I still play yu gi oh, normal?
I don't know, I'm a senior in highschool and I still play Yugioh but enjoy it, it is it time to call it quits now that schools over or is this normal?
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I don't know, I'm a senior in highschool and I still play Yugioh but enjoy it, it is it time to call it quits now that schools over or is this normal?
yu-gi-oh isn't a kids game anymore, a lot of the cards from the more recent series have a lot of writing and complex conditions for effects to be carried out, do you think a kid is going to understand "Activate only during the Battle Phase. Select 1 Equip Card equipped to a face-up Attack Position monster you control, and select 1 face-up Attack Position monster your opponent controls. Equip that monster with the selected Equip Card. Then, conduct battle between your previously equipped monster and the selected monster (other effects cannot be activated during this battle)."??!!!??!! And that's not even a joke, that's the instruction on a real trap card, on ONE FRICKIN CARD!! seriously WTF did they make cards like this, even i get confused when they load 5000 instructions onto one card!!!
but yeah, i still play yu-gi-oh, and even when i become an old man, i wont be into chess, or bingo, or repeating the same story from my youth about how i got a girl, for me, it will always be time.. to d-d-d-d-d-duel!!!
(i just have to mention that i hate yugioh 5ds, 5ds is the worst thing to happen since i found out not all xbox games were compatable with xbox360)
"I've finally found out what the 'D' stands for in Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds! Don't watch it!"
You stole that from Yugioh Abridged. It is a funny show and my fiance and I enjoy it. It seems they took a show even I couldn't stand and changed the words to make it incredibly funny. Just don't watch the first few episodes first, I would start with around episode 22, watch a few around there and than watch it from the start.
Pretty much the same here
im 19 and play it online
hopefully its normal :)
Nah its normal, kids in my highschool do it. It just makes you a "loser" or "geek" in other people views of you, but fuk them do what you like.
The cards are pretty cool, but the show has been sucking hard in the past few years. Pretty normal, it seems profitable if you go to tournaments and stuff if you are good.
Nah yu-gi-oh is kinda kiddish. Magic the Gathering is slightly less-far more popular among older crowds and more complicated. Also the national intellectul society has it in their top 10 games list. Most people I know who played quit Yu-Gi-Oh for it.