  • Treyy


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    • theaverageatheist

      how?.. how does that mean he is sexualy atracted to men?

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